REHACARE Newsletter

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Overview: Older Newsletters

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02/22/2018: Loud, louder, live music

Julia Andres - That's how she rolls; Topic of the Month: SELFMADE: Making your own 3D printed assistive devices; Balance exercises may help people with multiple sclerosis; Diabetes management improved in high-risk population through community program; We asked FullAccess; What factors make 'age-friendly environments' effective?
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02/08/2018: 3D printing makes it possible

New care working model: Improved home care services and reduced workload; Topic of the Month: Auxiliary means out of the 3D printer; Bionic reconstruction – restoration at the psychological interface; Brain-scan guided emergency stroke treatment can save more lives; Emma Purcell – That's how she rolls; Some nursing homes gaming the system to improve their star ratings
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01/25/2018: Self-guided museum visits for visually impaired people

We asked; New app motivates type 2 diabetes patients; Blind football takes off; ToM; Genetic discovery may help to identify children risk for type 1 diabetes; Being bilingual may help autistic children; Laura Chrobok - That's how she rolls; Nursing homes should require flu shots; Spider's web inspires removable implant; Girl's social camouflage skills may delay/prevent autism diagnosis
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01/11/2018: Playfully accessible in rehabilitation and leisure time

Topic of the Month; Deep brain stimulation linked 2 longer survival; Doctor re-examines evidence on UTIs in patients w spinal cord injury; Michael Mohr – That's how he rolls; Para & able-bodied badminton Worlds to be held jointly; Intelligent wheelchairs, predictive prostheses; Ending social isolation could lower diabetes risk; High-intensity exercise delays Parkinson's progression
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