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Photo: Person filling out an application form for employment; Copyright: PantherMedia/Andriy Popov

Inaccessible application forms are a barrier


Inaccessible application forms mean that nearly a third of people with a learning disability found it hard to apply for jobs, according to Mencap’s new survey of 1625 adults with a learning disability in the UK.
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Photo: The M-Enabling Forum Europe 2019; Copyright: beta-web

European digital inclusion strategies


The 2nd M-Enabling Forum Europe took place on September 19, 2019 at the Congress Center of Messe Düsseldorf during REHACARE. The conference demonstrated the importance of promoting digital inclusion and accessible and assistive technology for persons with disabilities and senior citizens.
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Photo: A poster that says

November 2019: Quo vadis inclusion?


Ten years ago, the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities came into force in Germany. There is still considerable criticism of the current state of its implementation. The hope for a more inclusive society has not yet been fulfilled. But what about the rest of Europe? has set out on a search – for positive developments, but also for obstacles still to be overcome.
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Photo: During a demonstration in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin demonstrators hold up posters with the inscription:

Inclusion in Europe – An analysis of the Status Quo


Accessibility, inclusion and participation are just three of the central principles outlined in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD). They give clear directions to all countries that have ratified the UNCRPD. But how well do the individual nations actually fulfill and implement the requirements set forth by the United Nations Convention?
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Photo: A poster that says

Quo vadis inclusion?


Ten years ago, the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities came into force in Germany. There is still considerable criticism of the current state of its implementation. The hope for a more inclusive society has not yet been fulfilled. But what about the rest of Europe? has set out on a search – for positive developments, but also for obstacles still to be overcome.
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Photo: Person walks on the street with a long cane for the blind, focus on the aid; Copyright: Andi Weiland | Boehringer Ingelheim,

Europe: Inclusion with the help of assistive devices


The supply of auxiliary means differs from country to country – within Europe and worldwide. This can lead to problems for the individuals who live with a disability and depend on their assistive aids in order to be mobile and participate in professional and social life. So what exactly is the situation like and what needs to be improved? investigated.
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Photo: A man working on a keyboard for the visually impaired; Copyright: Andi Weiland | Boehringer Ingelheim,

It is not only in digital form that the diversity of people must be recognized and taken into account!


Sweden is a pioneer in many things. But the Scandinavian country does not represent Europe. However, there is also no country that can be regarded as a positive overall example in the topic of Inclusion. Susanna Laurin from Funka knows why digital accessibility is a way to participate and why research in the field of disabilities and information and communication technology is so important.
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Photo: Screenshot from the Bravo Twist product video. An older man sits in front of a plate and holds the Bravo Twist in his hand ; Copyright: Pro Walk GmbH

Adaptive eating utensils with a Twist: How Bravo Twist by ProWalk outsmarts Parkinson’s tremors


We all know that food intake is essential for the survival of every living organism. Yet for humans, food can also be a great source of pleasure or even love. At any rate, it is an important part of our social life. But what happens if our own body throws a monkey wrench into our food intake by having a stroke or neurological disorder?
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Photo: A kind of Lego robot and a child's hand that has the control for it on its wrist; Copyright: PantherMedia/yacobchuk1

October 2019: Research & development


Basic research, technology development, and the development of a prototype to a marketable product - these are the steps that innovations go through before we can use them. has looked around which promising tools could soon conquer the market for blind people and how a FabLab project tries to implement digital participation for all.
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Photo: A workshop in the FabLab; Copyright: Projekt EL4

FabLabs: Learning digital competence and promoting participation


People with disabilities often need custom-made or adapted items because disabilities are unique to each person. And sometimes the affected person is the only one who comes up with great ideas that are truly helpful in daily life. But not everyone has the knowledge or equipment to create their very own auxiliary aid. This is where so-called fab labs come into play.
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Photo: Johanna Korte and Eileen Witte; Copyright: Stefanie Freudenreich

Career launch made easy: customized support services for people with disabilities


Problems transitioning into the workforce? Adolescents with disabilities can get support from the North Rhine-Westphalian KAoA-STAR program. sat down with the program coordinators of LVR (regional authority Rheinland) and LWL (regional authority Westfalen-Lippe), Eileen Witte and Johanna Korte, and asked about the program and the types of services it provides.
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Photo: Logo of the REHACARE on a glass surface; Copyright: Messe Duesseldorf/ctillmann

