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Photo: Man and woman communicating in sign language; Copyright: PantherMedia/Andriy Popov

Sign language translator app to bridge the gap between deaf and hearing


Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), Lithuania students created a mobile app that allows translating sign language characters. The app is also an alternative way of text typing.
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Photo: Wheelchair user Verena Barwitz with Holger Dieterich and Matthias Heil at the re:publica 2018; Copyright: Andi Weiland |

Daimler’s WheelPilot app finds accessible destinations


Navigation systems are not a new invention. But what if an app for accessible destinations could be connected straight to your vehicle, thus making mobility easier for people with disabilities? The creative, innovative minds of Daimler AG’s Lab1886 challenged themselves to make it reality. That marked the birth of WheelPilot.
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Photo: Georg Teufl during rehabilitation process with a stroke patient using virtual reality glasses; Copyright: Rewellio GmbH

Stroke: Digitalization of rehabilitation with Rewellio


Mobile devices like tablets can help people with rehabilitation after a stroke – like with an app or virtual reality. Rewellio starts right here and wants to make therapy easier both for the patients and the physiotherapists. talked to Georg Teufl, founder and CEO of Rewellio GmbH, about the advantages of his product and digitalization in general.
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Graphic: Screenshot of the fuelService app, which shows two figures at a gas station; Copyright: fuelService

fuelService app helps drivers with disabilities to refuel their car


Your car ran out of petrol and you need support refuelling it? The new app fuelService is about to help you find a petrol station where you get the help you need. The app is for free and globally available. App founder Niall El-Assaad told how it works.
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Photo: Simon Janatzek talks about accessible smartphones

If you buy them, some smartphones are already accessible


A quick check on your smartphone to see when the next bus leaves or letting your friend know via WhatsApp that you are running late: those are mundane situations for many people. Yet how accessible are smartphones actually for visually impaired and blind people? spoke with Simon Janatzek. He is visually impaired and tells us which apps are helpful in everyday life.
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