Photo: Person filling out an application form for employment; Copyright: PantherMedia/Andriy Popov

Inaccessible application forms are a barrier


Inaccessible application forms mean that nearly a third of people with a learning disability found it hard to apply for jobs, according to Mencap’s new survey of 1625 adults with a learning disability in the UK.
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Photo: A man working on a keyboard for the visually impaired; Copyright: Andi Weiland | Boehringer Ingelheim,

It is not only in digital form that the diversity of people must be recognized and taken into account!


Sweden is a pioneer in many things. But the Scandinavian country does not represent Europe. However, there is also no country that can be regarded as a positive overall example in the topic of Inclusion. Susanna Laurin from Funka knows why digital accessibility is a way to participate and why research in the field of disabilities and information and communication technology is so important.
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Photo: Older lady sitting on a chair in front of a screen showing a motorcyclist on the motorway. Other residents cheer her on; Copyright: RetroBrain R&D

MemoreBox by RetroBrain: Where rehabilitation meets fun


Doing something good for your health in a playful and fun way – that sums up the concept of health games. "It does not have to be grueling, boring and dreadful to maintain or regain your health," says Manouchehr Shamsrizi. He co-founded RetroBrain and developed the MemoreBox – an easy-to-use gaming console for aging adults, designed to keep them physically and mentally healthy and fit.
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Photo: Chiara Dickmann und Helen van Ravenstein; Copyright: Tobias Koch |

Leicht. Bewerben.: "Simple Language can break down online barriers and communicate content so everyone can understand"


Writing an informative job application can be hard but it’s crucial if you want to find a job. Especially young people with learning disabilities often struggle with this feat. That’s why the KulturLife non-profit organization has launched the "Leicht. Bewerben" project (English: Applying. Made Simple).
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Photo: Hauke Hückstädt; Copyright: Bookster Frankfurt Stephan Jockel

"Hardly any texts by famous authors are specifically written in Simple Language"


Literature should be accessible to all – including people who depend on texts written in Simple English. A project in Frankfurt, Germany, now wants to make this possible. spoke with Hauke Hückstädt, the director of the Literaturhaus Frankfurt about the "Frankfurt, deine Geschichte. Literatur in Einfacher Sprache" project.
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Photo: Marcus Rohrbach cuts fruits in kitchen, camera records scenes, computer screen in foreground

Will software automatically describe movie plots in the near future?


In order to understand the plot of a movie an audio version is very helpful for visually impaired people. Authors watch the whole movies and describe what happens in each scene. But wouldn’t it be possible for a computer software to do this kind of work? Researchers work on developing a program which automatically generates movie descriptions and reads them out.
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Photo: Anna Hartmann

"Suse" helps abused and battered women and girls with disabilities


Representative studies show: women and girls with disabilities face significantly more violence than women without disabilities. Yet they rarely seek help since their disability often makes access to therespective support systems difficult. The "Suse" Project offers affected persons accessible support services, for instance in the form of Easy English.
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