REHACARE 2019: everyone comes together at the market of endless opportunities


Whether you are a professional, family member or a person with a disability – there’s something for everyone at REHACARE, the leading trade fair for rehabilitation, prevention, inclusion and care. Set to take place September 18 – 21, 2019, the doors of the exhibition halls in Düsseldorf will once again open to welcome anyone interested in auxiliary aids, innovations and expert information.
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Photo: The iEAT Light Grip eating aid; Copyright: Assistive Innovations bv

"Assistive devices help to actively join the meal"


There are various different kinds of auxiliary means at REHACARE. And the drinking and eating aids are definitely among the popular ones. With its assistive devices the company Assistive Innovations bv from the Netherlands wants to help people with different disabilities to become more independent with eating. CEO Arthur Blom tells more about classic and new products.
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Photo: Wheelchair user talking to her colleague; Copyright: Andi Weiland |

Labor force participation: How auxiliary aids can help make the workday easier


Special tools, accessible software or a modified work environment – there are many ways to create a more accessible workplace for people with disabilities. Options range from conventional analog tools to digital solutions. But how can disability inclusion in the workplace be ensured – today and in the future?
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Photo: Wheelchair user Verena Barwitz with Holger Dieterich and Matthias Heil at the re:publica 2018; Copyright: Andi Weiland |

Daimler’s WheelPilot app finds accessible destinations


Navigation systems are not a new invention. But what if an app for accessible destinations could be connected straight to your vehicle, thus making mobility easier for people with disabilities? The creative, innovative minds of Daimler AG’s Lab1886 challenged themselves to make it reality. That marked the birth of WheelPilot.
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Photo: Wheelchair user drives on the rear ramp of a BerlKönig vehicle; Copyright: Andi Weiland |

Mobility: New solutions and ideas to promote participation


Creative people who develop apps that drive greater mobility or experts who customize vehicles to meet unique needs – people with disabilities often have to some extent rely on others to make self-determined mobility a reality. It’s clear that mobility is not a matter of course for stakeholders. Which solutions could offer support in the future?
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Photo: Prototype of the sensor for a cane; Copyright: Zahout-Heil

SmAccLab: Smart auxiliary means for everyone


Accessible and realistic – that’s how auxiliary aids should be in the eyes of Professor Carsten Zahout. Students at the Smart Accessibility Laboratory (SmAccLab) are working on technical solutions that fulfill these requirements and lead to increased participation for people with disabilities. found out how product engineering and inclusion join forces.
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Graphik: pixilated level design of a retro game; Copyright:

Gaming accessibility: on the road to the future of accessible games


Cologne is the right city to advocate more accessibility in games. In the CologneGameLab of the TH Köln, for example, the game developers of tomorrow are learning. So it's the perfect place to raise awareness among the next generation. Melanie Eilert thought so too. She spoke with about her guest lecture and the visibility of people with disabilities in the games industry.
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Photo: Female gamer during an eSports event; Copyright:

Real inclusion through virtual possibilities


The gaming industry is booming. And because the basic idea is to reach as many players as possible, perhaps that's why something is happening in terms of accessibility. You can read in our Topic of the Month May why e-sports currently still have to fight for its status and in what respect there is still a lot of room for accessibility improvement from the perspective of a disabled gamer.
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Graphic: Screenshot of the fuelService app, which shows two figures at a gas station; Copyright: fuelService

fuelService app helps drivers with disabilities to refuel their car


Your car ran out of petrol and you need support refuelling it? The new app fuelService is about to help you find a petrol station where you get the help you need. The app is for free and globally available. App founder Niall El-Assaad told how it works.
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Photo: Director talks to two young women who are involved in the film

Inclusive education: "Children of Utopia" creates new perspectives


The debate about inclusive education is stalling and generally doesn’t even let those who are most affected have their say: students both with and without disabilities. The German movie "Children of Utopia" ("Die Kinder der Utopie") wants to change all that. That's why it will be screened in several movie theaters on May 15 as part of a nationwide campaign event – followed by panel discussions.
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Photo: A human resources manager talks to a talent on Match Day; Copyright: myAbility/Stefan Ebersberger

"The DisAbility Talent Program connects employers and prospective employees with disabilities"


