Photo: Michael Weber (left) and Johannes Imhoff presenting their child seat for wheelchairs ; Copyright: Koziel/TUK

A rail system allows child seat to be simply attached to the wheelchair


Taking a child along in a wheelchair is not an easy task for people with walking disabilities. Within the framework of several student projects, young engineers at Technische Universität Kaiserslautern (TUK) have dealt with this topic.
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Graphic: Information graphic about the advantages of the robotic suit; Copyright: Chung-Ang University

Lightweight, portable robotic suit to increase running and walking performance


While walking may not seem like a burden for most people, for others, this simple task can often feel exhausting. For patients recovering from surgery or stroke, those with Parkinson's Disease, those with restricted mobility walking or running can be a struggle. Many researchers have pondered over this problem over the years, developing a number of external devices.
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Photo: Bob Griffin at the booth of Tomcat SNI Ltd at REHACARE 2017; Copyright: Tomcat SNI Ltd

Trikes, power attachments, drive-by-wire systems: The many faces of mobility


Whether it’s two, three or four wheels, whether it requires muscle strength or extra assistance – mobility has many faces and plays a big part in promoting self-determination for people with disabilities. This year’s new PRODUCTS & NEWS @REHACARE forum (Hall 4 / H21) – powered by MOBITIPP – showcases solutions that support participation with mobility options.
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Photo: Trade fair visitors stand in front of a wheelchair-accessible vehicle at REHACARE 2018; Copyright: Messe Düsseldorf / ctillmann

July 2019: Self-determined mobility on all roads


For many people, being mobile in a self-determined way is simply normal. People with disabilities often do not experience this self-evident fact. Buses and trains are not accessible, and for many their own converted vehicle still verges on luxury. What ideas for more accessibility vehicle manufacturers are currently working on and what new attitude to life a converted minibus can bring with it?
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Photo: Trade fair visitors stand in front of a wheelchair-accessible vehicle at REHACARE 2018; Copyright: Messe Düsseldorf / ctillmann

Self-determined mobility on all roads


For many people, being mobile in a self-determined way is simply normal. People with disabilities often do not experience this self-evident fact. Buses and trains are not accessible, and for many their own converted vehicle still verges on luxury. What ideas for more accessibility vehicle manufacturers are currently working on and what new attitude to life a converted minibus can bring with it?
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Photo: Wheelchair user Verena Barwitz with Holger Dieterich and Matthias Heil at the re:publica 2018; Copyright: Andi Weiland |

Daimler’s WheelPilot app finds accessible destinations


Navigation systems are not a new invention. But what if an app for accessible destinations could be connected straight to your vehicle, thus making mobility easier for people with disabilities? The creative, innovative minds of Daimler AG’s Lab1886 challenged themselves to make it reality. That marked the birth of WheelPilot.
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Photo: Michel Arriens and Franziska Stoldt sitting in front of their VW Bulli bus on a camping site; Copyright: private

Modifications: Self-determined mobility thanks to accessible VW Bulli Bus


Whether it’s for their professional life or to travel – many people with disabilities need a car that provides mobility without limits. A small car is often unable to accommodate unique needs. That’s when you need a bigger vehicle – like a minivan.
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Photo: Wheelchair user drives on the rear ramp of a BerlKönig vehicle; Copyright: Andi Weiland |

Mobility: New solutions and ideas to promote participation


Creative people who develop apps that drive greater mobility or experts who customize vehicles to meet unique needs – people with disabilities often have to some extent rely on others to make self-determined mobility a reality. It’s clear that mobility is not a matter of course for stakeholders. Which solutions could offer support in the future?
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Graphic: Screenshot of the fuelService app, which shows two figures at a gas station; Copyright: fuelService

fuelService app helps drivers with disabilities to refuel their car


Your car ran out of petrol and you need support refuelling it? The new app fuelService is about to help you find a petrol station where you get the help you need. The app is for free and globally available. App founder Niall El-Assaad told how it works.
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Photo: Someone playing with a plane model while the sun sets in the background; Copyright:

Accessible travel from booking to dream destination: ship ahoy


Prefer to book online or use a travel agent? Looking for destinations across the Atlantic or fancy vacationing in Europe or exploring your own country? Staying at a hotel or hanging out with the locals? A recent online survey asked people with disabilities and their family members about their travel habits. has reviewed the study findings.
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Photo: An accessible bus for the transport of people with disabilities. The hydraulic ramp is on the ground; Copyright:

TTC Wheel-Trans: Accessible transport for people with disabilities in Toronto


In Canada, the North Americans are far ahead of us Germans when it comes to accessibility. If you are a guest in Toronto, you not only have the possibility to travel with the usual public transport, but you can also opt for the 100 percent accessible alternative and use Wheel-Trans.
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Photo: Nicole Seifert

"Safe mobility starts with the right choice and adaptation of the wheelchair"


Whether it’s a wheelchair or a walker – for people with disabilities, it is crucial to control their own mobility in a competent and safe manner. Yet not everyone truly feels confident in every situation with these assistive devices. That’s why spoke with Nicole Seifert about ways to foster more trust in yourself and others.
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