Photo: Prof. Dr. Claudia Voelcker-Rehage with volunteer in the GRAIL lab; Copyright: TU Chemnitz/Jacob Müller

Virtual and diverse: Digitization of rehabilitation and physiotherapy


From walking canes with built-in GPS sensor and SOS emergency call function to robot-assisted therapy sessions to virtual reality applications – digitization is making its way into the rehabilitation sector. We have reviewed the role this topic already played at REHACARE 2018 and highlighted some of the research projects that currently focus on this subject.
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Photo: Michel Arriens on his scooter in Berlin; Copyright: Anna Spindelndreier

Michel Arriens – That's how he rolls


Diversity is an enrichment. It is his parents Michel Arriens owes this attitude to. On he tells us why he would like to have a time machine to get politics 2.0 rolling and why he believes that his romantic idea could fail because of relativity. And he also tells all visitors at REHACARE how he became an activist – on Friday 28 September.
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Photo: Katja Alekseev with cotton candy; Copyright: private

Katja Alekseev – That's how she rolls


Her blog is actually a kind of diary, but – according to Katja Alekseev – it should encourage other women to stand up for their wishes. Currently, the 29-year-old is fully occupied with her studies, her blog and her work for DIE PARTEI. What she would do if she had more time and why air travel is not for her, she tells us on
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Photo: Laura Gehlhaar; Copyright: Schall&Schnabel

Laura Gehlhaar – That's how she rolls


Laura Gehlhaar has no heart for blue carpets! And she makes noises when she moves over to the toilet – at least that's what her boyfriend claims. But the author and activist can laugh about it. What she can't laugh about and how the processing status of her dream trip is, she tells us at
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Photo: The Munevo team; Copyright: Munevo GmbH

"Smart technology opportunities can make it easier to live a self-determined life"


Controlling an electric wheelchair by using smart glasses? Smart glasses like munevo Drive make this a reality. Visitors have a chance to check them out in person at this year’s REHACARE trade fair. Konstantin Madaus from the startup company Munevo looks back on the previous trade show presence and invites everyone to join him at his company’s booth again this year.
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Photo: Raul Krauthausen; Copyright: Andi Weiland | Sozialhelden e.V.

Raul Krauthausen – That's how he rolls


If you travel a lot for work, you don't necessarily feel like travelling in your free time. In this respect it is understandable that Raul Krauthausen has not yet realized his trip around the world. What made Germany's most well-known inclusion activists laugh on Twitter lately and to which serious questions he would like to have an answer, he tells us at
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Photo: Anne Gersdorff; Copyright: Andi Weiland |

Anne Gersdorff – That's how she rolls


Inclusion and work are her topics – the activist Anne Gersdorff studied social work and works as an integration consultant. She doesn't take herself so seriously and would like to take one or two time travels. To whom she owes her humanistic image of man, what she would like to change politically and where her dream journey should go to, she tells on
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Photo: Christian Bayerlein; Copyright: Björn Lubetzki

Christian Bayerlein – That's how he rolls


Revolutionaries and free spirits are among his role models – no wonder then that Christian Bayerlein also likes to address unpleasant topics. Who would like to experience him live, has the opportunity at this years REHACARE forum on Friday. On he tells what his first official act as Federal Commissioner for the Disabled would be and what he would like to be part of.
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Photo: Speaker at the conference during the M-Enabling Summit 2017 in Washington; Copyright: M-Enabling Summit

M-Enabling Forum: "The best assistive technologies cannot be useful if our digital environment is not accessible"


Self-determined living needs accessibility. This does not only apply to step-free entrance for wheelchair users, but also for the digital environment. For example, when blind people surf the internet with a screen reader, they need web sites that are accessible. But reality often looks different. Reason enough for the M-Enabling Forum to focus on this topic at this year's REHACARE.
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