Professional success with a disability or chronic illness – the DisAbility Talent Program aims to also support respective German students and new graduates in the near future. How is it planning to do that? asked Daniel Schörghofer, who has been in charge of the program in Austria for several years as a DisAbility talent manager at myAbility Social Enterprise GmbH.
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Photo: Two trainees in the educational venue (

Lernladen increases future retail employees’ accessibility awareness


What’s it like to shop when you suffer from tremors and have to get coins out of your wallet at the cash register in a hurry? And how much are you still able to see prices when you are dealing with a visual impairment? Many apprentices can only guess what that must be like. At the so-called Lernladen, they get to experience these scenarios first-hand with the help of simulation goggles and gloves.
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Photo: Employees at Starbucks Signing Store selling coffee in ASL; Copyright: Joshua Trujillo | Starbucks Stories

Accessibility as the basis of an inclusive shopping experience concept


While some people count shopping among their hobbies, people with disabilities are often not quite as excited about shopping. has researched and listed some easy ways for supermarkets to facilitate a more relaxed and calmer shopping experience for people on the autism spectrum and reveals where you can order coffee drinks in sign language.
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Photo: A shop owner who allows a wheelchair user access to his shop by means of a mobile ramp; Copyright: Jörg Farys | AG Urban

Accessible retail: Status quo and industry trends


How will we be shopping in the future? How will our buying behavior change? These are questions that companies must already ponder today. takes a closer look at the retail industry, ponders the possible future and highlights projects that already focus on enabling participation in retail consumption.
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Photo: Andreas Hettwer (left) and Max Prigge; Copyright: Carina Hettwer

Self-determined living: careunities creates flat sharing for people with physical disabilities


For many people, living in a shared accommodation is a matter of course. But how well does this work if you have a physical disability and require assistance? This is where careunities comes in. The online platform matches people up with future roommates and also plans to retrofit buildings for accessibility, thus creating more shared living spaces.
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Photo: Several wheelchair users on a wheelchair platform during a festival; Copyright: Timo Hermann |

January 2019: Music for everybody: Accessible festivals


Diverse and accessible – this still does not apply to all events. But at least more and more festival organisers are now making an inclusive music event possible for people with disabilities. What experiences have two wheelchair users already had at various festivals? And to what extent does Wacken veteran Ron Paustian take on responsibility with passion?
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Photo: The stage of the Sziget Festival can be seen between two wheelchair users on the podium.; Copyright: Timo Hermann |

More diversity at different types of events – it doesn’t hurt to ask or to inform


A visit to a trade fair, festival or a movie theater – while some leisure activities are easy to come by for people without disabilities, they can turn into a downright adventure for wheelchair users, people who are blind, visually impaired, deaf or hearing impaired. Especially, if there is a lack of vital information pertaining to accessibility at an event.
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Photo: Several wheelchair users on a wheelchair platform during a festival; Copyright: Timo Hermann |

Music for everybody: Accessible festivals


Diverse and accessible – this still does not apply to all events. But at least more and more festival organisers are now making an inclusive music event possible for people with disabilities. What experiences have two wheelchair users already had at various festivals? And to what extent does Wacken veteran Ron Paustian take on responsibility with passion?
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Photo: Adina Hermann in her wheelchair at the Sziget Festival in Budapest/Hungary; Copyright: Timo Hermann –

Attending a festival as a wheelchair user: Accessibility with trade-offs


One is a big fan of the Wacken Open Air festival (W:O:A) in Germany’s Schleswig-Holstein, the other can’t and won’t pick a favorite. Andrea Schütt and Adina Hermann are as different as the festivals they visit, but they have one thing in common: They know first-hand that attending a festival as a wheelchair user is definitely doable!
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Photo: The stage at the Wacken Open Air 2016 while the band Bullet For My Valentine plays; Copyright: Andrea Schütt

Inclusion Must Make Noise: "Participation is not about a particular music genre"


Anyone who frequently visits the Wacken Open Air probably knows him: Ron Paustian is one of the permanent fixtures of the heavy metal music festival. The metal fan has turned his passion into his mission. Since 2009, Paustian has been committed to making concerts and festivals more accessible to people with disabilities.
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Photo: The OpenEarConcept team; Copyright: Lothar Jack

"The OpenEarConcept© adapts acoustic signals to the unique features of hearing aid technology"


