Accessible travel from booking to dream destination: ship ahoy


Photo: Someone playing with a plane model while the sun sets in the background; Copyright:

What holiday destination you want to go to and how do you want to travel? Meanwhile there is a tourist niche for almost all travel preferences. However, when it comes to accessibility, you should not always rely on the information found online.

Booking preferences – as unique as you

Photo: A woman on her laptop showing a booking page of an airline; Copyright:

Many travelers use online services to book their holidays. These pages are not always accessible. That's why it sometimes takes a little patience and more detailed research before you get where you want to go.

Photo: A cruise ship in front of an island, a palm tree protrudes into the picture; Copyright:

When it comes to accessibility, cruise ships surprisingly offer a great deal of service and comfort. This is why they are also very popular with people with disabilities.

Ship ahoy – cruises are right on trend

Photo: A couple orientates themselves in a unknown city with the help of a smartphone and a street map; Copyright:

Without a smartphone, no one is likely to explore foreign cities today. For blind users Aleksandar Pakusevski recommends apps like Blind Square, Ariadne GPS, Google Trips, Google Maps and Apple Maps.

Accessibility onboard and offshore

Accessibility onboard and offshore

Photo: Anne Hofmann; Copyright: private

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