A comparison of assistive technologies in the EU: "Technology solutions must keep social context in mind"


Graphic: A female head with headphones, a mail icon as well as a Voice Assistant microphone and a calendar application; Copyright: panthermedia.net/Badalov

It is not necessarily about the perfect high-tech solution, but rather about technical aids that have to be seen in a social context, according to one of the results of the study.

Photo: Linda Nierling; Copyright: KIT

Project leader Linda Nierling and her team addressed the question of what role assistive technologies play in the course of inclusion in the lives of people with disabilities in the ITAS study at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.

Photo: Maria Maia; Copyright: private

Was part of the team of four involved in the ITAS study: Maria Maia.

Photo: Anne Hofmann; Copyright: private

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