REHACARE Newsletter

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Overview: Older Newsletters

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10/10/2019: The basis for innovation: research and development

Video: Sport for all at the Sports Centre; App can help parents detect early signs of eye disorders in children; Autism: Full-body interaction videogames enhance social skills in children; Patrick Mayer – That's how he rolls; Better treatment for diabetic foot ulcers; Leg amputees feel and use the prosthesis as a real limb; Topic of the Month: The basis for innovation: research and development
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09/05/2019: REHACARE: Where user and exhibitors meet

PRODUCTS & NEWS @REHACARE; Andrea Schütt – That's how she rolls; The easy way to personalized sound; TCOM and osteopathic approach making a difference; Highlight topic: aids for people with sensory disabilities; Augmented reality glasses may help people with low vision; New tool makes web browsing easier for visually impaired; Topic of the Month: Highlights at REHACARE 2019; Exhibitors News
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08/22/2019: Auxiliary aids for your everyday life

Eliza Gawin – That's how she rolls; A miniature stretchable pump for the next generation of soft robots; M-Enabling Forum; Care for people with learning disabilities needs improving; Highlight topic: Work and inclusion; Topic of the Month: inclusive software for people with and without disabilities; Exhibitor News
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08/08/2019: Auxiliary aids for everyday working life

Prosthetics: sensors implanted 4 wireless control of muscle signal transmission; Talent Days unveil future Paralympic stars; Yvonne Ganzhorn – That's how she rolls; School readiness impaired in preschoolers w ADHD; Gestational diabetes: diet & exercise do not reduce risk; ToM: Labor force participation; How & why resistance training is imperative; Can computer use slow age-related memory loss?
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07/25/2019: Smart insoles against gait insecurity

Music develops the spoken language of hearing-impaired; Employees who care 4 their older relatives struggle; Stefanie Hörmann – That's how she rolls; How do dogs predict epileptic seizures?; ToM: New solutions & ideas 2 promote participation; Prevent dementia by preventing stroke; The truth about biases toward people w disabilities; Robotic pancreas transplant offers hope 4 obese patients
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07/11/2019: Self-determined mobility on all roads

Tailor-made prosthetic liners could help more amputees walk again; Sabine Klemens – That's how she rolls; Understanding how tics are suppressed may help some at risk for tic disorders; Topic of the Month: Self-determined mobility on all roads; Meals on Wheels drivers good early warning system for senior's health and safety issues; Phantom sensations: When the sense of touch deceives
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06/27/2019: Digitalized rehabilitation after stroke

We asked: Stroke: Digitalization of rehabilitation with Rewellio; Cinderella Glücklich – That's how she rolls; Bullying gets worse as children with autism get older; Kids with headache after stroke might be at risk for another; Topic of the Month: Self-determination thanks to eating and drinking aids; FREEHAB: Developing wearable devices for rehabilitation
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06/13/2019: Practical, small and handy: Everyday aids

Topic of the Month: Everyday aids; Assistance systems: AI radio for people with dementia; Towards a more stable, efficient prosthetic foot; Paralympics: Daniel Dias takes on Tokyo 2020 manga style; Anja Hebel – That's how she rolls; Texture-modified foods for people with dysphagia; Advancing dementia and its effect on care home relationships; Home exercise program: Reducing of falling in seniors
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05/29/2019: SmAccLab: Developing smart auxiliary means

We asked: SmAccLab: Smart auxiliary means for everyone; Increasing participation in the workplace by speech recognition and eye-tracking technology; A work patch for better nursing home care; Ninia Binias – That's how she rolls; Virtual reality can spot navigation problems in early Alzheimer's disease; Cognitive training game to improve driving skills among the elderly
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05/16/2019: A dog to calm the patients

ToM: Games & eSports: expanding participation opportunities; Sensor-based technologies are promising 2 support independent living; Pregnant women w type 1 diabetes are at risk of giving birth prematurely; Manfred Fischer – That's how he rolls; Patients w diabetes are more likely 2 be readmitted 2 the hospital; Exercise activates memory; Rehabilitation psychologists: #SayTheWord disability
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