Photo: Ayasccha Mack; Copyright: private

Ayascha Mack – That's how she rolls


Her love for literature is huge. This can be seen on Ayascha Mack's blog. And also in our HOW WE ROLL interview her love for words plays a big role, as well. Why it is still difficult for her to visit the Frankfurt Book Fair and what new position she would like to create in every city as the Federal Commissioner for the Disabled, she tells us at
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Photo: Katharina Bauernschmidt; Copyright: Florian Schwarzbach | Blackburn Photgraphie

Katharina Bauernschmidt – That's how she rolls


The sporting story of Katharina Bauernschmidt is a little fairy tale. The Para Canoeist did first start her sport in December 2017 and was already spotted as a talent by the national coach months later. More about her goals as an athlete, her role models and what else is close to her heart she tells us at
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Photo: Lukas Schiwy; Copyright: Mika Volkmann

Lukas Schiwy – That's how he rolls


2020 is an important year for Paralympic sport. Whether Lukas Schiwy will fly to Tokyo with the national team in sitting volleyball will not be decided until March. What other sports event he has been lacking time for and what he thinks of the REHACARE he tells in HOW WE ROLL.
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Photo: Study participants Johnathon DiFusco and his mother Susan Freeman together with Elisa Cruz-Torres (in the back); Copyright: Florida Atlantic University

Teens with autism can master daily living skills when using video-prompting


As adults, individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can be highly dependent on family members or assistance programs for their day-to-day living needs. Research has shown that people with ASD are strong visual learners. With technological advances, devices such as smart phones and tablets have become more portable and ultimately, accessible to caregivers.
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Photo: A poster that says

November 2019: Quo vadis inclusion?


Ten years ago, the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities came into force in Germany. There is still considerable criticism of the current state of its implementation. The hope for a more inclusive society has not yet been fulfilled. But what about the rest of Europe? has set out on a search – for positive developments, but also for obstacles still to be overcome.
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Photo: During a demonstration in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin demonstrators hold up posters with the inscription:

Inclusion in Europe – An analysis of the Status Quo


Accessibility, inclusion and participation are just three of the central principles outlined in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD). They give clear directions to all countries that have ratified the UNCRPD. But how well do the individual nations actually fulfill and implement the requirements set forth by the United Nations Convention?
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Photo: Christian Heintz in his soccer dress; Copyright: Anpfiff ins Leben

Christian Heintz – That's how he rolls


Christian Heintz has already stood on the sports field with Dirk Nowitzki and Leon Draisaitl. Both athletes are well known in the USA. In addition to basketball and ice hockey, the amputee soccer player is also attracted by American football. Why the Super Bowl would be the icing on the cake and which motto is particularly close to his heart, he tells us at
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Photo: Senior woman undergoing eye test; Copyright: PantherMedia/leungchopan

Helping people with low vision retain their independence


More older Americans will have to live with low vision. That's why the American Academy of Ophthalmology offers tips to help people with low vision retain their independence and how to make life easier and safer.
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Photo: Erik Machens; Copyright: Frank Wildmann

Erik Machens – That's how he rolls


At REHACARE 2019, Erik Machens transformed the exhibition hall into a dance floor and impressed many visitors with his performance. How he felt about the atmosphere at the trade fair and why wheelchair dancing is a particularly inclusive sport for him, he tells us at
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Photo: Lea Raak; Copyright: private

Lea Raak – That's how she rolls


A misdiagnosis almost cost Lea Raak her life in 2011. This is one of the reasons why she wants to clear up prejudices against diabetes type 1 on her blog. But she also wants to give other people affected a voice. What is close to her heart besides more love and empathy and how she would promote inclusion in Germany, she tells us on
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Photo: Claudia Neun in her wheelchair; Copyright: Mike Wenski

Claudia Neun – That's how she rolls


Fashion Week – that would be great! And not as a spectator, but as a booked model. That's what wheelchair user Claudia Neun wants. What other dreams and goals the model with MS has and who made her choose this career path in the first place, she tells us on
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Photo: Patrick Mayer in his office; Copyright: Patrick Mayer

