We asked ... Sabine Sieben, Kinaesthetics trainer

Kinaesthetics: "People learn to pay attention to their own body motions"

Caregiving activities are physically exhausting. This is why it is important both for nursing staff and caregiving family members to optimize their physical movements. Sabine Sieben is a kinesthetic trainer and spoke with REHACARE.com about the kinesthetic concept and its advantages for in-home care.


Photo: Speaker in the Forum "Living with care @home"; Copyright: Messe Düsseldorf/ctillmann

Speaker in the Forum "Living with care @home"; © Messe Düsseldorf/ctillmann

Graphic: Figures with and without disabilities stand next to a house; Copyright: Messe Düsseldorf

Also this year the Forum "Living with care @home" features different aspects of in-home care; © Messe Düsseldorf

Photo: Nadine Lormis; Copyright: B. Frommann

© B. Frommann