Overview: Older reports

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Exhibitors at REHACARE 2016


From all over the world companies come to REHACARE to show their newest products and services. We have asked the exhibitors what they especially value at the trade fair.
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Vibes and voices from REHACARE 2016


REHACARE is the Number One Trade Fair for rehabilitation, prevention, inclusion and care. But not only the fair itself is colorful and diverse - the visitors are, too. We ask some of them what they especially like in the halls.
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Camping vans: Traveling without barriers


Traveling in a completely self-determined and mobile way is what many people with disabilities would like to do. Who wants to have total mobility, can think about a camping van – of course customized and accessible.
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Auxiliary means for children - individual and colorful


It doesn't matter if in Spiderman optics or as a princess – being colorful is important. Aids such as a handbike or a table pad are made specifically according to the needs of each child. We took a closer look at all this at REHACARE.
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Hand in hand – Family caregivers and nursing services provide in-home care


Familiar environment, known faces - your own four walls and the direct environment play an important role, also in old age. Therefore, many people in need of care want to live at home as long as possible. REHACARE.com spoke to Heike Senge from the Nursing Academy Lower Rhine about home care and the expert forum at REHACARE 2016.
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Sitting volleyball players train for the 2016 Paralympics


Form 7th until 18th of September over 4000 athletics fight for the bronze, silver and gold medals in Rio de Janeiro at the Paralympics. The German sitting volleyball team is also in Brazil and has trained very hard in advance. REHACARE.com had a look over their shoulder while training.
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Mobility – accessible travel with public transportation


Until 2022, German public transportation has to be completely accessible for people with learning disabilities. This is what the Public Transport Act (Personenbeförderungsgesetz) intends. Therefore, German experts are developing an easy-to-use navigation system in the "Being mobile – Living a mobile life" project which will simplify the use of buses and trains.
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REHACARE 2016: Self-determined living


Welcome to the leading trade fair on "Self-determined living"! Welcome to the REHACARE International in Düsseldorf!
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Generation-friendly shopping at akzenta


Everyday shopping experience should be easy to handle and as accessible as possible for all customers. Whether for parents with buggies, people with disabilities or seniors. We had a closer look at a supermarket in Wuppertal, Germany – called akzenta. Here the "employee" is a basic factor for accessibility.
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Things are happening at the theater: DIE ECKIGEN


Twice a week the theater company members of DIE ECKIGEN are rehearsing for their latest play. How creative and chaotic at once this can be? REHACARE.com had a look at their working process right on site.
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