Patrick Mayer – That's how he rolls


While others are having a midlife crisis at 40, Patrick Mayer knows he's not done with life yet. The Swiss entrepreneur still has a lot to do. To meet a hungry polar bear, on the other hand, is not on his to-do list. On, he tells us why children with disabilities are so important to him and what certain numbers he would like to know.
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Photo: Nico Schinacher with helmet in his wheelchair; Copyright: private

Nico Schinacher – That's how he rolls


Showing what is still possible – even with a wheelchair. This is what Nico Schinacher wants to achieve on and with his Instagram and YouTube channel. Which project the passionate hobbyist has just finished and which YouTubers actually inspire and motivate him every day, he tells us on
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Photo: A kind of Lego robot and a child's hand that has the control for it on its wrist; Copyright: PantherMedia/yacobchuk1

October 2019: Research & development


Basic research, technology development, and the development of a prototype to a marketable product - these are the steps that innovations go through before we can use them. has looked around which promising tools could soon conquer the market for blind people and how a FabLab project tries to implement digital participation for all.
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Photo: A kind of Lego robot and a child's hand that has the control for it on its wrist; Copyright: PantherMedia/yacobchuk1

The basis for innovation: research and development


Basic research, technology development, and the development of a prototype to a marketable product - these are the steps that innovations go through before we can use them. has looked around which promising tools could soon conquer the market for blind people and how a FabLab project tries to implement digital participation for all.
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Photo: A workshop in the FabLab; Copyright: Projekt EL4

FabLabs: Learning digital competence and promoting participation


People with disabilities often need custom-made or adapted items because disabilities are unique to each person. And sometimes the affected person is the only one who comes up with great ideas that are truly helpful in daily life. But not everyone has the knowledge or equipment to create their very own auxiliary aid. This is where so-called fab labs come into play.
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Photo: A woman and a man are watching the 3D printing process; Copyright: PantherMedia/Monkeybusiness Images

Leveraging research and development to shape the future


Whether it’s wheelchairs or prosthetics – there is an ongoing effort to continuously improve auxiliary aids and services. As a result, the standards of medical equipment also continue to change - always based on the latest developments and research results. That’s why has taken a closer look at how trends like digitization and creative minds impact this industry sector.
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Photo: Christine Rupp in Hamburg in front of the Elbphilharmony; Copyright: Nikolaus Schäffler/DIETZ GROUP

Christine Rupp – That's how she rolls


There's something else going on, just a little different! Christine Rupp follows this motto. Both on her blog and in the social networks she gives many insights into her everyday life, which she has been living with multiple sclerosis for over 30 years now. Which chances she missed due to the early diagnosis and what she wants to achieve with her blog, she tells us on
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Photo: Thijs Hendriks; Copyright: private

Thijs Hendriks – That's how he rolls


Thijs Hendriks is a tetraplegic and supports the rights of people with spinal paralysis in his association "Quereinsteiger" (lateral entrants). He tries to support those affected and their relatives in the first period after accidents. On Thursday at the TREFFPUNKT, he tells us that a life with even the most severe physical disability is worthwhile. What else moves him, he tells at
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Photo: Johanna Korte and Eileen Witte; Copyright: Stefanie Freudenreich

Career launch made easy: customized support services for people with disabilities


Problems transitioning into the workforce? Adolescents with disabilities can get support from the North Rhine-Westphalian KAoA-STAR program. sat down with the program coordinators of LVR (regional authority Rheinland) and LWL (regional authority Westfalen-Lippe), Eileen Witte and Johanna Korte, and asked about the program and the types of services it provides.
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Photo: Franziska Wetzl; Copyright: FibroFee

Franziska Wetzl – That's how she rolls


Franziska Wetzl writes on her blog named FibroFee with a big pinch of humor about life with a chronic dung heap under her boots. Why her humor is simple, why she is committed to more awareness for visible and invisible disabilities and why she is obsessed with the idea of a "Wishing-Table", she tells us at
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Photo: Andrea Schütt at Wacken 2019; Copyright: private

