Photo: Female Participant doing Interval Walking Training; Copyright: Shizue Masuki, Shinshu University

Quality over quantity! Interval walking training improves fitness and health


Interval Walking Training is a method that is effective in increasing overall fitness and decreasing healthcare costs associated with lifestyle-related diseases of the middle-aged and elderly. That's the result of a study of Dr. Shizue Masuki of Shinshu University.
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Photo: McMaster undergraduate student Ronald Perinpanayagam works with one of the seniors who participated in the study; Copyright: Paulina Rzeczkowska

Researchers find high-intensity exercise improves memory in seniors


Researchers at McMaster University who examine the impact of exercise on the brain have found that high-intensity workouts improve memory in older adults.
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Photo: Actimetry sensor in a wristwatch-like device on a wrist; Copyright: Peng Li/Brigham and Women's Hospital

Predicting frailty, disability and death


Using a wristwatch-like device, researchers detected fluctuations in the daily motor activity of older adults that could predict increased risk of deteriorated quality of life or death years later.
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Photo: Young man in the Icaros flight simulator; Copyright: German Sport University Cologne

Rehabilitation: Exergaming with Icaros


Studies show significant correlations between periods spent sitting and the prevalence of chronic diseases. This also applies to children and adolescents. One of the major obstacles to people taking up physical exercise is a lack of motivation. The solution could be Icaros: a flight simulator with exergaming technology that promises the user an element of fun while at the same time keeping fit.
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Graphic: Information graphic about the advantages of the robotic suit; Copyright: Chung-Ang University

Lightweight, portable robotic suit to increase running and walking performance


While walking may not seem like a burden for most people, for others, this simple task can often feel exhausting. For patients recovering from surgery or stroke, those with Parkinson's Disease, those with restricted mobility walking or running can be a struggle. Many researchers have pondered over this problem over the years, developing a number of external devices.
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Photo: Man with lower back pain; Copyright: PantherMedia/lightwavemedia

Study questions 'cross-transfer' benefits of special exercise technique


A paper recently published by researchers from the Ohio Musculoskeletal and Neurological Institute (OMNI) at the Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine questions the effectiveness of a patented exercise system for relieving lower back pain.
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Photo: Sensory insole by novapace lying in front of a tablet on a table; Copyright: novapace

Parkinson's disease: Greater gait stability thanks to smart insoles


Gentle vibrations delivered to feet alert users to dangerous situations as they walk and prompt a more normalized gait pattern. That’s the concept behind the sensory orthotic insoles by novapace. In this interview, Simon Staffa, project manager at novapace, explains how this technology can help people with Parkinson's disease and describes the opportunities digitization brings to rehabilitation.
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Photo: In the ReMoCap lab a man attaches sensors to another man's leg; Copyright: Martin Lifka Photography

Rehabilitation: Gait analysis and training in Virtual Reality


New technology provides new opportunities. What pertains to so many areas of life also applies to the field of rehabilitation and physiotherapy. examined whether and how virtual reality, visual analytics, and machine learning can enhance and shape the healthcare sector in the future – especially when it comes to gait analysis.
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Photo: Speaker in the Forum

Kinaesthetics: "People learn to pay attention to their own body motions"


Caregiving activities are physically exhausting. This is why it is important both for nursing staff and caregiving family members to optimize their physical movements. Sabine Sieben is a kinesthetic trainer and spoke with about the kinesthetic concept and its advantages for in-home care.
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Photo: Hedwig Reiffs with a visitor and a wheelchair driver

"Comprehensive accessibility would benefit all of us"


What is it like when you have to manage everyday life in a wheelchair? And what effects do age-related limitations have on mobility? Interested parties can experience this with the help of a wheelchair course and an age simulation suit. spoke with Hedwig Reiffs from the Self-Help Organization of Physically Disabled Persons Bonn, who recently attended this kind of adventure day.
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