Overview: Older reports

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Wheelchair golf – Without handicap to the green


Hills, sand traps, ponds, trees and bushes – a golf court is not only a well-trimmed sports facility, but also full of obstacles. How can people with disabilities master this challenging terrain independently? We have found the answer in the Sport Center at REHACARE 2018.
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Self-determined and empowering: Activists with disabilities


Nothing about us without us – this is the central demand of activists with disabilities. They get involved socially and politically, both on a larger and a smaller scale. And they met this year for a get-together at REHACARE.
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Exhibitor's comments on REHACARE 2018


Diversity is a top priority for us. This year more than 960 international exhibitors are represented in Düsseldorf. Which product highlights they have in their luggage and why they like to be represented at REHACARE, they tell in our video.
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Impressions from REHACARE 2018


More than 900 exhibitors from more than 35 countries will offer an overview of aids and services that make life with disabilities, care needs and old age easier.
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Communication made easier – Thanks to robots named Bibi and Bodo


Speech stimulating and infinitely patient – the humanoid robots Bibi and Bodo help in speech therapy sessions to initiate communication, for example with autistic children.
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On a basket hunt – The fascination of wheelchair basketball


Why wheelchair basketball is one of the most popular Paralympic sports? It is fast, dynamic and inclusive. Why the wheelchair plays a special role in this and why it is not just an aid, we have been explained by Lisa Bergenthal at the NATIONS CUP COLOGNE.
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Prosthetics for everyday life and sports – From the workshop onto the field


Nils Krake is regarded as a great up-and-coming talent in para-athletics. The Greifswald Health Centre provides the 14-year-old with prosthetics that are optimally adapted to his needs, both in everyday life and in sports.
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Therapy helper inRehaRob: Robot-assisted rehabilitation after a stroke


If movement disorders occur after a stroke, extensive rehabilitation is necessary. To ensure that this can also take place without the presence of a physiotherapist, RWTH Aachen University is working on the inRehaRob project. Its subject is a robotic arm that will enable independent training sessions in the future.
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REHACARE 2018: Self-determined living


Welcome to the leading trade fair on "Self-determined living"! Welcome to the REHACARE International in Düsseldorf!
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Using sports to promote inclusion


Whether in classic club sports or leisure sports, which become a lifestyle – sport offers for people with and without disabilities are becoming more and more diverse: Sports associations, for example, are increasingly ensuring that trainers are properly educated and the necessary structures are created. And wheelchair skating (WCMX) ensures fast-paced recreational fun in the halfpipe.
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