Photo Gallery: The visitors of REHACARE 2015

Without visitors, the fairgrounds would seem deserted. That is why we mingled with them and asked some of them why they visit REHACARE and what they like most.

Photo: Birgit Hübner; Copyright: beta-web/Schmitz
Birgit Hübner is rehabilitation consultant at the Employment Agency Solingen/Wuppertal. The trustwoman for the severely disabled is attending REHACARE for the third time now to obtain information about possible aids for her colleagues in the fields of hearing, vision and ergonomics. She also finds the issue of inclusion very interesting. Through her work she has a lot of contact with the LVR and has participated in a seminar on "Mental stress in the workplace" at REHACARE. "Every year there are several interesting new impressions at REHACARE."
Photo: Carolin Meinsen; Copyright: beta-web/Schmitz
Carolin Meinsen from Minden visits REHACARE for the first time together with her friend Katja Schmidt and her assistance dog. She has particularly looked at stairlifts in order to improve her living environment. We met her at the booth for assistance dogs. "I am also interested in potential therapies. I particularly enjoyed an electronic adaptation for wheelchairs, with which one can travel faster and without effort. REHACARE is interesting and the staff is very helpful."
Photo: Markus Branitzki; Copyright: beta-web/Schmitz
Markus Branitzki from Tangermünde was very surprised that there is such a large market in the field of rehabilitation. He attends REHACARE in his function as Group Representative for Employees with Disabilities at WSA Magdeburg. "I'm looking for inspirations for our employees about what options are available to apply for funding and for aids. It fascinates me what people can do even in a wheelchair, I particularly liked the skate park." REHACARE in four words? Interesting things for everyone!
Photo: Anjana Halt and Bianca Sabott; Copyright: beta-web/Schmitz
Anjana Halt and Bianca Sabott from Lake Constance are making their study for their education in ergotherapy to REHACARE. "We really would like to see everything," enthuse the two. "We are particularly interested in aids, therapies and assistance dogs. What was great was that we were able to try out prostheses at one booth. REHACARE really provides a lot of interesting things!"
Photo: Monika and Ottfrid Hillmann; Copyright: beta-web/Schmitz
Monika and Ottfrid Hillmann are both here for professional reasons. Ottfrid Hillmann leads a self-help group on psoriasis and is looking for aids for the bathroom and kitchen as well as walker frames. "If the psoriasis becomes arthritic, these aids are needed," says Mr. Hillmann. His wife Monika works for the youth welfare office and informs herself about playing materials for children with limitations. "The skate park here at REHACARE should serve as a model for the new skate park in Düsseldorf. That would be great," she says. The special thing about REHACARE? The interaction between disabled and non-disabled people. Nobody stands out here.
Photo: Vincent Siewert with parents; Copyright: beta-web/Schmitz
Vincent Siewerts parents come to REHACARE since their son was born. "We inform ourselves about the latest aids every year. It is important to inform yourself in advance so that you will be advised at eye level when buying later," recommends Mr. Siewert. Mrs. Siewert is thinking about buying a powered wheelchair for her son in the near future. "REHACARE is multi-faceted, international and innovative," say the Siewerts. "There is a good mix of small and large providers."
Photo: Jong Bae Kim; Copyright: beta-web/Schmitz
Jong Bae Kim is a scientist in the research field at the School of Health Science in South Korea. He is at REHACARE to get to know technologies from other countries and companies. It is fhis third time at REHACARE this year and he is especially impressed by different robots, such as a robot arm.
Photo: Carlos Perea; Copyright: beta-web/Schmitz
Carlos Perea has his own company in Spain. He is on the lookout for new products and collaborations with other companies to develop new products in the field of mobility. He describes REHACARE with the words meet, cooperation, friendly.
Photo: Vera, Katharina, Guido and Hannah; Copyright: beta-web/Schmitz
Four ergotherapists in training: Vera, Katharina, Guido and Hannah from Düren visit REHACARE for the second time. Their focus are aids because they all currently are in various internships. "We are particularly interested in the fields of neurology and geriatrics," says Hannah. "There's always plenty of new developments. We tried out a completely new wheelchair and laid in a bed for dementia patients. That was very exciting."
Photo: Frau Meyer and her husband; Copyright: beta-web/Schmitz
Mrs. Meier has come to REHACARE well prepared, because "otherwise we would need three days to see everything." She comes to the trade fair every year from Haan to see the latest new developments, to get ideas and above all to inform herself early on. "I was particularly impressed by a car, into which you can drive with the complete wheelchair." REHACARE is informative and extensive, there are many things to see at the fairground, thinks Mrs. Meyer. "What impresses me again and again is that there are so many people who do not bury their heads in the sand despite of their disability."