Games and eSports: expanding participation opportunities


Photo: eSports area at REHACARE 2018; Copyright: Messe Düsseldorf/ctillmann

Soccer has long been played not only on the pitch, but also in living rooms on the consoles of the world.

Esports has become a social movement

Photo: Conventional Xbox controller; Copyright:

In addition to the conventional controller, an Xbox variant for people with disabilities has been available since last year. Microsoft has cooperated with several providers of innovative gaming aids to ensure that as many individual enhancements as possible can be made.

Are eSports real sports?

Photo: Gamer with a headset in front of his home screen; Copyright:

Since there is more scope for people with disabilities in terms of hardware and in-game options, more positive storylines may be the next step towards inclusion.

Accessibility and the ability to include ALL players

Photo: A group of young people playing at the console together; Copyright:

The fact is, eSports or gaming in general has more possibilities to unite players from all over the world – regardless of possible disabilities or barriers. And so this pastime also offers opportunities to make a difference in the real world when it comes to inclusion.

Beneficial positive synergies

Photo: Anne Hofmann; Copyright: private

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