Photo: Drawing children in pre-school; Copyright: PantherMedia/OMG Images

Teaching group work to students with autism


Children with autism have an obvious disadvantage in starting and carrying meaningful conversations with their peers. A study with children with Autism Spectrum Disorder showed that through a structured protocol of group work with typical peers these children were able to increase significantly their social interactions.
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Photo: During a demonstration in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin demonstrators hold up posters with the inscription:

Inclusion in Europe – An analysis of the Status Quo


Accessibility, inclusion and participation are just three of the central principles outlined in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD). They give clear directions to all countries that have ratified the UNCRPD. But how well do the individual nations actually fulfill and implement the requirements set forth by the United Nations Convention?
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Photo: Johanna Korte and Eileen Witte; Copyright: Stefanie Freudenreich

Career launch made easy: customized support services for people with disabilities


Problems transitioning into the workforce? Adolescents with disabilities can get support from the North Rhine-Westphalian KAoA-STAR program. sat down with the program coordinators of LVR (regional authority Rheinland) and LWL (regional authority Westfalen-Lippe), Eileen Witte and Johanna Korte, and asked about the program and the types of services it provides.
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Photo: Director talks to two young women who are involved in the film

Inclusive education: "Children of Utopia" creates new perspectives


The debate about inclusive education is stalling and generally doesn’t even let those who are most affected have their say: students both with and without disabilities. The German movie "Children of Utopia" ("Die Kinder der Utopie") wants to change all that. That's why it will be screened in several movie theaters on May 15 as part of a nationwide campaign event – followed by panel discussions.
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Photo: Two trainees in the educational venue (

Lernladen increases future retail employees’ accessibility awareness


What’s it like to shop when you suffer from tremors and have to get coins out of your wallet at the cash register in a hurry? And how much are you still able to see prices when you are dealing with a visual impairment? Many apprentices can only guess what that must be like. At the so-called Lernladen, they get to experience these scenarios first-hand with the help of simulation goggles and gloves.
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Photo: meeting in the PIKSL Lab

"PIKSL focuses on the removal of digital barriers"


Digital transformation does not only cause problems for persons with disabilities. Companies are also facing digital barriers they need to overcome. The PIKSL Lab makes digital inclusion its priority: together, individuals with and without disabilities work on removing digital barriers. In this interview with, Project Manager Tobias Marczinzik explains the PIKSL concept.
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