Overview: Older We asked interviews

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Photo: Click-sonar coach Juan Ruiz while training with a kid; Copyright: Anderes Sehen e.V., www.anderes-sehen.de

"Long cane for children is a 'facilitator'– the chance to independently accomplish something"


The long cane offers the possibility to be independent and effectively mobile as a person with visual impairment. Children in particular could get used to him in a playful way. The association "Anderes sehen e.V." has co-developed the children's long cane. REHACARE.com spoke to Ellen Schweizer, the founder of the association, about the fact that inclusion is not a burden, but can bring joy.
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Photo: Cheering soccer fans at the stadium; Copyright: panthermedia.net/mikdam

Blind soccer fans are on the ball for 90 minutes thanks to match reporting


For nearly 20 years, the "Fanclub Sehhunde; Fußball-Fanclub für Blinde und Sehbehinderte e.V." promotes match reporting for the blind to ensure that its members fully experience a stadium visit. REHACARE.com spoke with deputy chairperson Nina Schweppe about the match reporting for the blind and the obstacles that still need to be overcome before full inclusion in stadiums becomes a reality.
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Photo: the team of Capjob: Asal-Rothenburger-Huening; Copyright: Felix Huening/Capjob

Capjob: "People with severe disabilities assist job seekers with severe disabilities"


Modern and user-friendly: job seekers are able to indicate their type of disability on the Capjob.de employment portal and search for jobs that are right for them. REHACARE.com spoke with founder Felix Hüning about the unique features of Capjob and why virtually all parties could benefit from an inclusive employment landscape.
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Photo: Florian Adler; Copyright: Tim de Gruisbourne

"Inclusive communication design is both accessible and attractive"


For many, recognizing and understanding characters is an important prerequisite to social participation. Inclusive communication design helps people with visual impairments to accomplish this. REHACARE.com spoke with designer and expert of the German Association for Blind and Visually Impaired People, Florian Adler. He has developed a digital guide to inclusive communication design.
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Photo: Sandra Glöckler; Copyright: Rolli auf Trab

"Horse riding is a sport people with and without impairments are able to experience together on equal footing"


More self-confidence and independence – things you can learn from horse riding for example. People with disabilities can take this important step with "Rolli auf Trab" (English: Trotting with Wheelchairs). REHACARE.com spoke with Sandra Glöckler of "Rolli auf Trab" about the lust for life that horse riding inspires and the interaction and experiences with the animals.
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Photo: Hauke Hückstädt; Copyright: Bookster Frankfurt Stephan Jockel

"Hardly any texts by famous authors are specifically written in Simple Language"


Literature should be accessible to all – including people who depend on texts written in Simple English. A project in Frankfurt, Germany, now wants to make this possible. REHACARE.com spoke with Hauke Hückstädt, the director of the Literaturhaus Frankfurt about the "Frankfurt, deine Geschichte. Literatur in Einfacher Sprache" project.
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Photo: Mischa Gohlke plays the e-guitar on stage; Copyright: Stephan Olbrich

Music and hearing impairment: "Music is an universal language that doesn’t need words"


Music breaks down boundaries – that’s something the Association "Grenzen sind relativ e.V. - Kultur, Gesellschaft und Inklusion" clearly shows. Initiator and project manager Mischa Gohlke is a professional musician, who has been hearing impaired and nearly deaf since birth. He wants our society to get excited about a holistic approach to inclusion with the help of music.
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Photo: Hands on a book printed in Braille; Copyright: panthermedia.net/belchonock

Books for the blind: "IT corporations lead the way. They consider accessibility a selling point"


A wizarding student who triumphs over evil. A girl who meets the love of her life. Literature has many facets and captivates us with wonderful stories day in and day out. Yet not everyone has access to these texts because accessible books for blind or visually impaired people are few and far between.
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Photo: Sema Gedik at work; Copyright: Valerie Diedenhoff

Fashion: At eye level with little people


Every little person should be able to buy beautiful clothes yet there are still no fashionable items available in standard sizes. That’s something Sema Gedik wants to change – with her project titled "Auf Augenhöhe" (English: At Eye Level). REHACARE.com talked with the designer about her inspiration, her goals and the obstacles she had to overcome.
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Photo: Patrick Dohmen in the LernLaden; Copyright: WDR/EUKOBA

Accessibility: "We need a shift in awareness in the retail sector"


Shopping with a disability is no easy feat: almost every store is not accessible. But what does accessibility in retail actually mean? REHACARE.com spoke with Patrick Dohmen of the EUKOBA Association about the idea behind the LernLaden (English: Learning Store) and the awareness and sensitization project for retailers, employees and apprentices.
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