Photo: Male with VR glasses and a virtual screen in front of him; Copyright: PantherMedia/Wavebreakmedia ltd

Virtual reality would make attending therapy easier for stroke survivors


Researchers have created a virtual reality clinic to make it easier for stroke survivors to attend their physical and occupational therapy sessions. Results from a proof-of-concept study suggest that the technology - and the social connection it facilitates - are effective at encouraging therapy participation.
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Photo: User with the VR device on his arm; Copyright: Dr Yu Xinge

Skin-integrated VR device shows great potential for prostheses control


A research team of scientists and engineers from City University of Hong Kong (CityU) and Northwestern University in the United States has developed a skin-integrated virtual reality (VR) system, which can be controlled and powered wirelessly. The innovation has great application potential in communications, prosthetic control and rehabilitation, as well as gaming and entertainment.
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Photo: A wheelchair user takes a closer look at an exoskeleton with a researcher. Researchers evaluate the technical data in the background; Copyright: ETH Zürich/Alessandro Della Bella

ETH plans competence centre for holistic rehabilitation


ETH researchers are planning to partner with clinics, foundations, public authorities and other institutions through a broad-​based initiative aimed at improving the quality of life and participation of people with physical disabilities.
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Photo: Reading devices for visually impaired people at REHACARE 2018 ; Copyright: Messe Düsseldorf/ctillmann

Daily living aids improve quality of life


Whether they are smart and connected or simple and low-tech – the market offers many different types of tools and resources that make everyday tasks easier for people with disabilities. They also increase self-determination and promote participation in all areas of life.
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Photo: Two doctors standing in front of a virtual screen depicting human organs; Copyright:

Digitization and the new opportunities it brings to the healthcare sector


Is it already too late for the digitization of healthcare? How does Germany compare to other countries in this setting? What opportunities and threats does big data involve? And why could uniform digital patient care lead to unimagined success, especially when it comes to the rehabilitation sector?
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Photo: Two trainees in the educational venue (

Lernladen increases future retail employees’ accessibility awareness


What’s it like to shop when you suffer from tremors and have to get coins out of your wallet at the cash register in a hurry? And how much are you still able to see prices when you are dealing with a visual impairment? Many apprentices can only guess what that must be like. At the so-called Lernladen, they get to experience these scenarios first-hand with the help of simulation goggles and gloves.
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Photo: Sema Gedik at work; Copyright: Valerie Diedenhoff

Fashion: At eye level with little people


Every little person should be able to buy beautiful clothes yet there are still no fashionable items available in standard sizes. That’s something Sema Gedik wants to change – with her project titled "Auf Augenhöhe" (English: At Eye Level). talked with the designer about her inspiration, her goals and the obstacles she had to overcome.
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Photo: Nicole Seifert

"Safe mobility starts with the right choice and adaptation of the wheelchair"


Whether it’s a wheelchair or a walker – for people with disabilities, it is crucial to control their own mobility in a competent and safe manner. Yet not everyone truly feels confident in every situation with these assistive devices. That’s why spoke with Nicole Seifert about ways to foster more trust in yourself and others.
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Photo: Dr. Ralf Suhr

"The reasons that lead to violence in care are complex and complicated"


Abuse in care has many different forms and is still a taboo subject. The World Elder Abuse Awareness Day wants to shed a bright light on this issue. This year, the Center for Quality in Care, ZQP, introduced its new featured report titled "Preventing Violence in Care". spoke with ZQP foundation president Dr. Ralf Suhr about seamless transitions and active prevention.
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