Whether we listen to the radio or a concert – for most of us, it’s hard to imagine life without music. Meanwhile, people who wear digital hearing aids often don’t get to fully enjoy the rich landscapes of sound because they depend on the accessibility and quality of audio induction loops. The OpenEarConcept© research project is committed to supporting greater musical enjoyment.
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Photo: The Munevo team; Copyright: Munevo GmbH

"Smart technology opportunities can make it easier to live a self-determined life"


Controlling an electric wheelchair by using smart glasses? Smart glasses like munevo Drive make this a reality. Visitors have a chance to check them out in person at this year’s REHACARE trade fair. Konstantin Madaus from the startup company Munevo looks back on the previous trade show presence and invites everyone to join him at his company’s booth again this year.
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Photo: Speaker at the conference during the M-Enabling Summit 2017 in Washington; Copyright: M-Enabling Summit

M-Enabling Forum: "The best assistive technologies cannot be useful if our digital environment is not accessible"


Self-determined living needs accessibility. This does not only apply to step-free entrance for wheelchair users, but also for the digital environment. For example, when blind people surf the internet with a screen reader, they need web sites that are accessible. But reality often looks different. Reason enough for the M-Enabling Forum to focus on this topic at this year's REHACARE.
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Photo: An accessible bus for the transport of people with disabilities. The hydraulic ramp is on the ground; Copyright:

TTC Wheel-Trans: Accessible transport for people with disabilities in Toronto


In Canada, the North Americans are far ahead of us Germans when it comes to accessibility. If you are a guest in Toronto, you not only have the possibility to travel with the usual public transport, but you can also opt for the 100 percent accessible alternative and use Wheel-Trans.
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Photo: An elderly woman catches ichó. The ball starts to glow in red-orange colors.; Copyright: ichó systems -

"ichó brings people with and without dementia together and provides a way to share stories, experiences, and impressions."


Like the golden sphere in the fairy tale of the Frog King, ichó (Greek for echo) is meant to bring back lost motor skills and cognitive functions to people with dementia. The project of four former graduates of the Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences aims to offer individual support through a person’s favorite music or fairy tale.
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Photo: Stefanie Trzecinski; Copyright: Johannes Franke

"At the TUECHTIG coworking space, people with and without disabilities are working together – and not just next to each other"


Maximum flexibility to encourage ideas, effectively sharing office space: coworking spaces have become a part of many major cities. In 2017, Berlin featured about one hundred of them, but none of them were comprehensively accessible. That’s something Stefanie Trzecinski from KOPF, HAND + FUSS gGmbH wanted to change. That was the moment, the idea for "TUECHTIG – Raum für Inklusion" was born.
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Photo: Martina Gollner (left) and Christina Rieder, the founders of FullAccess; Copyright: FullAccess

"At FullAccess, the 'Accessibility All Areas' slogan says it all"


Two music enthusiasts were fed up with the lack of leisure activity choices and programs for people with disabilities. That’s why Christina Riedler and Martina Gollner decided to set up their own business with FullAccess and try to make concert promoters aware of people with disabilities as prospective customers and thus contribute to making society more tolerant.
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Photo: Blind Man touches the plug-in model of the Porta Nigra; Copyright: Ledwig

Self-guided museum visits for visually impaired people


Visually impaired and blind people can now enjoy stunning visits to the City Museum Trier thanks to audio tracks, tactile reproductions, and replicas. Together with students who participated in the "Cross Media" seminar as part of their studies at the University of Trier, Design Professor Christopher Ledwig developed a one-of-a-kind multimedia service in Germany: the so-called "blind kit" trolley.
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Photo: Felix Falk; Copyright: BIU

"Computer and video games are a social and inclusive medium"


Countless Let’s Play videos on YouTube show that gaming has become an integral part of society. Whether people use consoles, PCs, laptops, smartphones or tablets, you can play on almost any platform. But what about accessibility in the age of better and better graphics and increasingly interactive game design?
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Photo: Cinderella and Niels of HelpCamps; Copyright: HelpCamps

HelpCamps: "Making assistive technology faster, more affordable and personalized"


