Inclusion in Europe – An analysis of the Status Quo


Photo: During a demonstration in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin demonstrators hold up posters with the inscription: "Participation instead of exclusion"; Copyright: Jörg Farys | Gesellschafts

"Participation instead of exclusion" is an essential demand of people with disabilities, which should also be implemented with the help of the UNCRPD.

Photo: A mother helping her two children with their homework; Copyright: Andi Weiland |

It should be possible for all teachers to recognise and promote the child's strengths – regardless of whether the child has a disability or not.

Photo: View from the audience over heads to the stage of the M-Enabling Forum 2019 during REHACARE; Copyright: beta-web

At the M-Enabling Forum which took place alongside REHACARE 2019, Maureen Piggot (Inclusion Europe), Alejandro Moledo (EDF) and Susanna Laurin (Funka) also were speakers on stage. Furthermore, EDF and Funka have supported the conference on digital and assistive technologies since its very beginning.

Photo: A wheelchair user in front of an elevator in a Frankfurt shopping center; Copyright: Visit Frankfurt, Andi Weiland |

It is also up to people without disabilities to make sure that more is done for accessibility. Everyone can help to make society more inclusive for all.

Photo: Nadine Lormis; Copyright: private

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