Photo: Several houseboats next to each other at the jetty; Copyright: BunBo – Das BungalowBoot

BunBo: Accessible travel by houseboat


Peacefully floating along and clearing your mind of stress – a houseboat vacation makes it possible. But is accessible travel really an option in such a tiny space? Absolutely. Bungalow-style boats – abbreviated BunBo – make this dream come true. Depending on their size and equipment, they can accommodate four to six people and make for a unique vacation on the water.
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Photo: Director talks to two young women who are involved in the film

Inclusive education: "Children of Utopia" creates new perspectives


The debate about inclusive education is stalling and generally doesn’t even let those who are most affected have their say: students both with and without disabilities. The German movie "Children of Utopia" ("Die Kinder der Utopie") wants to change all that. That's why it will be screened in several movie theaters on May 15 as part of a nationwide campaign event – followed by panel discussions.
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Photo: Two doctors standing in front of a virtual screen depicting human organs; Copyright:

Digitization and the new opportunities it brings to the healthcare sector


Is it already too late for the digitization of healthcare? How does Germany compare to other countries in this setting? What opportunities and threats does big data involve? And why could uniform digital patient care lead to unimagined success, especially when it comes to the rehabilitation sector?
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Photo: A human resources manager talks to a talent on Match Day; Copyright: myAbility/Stefan Ebersberger

"The DisAbility Talent Program connects employers and prospective employees with disabilities"


Professional success with a disability or chronic illness – the DisAbility Talent Program aims to also support respective German students and new graduates in the near future. How is it planning to do that? asked Daniel Schörghofer, who has been in charge of the program in Austria for several years as a DisAbility talent manager at myAbility Social Enterprise GmbH.
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Photo: Stefanie Trzecinski; Copyright: Johannes Franke

"At the TUECHTIG coworking space, people with and without disabilities are working together – and not just next to each other"


Maximum flexibility to encourage ideas, effectively sharing office space: coworking spaces have become a part of many major cities. In 2017, Berlin featured about one hundred of them, but none of them were comprehensively accessible. That’s something Stefanie Trzecinski from KOPF, HAND + FUSS gGmbH wanted to change. That was the moment, the idea for "TUECHTIG – Raum für Inklusion" was born.
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Photo: Cinderella and Niels of HelpCamps; Copyright: HelpCamps

HelpCamps: "Making assistive technology faster, more affordable and personalized"


In accordance with the slogan "Nothing about us without us", the HelpCamps project aims at developing and implementing concepts and ideas together. To make this a reality, people with disabilities, companies from the assistive technology, care and assistance sectors, as well as stakeholders in the so-called maker movement and researchers, are brought together to network during various events.
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Photo: Employees of the Arbitration Body: Anne Katrin Lutz, Dr. Rica Werner, Antje Halamoda and Sabine Tekir; Copyright: Die Hoffotografen GmbH

"The BGG Arbitration Body is a solid tool to file for rights violation complaint at no charge"


The Federal Act on the Equalization of Disabled Persons (Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz), BGG, intends to ensure that people with disabilities don’t face discrimination. In December 2016, the BGG arbitration body was created. checked with Anne Katrin Lutz and Dr. Rica Werner who can contact the staff in Berlin given applicable circumstances.
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Photo: Click-sonar coach Juan Ruiz while training with a kid; Copyright: Anderes Sehen e.V.,

"Long cane for children is a 'facilitator'– the chance to independently accomplish something"


The long cane offers the possibility to be independent and effectively mobile as a person with visual impairment. Children in particular could get used to him in a playful way. The association "Anderes sehen e.V." has co-developed the children's long cane. spoke to Ellen Schweizer, the founder of the association, about the fact that inclusion is not a burden, but can bring joy.
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Photo: Cheering soccer fans at the stadium; Copyright:

Blind soccer fans are on the ball for 90 minutes thanks to match reporting


For nearly 20 years, the "Fanclub Sehhunde; Fußball-Fanclub für Blinde und Sehbehinderte e.V." promotes match reporting for the blind to ensure that its members fully experience a stadium visit. spoke with deputy chairperson Nina Schweppe about the match reporting for the blind and the obstacles that still need to be overcome before full inclusion in stadiums becomes a reality.
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Photo: the team of Capjob: Asal-Rothenburger-Huening; Copyright: Felix Huening/Capjob

Capjob: "People with severe disabilities assist job seekers with severe disabilities"


Modern and user-friendly: job seekers are able to indicate their type of disability on the employment portal and search for jobs that are right for them. spoke with founder Felix Hüning about the unique features of Capjob and why virtually all parties could benefit from an inclusive employment landscape.
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Photo: Patrick Dohmen in the LernLaden; Copyright: WDR/EUKOBA

Accessibility: "We need a shift in awareness in the retail sector"


Shopping with a disability is no easy feat: almost every store is not accessible. But what does accessibility in retail actually mean? spoke with Patrick Dohmen of the EUKOBA Association about the idea behind the LernLaden (English: Learning Store) and the awareness and sensitization project for retailers, employees and apprentices.
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Photo: Dagmar Marth

"The patient’s needs determine the conversation in peer counseling"


Article 26 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities asks for the support of persons with disabilities in the form of so-called peers, who are in the same situation. The concept of peer counseling is therefore increasingly being implemented. Educational researcher Dagmar Marth has counseled persons with amputations both in a voluntary and professional capacity for nine years.
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