In accordance with the slogan "Nothing about us without us", the HelpCamps project aims at developing and implementing concepts and ideas together. To make this a reality, people with disabilities, companies from the assistive technology, care and assistance sectors, as well as stakeholders in the so-called maker movement and researchers, are brought together to network during various events.
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Photo: Employees of the Arbitration Body: Anne Katrin Lutz, Dr. Rica Werner, Antje Halamoda and Sabine Tekir; Copyright: Die Hoffotografen GmbH

"The BGG Arbitration Body is a solid tool to file for rights violation complaint at no charge"


The Federal Act on the Equalization of Disabled Persons (Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz), BGG, intends to ensure that people with disabilities don’t face discrimination. In December 2016, the BGG arbitration body was created. checked with Anne Katrin Lutz and Dr. Rica Werner who can contact the staff in Berlin given applicable circumstances.
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Photo: Click-sonar coach Juan Ruiz while training with a kid; Copyright: Anderes Sehen e.V.,

"Long cane for children is a 'facilitator'– the chance to independently accomplish something"


The long cane offers the possibility to be independent and effectively mobile as a person with visual impairment. Children in particular could get used to him in a playful way. The association "Anderes sehen e.V." has co-developed the children's long cane. spoke to Ellen Schweizer, the founder of the association, about the fact that inclusion is not a burden, but can bring joy.
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Photo: Cheering soccer fans at the stadium; Copyright:

Blind soccer fans are on the ball for 90 minutes thanks to match reporting


For nearly 20 years, the "Fanclub Sehhunde; Fußball-Fanclub für Blinde und Sehbehinderte e.V." promotes match reporting for the blind to ensure that its members fully experience a stadium visit. spoke with deputy chairperson Nina Schweppe about the match reporting for the blind and the obstacles that still need to be overcome before full inclusion in stadiums becomes a reality.
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Photo: the team of Capjob: Asal-Rothenburger-Huening; Copyright: Felix Huening/Capjob

Capjob: "People with severe disabilities assist job seekers with severe disabilities"


Modern and user-friendly: job seekers are able to indicate their type of disability on the employment portal and search for jobs that are right for them. spoke with founder Felix Hüning about the unique features of Capjob and why virtually all parties could benefit from an inclusive employment landscape.
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Photo: Florian Adler; Copyright: Tim de Gruisbourne

"Inclusive communication design is both accessible and attractive"


For many, recognizing and understanding characters is an important prerequisite to social participation. Inclusive communication design helps people with visual impairments to accomplish this. spoke with designer and expert of the German Association for Blind and Visually Impaired People, Florian Adler. He has developed a digital guide to inclusive communication design.
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Photo: Hauke Hückstädt; Copyright: Bookster Frankfurt Stephan Jockel

"Hardly any texts by famous authors are specifically written in Simple Language"


Literature should be accessible to all – including people who depend on texts written in Simple English. A project in Frankfurt, Germany, now wants to make this possible. spoke with Hauke Hückstädt, the director of the Literaturhaus Frankfurt about the "Frankfurt, deine Geschichte. Literatur in Einfacher Sprache" project.
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Photo: Sandra Glöckler; Copyright: Rolli auf Trab

"Horse riding is a sport people with and without impairments are able to experience together on equal footing"


More self-confidence and independence – things you can learn from horse riding for example. People with disabilities can take this important step with "Rolli auf Trab" (English: Trotting with Wheelchairs). spoke with Sandra Glöckler of "Rolli auf Trab" about the lust for life that horse riding inspires and the interaction and experiences with the animals.
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Photo: Mischa Gohlke plays the e-guitar on stage; Copyright: Stephan Olbrich

Music and hearing impairment: "Music is an universal language that doesn’t need words"


Music breaks down boundaries – that’s something the Association "Grenzen sind relativ e.V. - Kultur, Gesellschaft und Inklusion" clearly shows. Initiator and project manager Mischa Gohlke is a professional musician, who has been hearing impaired and nearly deaf since birth. He wants our society to get excited about a holistic approach to inclusion with the help of music.
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Photo: Hands on a book printed in Braille; Copyright:

Books for the blind: "IT corporations lead the way. They consider accessibility a selling point"


A wizarding student who triumphs over evil. A girl who meets the love of her life. Literature has many facets and captivates us with wonderful stories day in and day out. Yet not everyone has access to these texts because accessible books for blind or visually impaired people are few and far between.
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Photo: Sema Gedik at work; Copyright: Valerie Diedenhoff

