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Photo: Hand holding microphone; Copyright: panthermedia.net/labrador

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Overview: We asked ...

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Photo: Screenshot from the Bravo Twist product video. An older man sits in front of a plate and holds the Bravo Twist in his hand ; Copyright: Pro Walk GmbH

Adaptive eating utensils with a Twist: How Bravo Twist by ProWalk outsmarts Parkinson’s tremors


We all know that food intake is essential for the survival of every living organism. Yet for humans, food can also be a great source of pleasure or even love. At any rate, it is an important part of our social life. But what happens if our own body throws a monkey wrench into our food intake by having a stroke or neurological disorder?
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Photo: Johanna Korte and Eileen Witte; Copyright: Stefanie Freudenreich

Career launch made easy: customized support services for people with disabilities


Problems transitioning into the workforce? Adolescents with disabilities can get support from the North Rhine-Westphalian KAoA-STAR program. REHACARE.com sat down with the program coordinators of LVR (regional authority Rheinland) and LWL (regional authority Westfalen-Lippe), Eileen Witte and Johanna Korte, and asked about the program and the types of services it provides.
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Photo: The iEAT Light Grip eating aid; Copyright: Assistive Innovations bv

"Assistive devices help to actively join the meal"


There are various different kinds of auxiliary means at REHACARE. And the drinking and eating aids are definitely among the popular ones. With its assistive devices the company Assistive Innovations bv from the Netherlands wants to help people with different disabilities to become more independent with eating. CEO Arthur Blom tells REHACARE.com more about classic and new products.
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Photo: Sensory insole by novapace lying in front of a tablet on a table; Copyright: novapace

Parkinson's disease: Greater gait stability thanks to smart insoles


Gentle vibrations delivered to feet alert users to dangerous situations as they walk and prompt a more normalized gait pattern. That’s the concept behind the sensory orthotic insoles by novapace. In this interview, Simon Staffa, project manager at novapace, explains how this technology can help people with Parkinson's disease and describes the opportunities digitization brings to rehabilitation.
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