Overview: REHACARE 2018

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Gait training with the robot – Interview with sportho GmbH at REHACARE 2018


After a stroke or when having Parkinson's, everyday tasks can become challenging. If new movements have to be learned or the muscles slowly harden, gait training can help. Which role robots can play, the sportho company explains to us at REHACARE 2018!
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Good on foot with the e-rollator – Interview with eMovements at REHACARE 2018


If there are bicycles with electric drive, why can't there also be electric rollators? The young company eMovements have asked themselves exactly this question. The answer? A new rollator which, thanks to its electric drive, makes it easier to overcome everyday hurdles. We will learn more at REHACARE 2018!
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Autoadapt: Automobility made in Sweden


Many people cannot live without their car. An own car is even more important for people with disability, because it means mobility and independence. We learn more about the design of car modifications at REHACARE 2018 at the stand of Autoadapt AB from Sweden.
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Smart Glasses for smart control – Interview with munevo at REHACARE 2018


Controlling the wheelchair with a single head movement – this is possible thanks to smart glasses. But the munevo product can do much more. At REHACARE 2018, we learn how munevo DRIVE can make the everyday life of people with disabilities easier.
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A sound pillow as an everyday companion – Interview with inmutouch at REHACARE 2018


Music can motivate, cheer you up or calm you down. Here, age, illness or disability play a secondary role. How sensitive impressions can enrich the lives of people with dementia, we learn at the stand of inmutouch at REHACARE 2018.
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