Photo: An elderly couple petting their dog outdoors; Copyright: PantherMedia/Wavebreakmedia ltd

Dementia: Non-pharmacologic treatments more effective for psychiatric symptoms


For patients with dementia who have symptoms of aggression and agitation, interventions such as outdoor activities, massage and touch therapy may be more effective treatments than medication in some cases, suggests a study published in Annals of Internal Medicine.
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Photo: AssistX Mobil-Set plus; Copyright: CSS Labs

"An assistive home and nurse call system provides security and protects privacy"


Whether you are at home or in a nursing home – you always have to be in a position where you can reliably summon assistance in an emergency by pressing a call button. Yet not everyone is able to easily use the conventional call buttons. That’s why it is important to offer alternatives that provide peace of mind and protection.
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Photo: Carer holds the hand of a patient; Copyright:

Concept for caregiver workload relief: "Empathy is a fundamental part of being human"


Caregivers encounter many different emotions in their jobs. Patients are in pain, have questions about their own mortality or they pass away. The empathy-based relief concept empCARE was founded to better handle these emotional experiences. With the help of training courses, caregivers are taught to learn how to prevent an empathic emotional overreaction.
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Photo: Birgit Gebhardt

Blessing or curse? Using robots in the healthcare sector


In the distant future? – But today already a reality: robot caregivers are designed to make the daily tasks of healthcare workers easier. Today these types of helpers are already being used in Japan. They lift people in need of care out of their beds, play cards with them or cuddle with dementia patients.
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Photo: Speaker in the Forum

Kinaesthetics: "People learn to pay attention to their own body motions"


Caregiving activities are physically exhausting. This is why it is important both for nursing staff and caregiving family members to optimize their physical movements. Sabine Sieben is a kinesthetic trainer and spoke with about the kinesthetic concept and its advantages for in-home care.
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Photo: Dr. Ralf Suhr

"The reasons that lead to violence in care are complex and complicated"


Abuse in care has many different forms and is still a taboo subject. The World Elder Abuse Awareness Day wants to shed a bright light on this issue. This year, the Center for Quality in Care, ZQP, introduced its new featured report titled "Preventing Violence in Care". spoke with ZQP foundation president Dr. Ralf Suhr about seamless transitions and active prevention.
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