Photo: Michael Weber (left) and Johannes Imhoff presenting their child seat for wheelchairs ; Copyright: Koziel/TUK

A rail system allows child seat to be simply attached to the wheelchair


Taking a child along in a wheelchair is not an easy task for people with walking disabilities. Within the framework of several student projects, young engineers at Technische Universität Kaiserslautern (TUK) have dealt with this topic.
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Image: Virtual reality background with a wheelchair user wearing virtual reality glasses; Copyright: TOYOHASHI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY

Virtual walking system for re-experiencing the journey of another person


A research team in Japan has developed a virtual walking system with focusing on vision and foot vibrations, because these modalities seem critical and a minimal set to induce walking sensations. This system records a person walking, then re-plays it to another user through the oscillating optic flow and synchronous foot vibrations.
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Photo: Laura Gehlhaar holds the travel magazine in her hand while sitting on the train; Copyright: Xiomara Bender / B-Plus-K

Tourism: "Questions about accessibility and participation are omnipresent"


Whether travel providers, accessible mobile homes or special aids for travelling – travel and tourism are a popular topic in the Düsseldorf exhibition halls every year. At this year's REHACARE, exhibitors will be adding a versatile event to their range at TREFFPUNKT REHACARE: news from accessible tourism.
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Photo: Bob Griffin at the booth of Tomcat SNI Ltd at REHACARE 2017; Copyright: Tomcat SNI Ltd

Trikes, power attachments, drive-by-wire systems: The many faces of mobility


Whether it’s two, three or four wheels, whether it requires muscle strength or extra assistance – mobility has many faces and plays a big part in promoting self-determination for people with disabilities. This year’s new PRODUCTS & NEWS @REHACARE forum (Hall 4 / H21) – powered by MOBITIPP – showcases solutions that support participation with mobility options.
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Photo: Wheelchair user driving through a warehouse; Copyright: O4 Wheelchairs GmbH

WorkHopper: where sitting is a pleasure


How often do we change our sitting position throughout the workday? People who don’t use wheelchairs can "stretch their legs" during a long day at the office. Unfortunately, that’s not a real option for wheelchair users. That's why the Dutch manufacturer O4 Wheelchairs has created the WorkHopper, a dynamic and ergonomic solution that’s specifically designed for the workplace.
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Photo: Pool landscape on deck of a cruise ship; Copyright:

Going on a cruise: Accessibility included


Far-off destinations, the expansiveness of the ocean, a touch of luxury aboard the vessel – cruise vacations are hugely popular. People with disabilities are also increasingly drawn to big cruise ships, which typically promise a worry-free vacation. But how accessible are the vessels, the staterooms, and shore excursions? Three veteran cruise travelers share their experiences.
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Photo: The stage of the Sziget Festival can be seen between two wheelchair users on the podium.; Copyright: Timo Hermann |

More diversity at different types of events – it doesn’t hurt to ask or to inform


A visit to a trade fair, festival or a movie theater – while some leisure activities are easy to come by for people without disabilities, they can turn into a downright adventure for wheelchair users, people who are blind, visually impaired, deaf or hearing impaired. Especially, if there is a lack of vital information pertaining to accessibility at an event.
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Photo: Adina Hermann in her wheelchair at the Sziget Festival in Budapest/Hungary; Copyright: Timo Hermann –

Attending a festival as a wheelchair user: Accessibility with trade-offs


One is a big fan of the Wacken Open Air festival (W:O:A) in Germany’s Schleswig-Holstein, the other can’t and won’t pick a favorite. Andrea Schütt and Adina Hermann are as different as the festivals they visit, but they have one thing in common: They know first-hand that attending a festival as a wheelchair user is definitely doable!
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Photo: The Munevo team; Copyright: Munevo GmbH

"Smart technology opportunities can make it easier to live a self-determined life"


Controlling an electric wheelchair by using smart glasses? Smart glasses like munevo Drive make this a reality. Visitors have a chance to check them out in person at this year’s REHACARE trade fair. Konstantin Madaus from the startup company Munevo looks back on the previous trade show presence and invites everyone to join him at his company’s booth again this year.
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Photo: Isabel Keane; Copyright:

Isabel Keane – That's how she rolls


For the 20-year old Isabel Keane one way to express herself are her stylish wheel covers, created by her sister. But the covers to beautify her wheelchair are not the only reason how Ailbhe influenced her younger sister. Why Isabel looks up to her creative sister, what she wants to accomplish but has not done until now and what she wants to be known for, she tells at
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Photo: Hedwig Reiffs with a visitor and a wheelchair driver

"Comprehensive accessibility would benefit all of us"


What is it like when you have to manage everyday life in a wheelchair? And what effects do age-related limitations have on mobility? Interested parties can experience this with the help of a wheelchair course and an age simulation suit. spoke with Hedwig Reiffs from the Self-Help Organization of Physically Disabled Persons Bonn, who recently attended this kind of adventure day.
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