Tourism: "Questions about accessibility and participation are omnipresent"


Photo: Laura Gehlhaar holds the travel magazine in her hand while sitting on the train; Copyright: Xiomara Bender / B-Plus-K

At REHACARE Julia Marmulla will also have some copies of her travel magazine with her.

Photo: Several women in a museum, one of them in a wheelchair; Copyright: Xiomara Bender / B-Plus-K

Julia Marmulla (3rd from left) was on a blogger trip to Erfurt and Weimar together with German activist Laura Gehlhaar.

Photo: Laura Gehlhaar flips through a travel brochure; Copyright: Xiomara Bender / B-Plus-K

Whether within Germany or worldwide – accessible traveling is a relevant topic for many people with disabilities.

Photo: Nadine Lormis; Copyright: private

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