Photo: The M-Enabling Forum Europe 2019; Copyright: beta-web

European digital inclusion strategies


The 2nd M-Enabling Forum Europe took place on September 19, 2019 at the Congress Center of Messe Düsseldorf during REHACARE. The conference demonstrated the importance of promoting digital inclusion and accessible and assistive technology for persons with disabilities and senior citizens.
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Photo: A poster that says

November 2019: Quo vadis inclusion?


Ten years ago, the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities came into force in Germany. There is still considerable criticism of the current state of its implementation. The hope for a more inclusive society has not yet been fulfilled. But what about the rest of Europe? has set out on a search – for positive developments, but also for obstacles still to be overcome.
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Photo: A kind of Lego robot and a child's hand that has the control for it on its wrist; Copyright: PantherMedia/yacobchuk1

October 2019: Research & development


Basic research, technology development, and the development of a prototype to a marketable product - these are the steps that innovations go through before we can use them. has looked around which promising tools could soon conquer the market for blind people and how a FabLab project tries to implement digital participation for all.
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Photo: Sema Gedik at work; Copyright: Valerie Diedenhoff

Fashion: At eye level with little people


Every little person should be able to buy beautiful clothes yet there are still no fashionable items available in standard sizes. That’s something Sema Gedik wants to change – with her project titled "Auf Augenhöhe" (English: At Eye Level). talked with the designer about her inspiration, her goals and the obstacles she had to overcome.
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Photo: Martin Habacher; Copyright: Andreas Pöschek

Inclusive storyteller: "You can definitely make a difference and change things"


There are some unique and interesting stories about accessibility and disability. Martin Habacher is someone who tells these stories. His goal is to find and then share them with the world on his YouTube channel. spoke with Martin Habacher about his most beautiful story and his motivation to look beyond what he sees.
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Photo: Jann Kessler in a discussion; Copyright: Fünf Seen Film Festival/Pavel Broz

Listening and understanding: Documentary filmmaker portrays seven people with MS


It is called the disease with a thousand faces: multiple sclerosis (MS) manifests itself very differently in different people. Many don’t like to talk about their illness and the subsequent restrictions it entails. spoke with Jann Kessler, the director of the documentary film "Multiple Fates - About the Struggle with One’s Own Body" about his personal connection to MS.
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Photo: Carer holds the hand of a patient; Copyright:

Concept for caregiver workload relief: "Empathy is a fundamental part of being human"


Caregivers encounter many different emotions in their jobs. Patients are in pain, have questions about their own mortality or they pass away. The empathy-based relief concept empCARE was founded to better handle these emotional experiences. With the help of training courses, caregivers are taught to learn how to prevent an empathic emotional overreaction.
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Photo: Marcus Rohrbach cuts fruits in kitchen, camera records scenes, computer screen in foreground

Will software automatically describe movie plots in the near future?


In order to understand the plot of a movie an audio version is very helpful for visually impaired people. Authors watch the whole movies and describe what happens in each scene. But wouldn’t it be possible for a computer software to do this kind of work? Researchers work on developing a program which automatically generates movie descriptions and reads them out.
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Photo: meeting in the PIKSL Lab

"PIKSL focuses on the removal of digital barriers"


Digital transformation does not only cause problems for persons with disabilities. Companies are also facing digital barriers they need to overcome. The PIKSL Lab makes digital inclusion its priority: together, individuals with and without disabilities work on removing digital barriers. In this interview with, Project Manager Tobias Marczinzik explains the PIKSL concept.
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