Fashion: At eye level with little people


Every little person should be able to buy beautiful clothes yet there are still no fashionable items available in standard sizes. That’s something Sema Gedik wants to change – with her project titled "Auf Augenhöhe" (English: At Eye Level). talked with the designer about her inspiration, her goals and the obstacles she had to overcome.
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Photo: Patrick Dohmen in the LernLaden; Copyright: WDR/EUKOBA

Accessibility: "We need a shift in awareness in the retail sector"


Shopping with a disability is no easy feat: almost every store is not accessible. But what does accessibility in retail actually mean? spoke with Patrick Dohmen of the EUKOBA Association about the idea behind the LernLaden (English: Learning Store) and the awareness and sensitization project for retailers, employees and apprentices.
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Photo: Martin Habacher; Copyright: Andreas Pöschek

Inclusive storyteller: "You can definitely make a difference and change things"


There are some unique and interesting stories about accessibility and disability. Martin Habacher is someone who tells these stories. His goal is to find and then share them with the world on his YouTube channel. spoke with Martin Habacher about his most beautiful story and his motivation to look beyond what he sees.
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Photo: Jann Kessler in a discussion; Copyright: Fünf Seen Film Festival/Pavel Broz

Listening and understanding: Documentary filmmaker portrays seven people with MS


It is called the disease with a thousand faces: multiple sclerosis (MS) manifests itself very differently in different people. Many don’t like to talk about their illness and the subsequent restrictions it entails. spoke with Jann Kessler, the director of the documentary film "Multiple Fates - About the Struggle with One’s Own Body" about his personal connection to MS.
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Photo: Carer holds the hand of a patient; Copyright:

Concept for caregiver workload relief: "Empathy is a fundamental part of being human"


Caregivers encounter many different emotions in their jobs. Patients are in pain, have questions about their own mortality or they pass away. The empathy-based relief concept empCARE was founded to better handle these emotional experiences. With the help of training courses, caregivers are taught to learn how to prevent an empathic emotional overreaction.
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Photo: Tobias Polsfuß laughing with some of his housemates; Copyright: Daniela Buchholz

Looking for and finding inclusive shared housing options at WOHN:SINN


A look at the living situation of many people with learning disabilities reveals they often only get to choose between living in care homes or their families’ homes. Many of them are not aware of the numerous inclusive shared housing options that gradually emerge in Germany and where people with or without disabilities live together.
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Photo: Marcus Rohrbach cuts fruits in kitchen, camera records scenes, computer screen in foreground

Will software automatically describe movie plots in the near future?


In order to understand the plot of a movie an audio version is very helpful for visually impaired people. Authors watch the whole movies and describe what happens in each scene. But wouldn’t it be possible for a computer software to do this kind of work? Researchers work on developing a program which automatically generates movie descriptions and reads them out.
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Photo: Birgit Gebhardt

Blessing or curse? Using robots in the healthcare sector


In the distant future? – But today already a reality: robot caregivers are designed to make the daily tasks of healthcare workers easier. Today these types of helpers are already being used in Japan. They lift people in need of care out of their beds, play cards with them or cuddle with dementia patients.
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Photo: Sigrid Arnade

"Ability4Refugees platform wants to provide auxiliary means for refugees with disabilities"


Many people who had to leave their home country traveled in a wheelchair or used crutches. The stress of this escape was at times even more exhausting and taxing for some than for others. spoke with Sigrid Arnade (ISL e.V.) and Eva-Maria and Andreas Mohn (Andreas Mohn Foundation) about the Ability4Refugees platform that aims to improve the availability of auxiliary means for refugees.
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Photo: map of Germany

Accessibility should be considered from the start for medical practices


Disabled parking spaces, lower counters, stair lifts, and elevators – those are just a few of the provisions of an accessible medical practice. Yet many physician offices don’t meet these requirements. To make it easier for people with disabilities to find available accessible medical practices close-by, the "Accessible Practice" project has created a directory.
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Photo: Simon Janatzek talks about accessible smartphones

If you buy them, some smartphones are already accessible


A quick check on your smartphone to see when the next bus leaves or letting your friend know via WhatsApp that you are running late: those are mundane situations for many people. Yet how accessible are smartphones actually for visually impaired and blind people? spoke with Simon Janatzek. He is visually impaired and tells us which apps are helpful in everyday life.
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Photo: Anna Hartmann

"Suse" helps abused and battered women and girls with disabilities


Representative studies show: women and girls with disabilities face significantly more violence than women without disabilities. Yet they rarely seek help since their disability often makes access to therespective support systems difficult. The "Suse" Project offers affected persons accessible support services, for instance in the form of Easy English.
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Photo: meeting in the PIKSL Lab

"PIKSL focuses on the removal of digital barriers"


Digital transformation does not only cause problems for persons with disabilities. Companies are also facing digital barriers they need to overcome. The PIKSL Lab makes digital inclusion its priority: together, individuals with and without disabilities work on removing digital barriers. In this interview with, Project Manager Tobias Marczinzik explains the PIKSL concept.
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Photo: Philipp Mahler with an avatar at MEDICA 2015

"The robot facilitates and promotes the connection between children"


A robot that provides a link between hospital and classroom? The project Avatar Kids makes this possible: acutely ill children are able to actively participate in school activities with the help of a tablet computer. The teacher facilitates the communication. spoke with Philipp Mahler of Avatar Kids about the opportunities this project provides.
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Photo: Ludger Steffens

"Judo is ideal for persons with or without disabilities"


A change of gait pattern and paralysis on the right side of the body and particularly of the arm – at first glance, these consequences of a stroke don’t appear to be the best prerequisites to partake in the sport of Judo. Yet Ludger Steffens likes to prove the opposite is true. spoke with the 63-year-old about successes and inclusion in martial arts.
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Photo: Speaker in the Forum

Kinaesthetics: "People learn to pay attention to their own body motions"


Caregiving activities are physically exhausting. This is why it is important both for nursing staff and caregiving family members to optimize their physical movements. Sabine Sieben is a kinesthetic trainer and spoke with about the kinesthetic concept and its advantages for in-home care.
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Photo: Volker Westermann holding a spoon

"Kitchen and cooking are a bridge to inclusion"


Oftentimes, political questions lack a certain zest, a somewhat different kind of approach. Ever more frequently, this is also rumored to be the case for inclusion. Only a few people can disengage from such stubborn trains of thought. TV chef and host Volker Westermann is one of them. He spoke with about inclusion found in cooking pots.
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Photo: Dr. Ralf Suhr

"The reasons that lead to violence in care are complex and complicated"


Abuse in care has many different forms and is still a taboo subject. The World Elder Abuse Awareness Day wants to shed a bright light on this issue. This year, the Center for Quality in Care, ZQP, introduced its new featured report titled "Preventing Violence in Care". spoke with ZQP foundation president Dr. Ralf Suhr about seamless transitions and active prevention.
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Photo: Dorothea Pitschnau-Michel

"World MS Day calls attention to the need for inclusion"


Since 2009, the World MS Day calls attention to multiple sclerosis and the people who live with this disease of the central nervous system around the world. spoke with Dorothea Pitschnau-Michel, Secretary of the German Multiple Sclerosis Society (DMSG), about this special day, which always takes place on the last Wednesday of May.
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Photo: Birgit Nofftz using a mask for speech recognition

"Speech-to-text interpreters assist in equal access communication"


There is an alternative for hearing impaired or deaf persons, who are not able to or don’t want to communicate with the help of sign language: so-called speech-to-text interpreters reproduce spoken words into a text format onto paper, computer monitors or screens. inquired with the German Association of Speech-to-Text Interpreters and gained some insight into this profession.
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Photo: Hedwig Reiffs with a visitor and a wheelchair driver

"Comprehensive accessibility would benefit all of us"


What is it like when you have to manage everyday life in a wheelchair? And what effects do age-related limitations have on mobility? Interested parties can experience this with the help of a wheelchair course and an age simulation suit. spoke with Hedwig Reiffs from the Self-Help Organization of Physically Disabled Persons Bonn, who recently attended this kind of adventure day.
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Photo: Lisa Polk und Christian Schinnerl

"hemdless is not just meant to represent disability fashion, but to also involve our society as a whole"


Without a shirt. That’s the translation for the project name hemdless. It alludes to the fact that people affected by trisomy 21 (Down syndrome) usually have a hard time finding clothes that fit. Young designers Lisa Polk and Christian Schinnerl didn’t want to leave it at that. spoke with both of them about the benefit of angled buttonholes and the "6th Shirt".
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