Andrea Schütt – That's how she rolls


Seven years ago Andrea Schütt won our competition "Pimp my Wheelchair" with her Wacken wheelchair. And still today her passion for the Metal festival is unbroken. Why exactly this passion is leading her to REHACARE this year and how she rolls in general, she tells us on
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Photo: Visitors in the entrance area of REHACARE 2018; Copyright: Messe Duesseldorf/ctillmann

September 2019: Highlights at REHACARE 2019


The time has come again: In September, the exhibition halls in Düsseldorf will be transformed into a market of possibilities. Because REHACARE 2019 is just around the corner. 740 exhibitors from 43 countries are offering a wide range of products for rehabilitation, care and self-determined living. In our current Topic of the Month you can find out more about the highlights of REHACARE 2019.
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Photo: Visitors in the entrance area of REHACARE 2018; Copyright: Messe Duesseldorf/ctillmann

Highlights at REHACARE 2019


The time has come again: In September, the exhibition halls in Düsseldorf will be transformed into a market of possibilities. Because REHACARE 2019 is just around the corner. 740 exhibitors from 43 countries are offering a wide range of products for rehabilitation, care and self-determined living. In our current Topic of the Month you can find out more about the highlights of REHACARE 2019.
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Photo: Bob Griffin at the booth of Tomcat SNI Ltd at REHACARE 2017; Copyright: Tomcat SNI Ltd

Trikes, power attachments, drive-by-wire systems: The many faces of mobility


Whether it’s two, three or four wheels, whether it requires muscle strength or extra assistance – mobility has many faces and plays a big part in promoting self-determination for people with disabilities. This year’s new PRODUCTS & NEWS @REHACARE forum (Hall 4 / H21) – powered by MOBITIPP – showcases solutions that support participation with mobility options.
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Photo: Ronja Holze shows her muscles; Copyright: private

Ronja Holze – That's how she rolls


The sport has helped Ronja Holze through a hard time. At the Pfeffersport children's and inclusion sports club she focused on wheelchair basketball. David Lebuser brought her to WCMX. She is currently German Champion. The 19-year old has learned that you have to fight for your success. On she tells us how she rolls.
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Photo: The iEAT Light Grip eating aid; Copyright: Assistive Innovations bv

"Assistive devices help to actively join the meal"


There are various different kinds of auxiliary means at REHACARE. And the drinking and eating aids are definitely among the popular ones. With its assistive devices the company Assistive Innovations bv from the Netherlands wants to help people with different disabilities to become more independent with eating. CEO Arthur Blom tells more about classic and new products.
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Photo: Eliza Gawin; Copyright: Tabea Keinath

Eliza Gawin – That's how she rolls


The ignorance of an appropriate way to deal with people with disabilities are the factors that Eliza Gawin often finds disturbing about her fellow human beings. But even the 25-year-old first had to learn that a relationship is also possible with a disability. Who helped her gain this insight and why the web designer did not have to buy plastic straws for years, she tells us at
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Photo: Tobias Nerlich in a gokart; Copyright:

Tobias Nerlich – That's how he rolls


Tobias Nerlich would like to know why some teachers are still struggling with the topic of inclusion. Why he prefers to look into the future, why he does not like to be reduced to the things he cannot do and why he would do more for street lighting in Germany, he explains at
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Photo: Yvonne Ganzhorn in front of a bar with a streamer in front of her face; Copyright: Yvonne Ganzhorn

Yvonne Ganzhorn – That's how she rolls


More empowerment among the people. That would make the world a better place for Yvonne Ganzhorn. What Justin Timberlake has to do with one of her unfulfilled wishes and where she would like to sit in the front row, she tells us at
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Photo: wheelchair user in a blurred photo effect drives over a people with disabilities and jobs sign at REHACARE trade fair; Copyright: Messe Düsseldorf/ctillmann

August 2019: Auxiliary means for everyday working life


A job is the basic prerequisite for a regular income and thus for a self-determined life and participation. People with a disability often need specific auxiliary aids to participate in everyday work life. How those already help to make everyday working life easier today and in the future and why inclusive approaches are important in the area of software, we explain in our Topic of the Month.
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Photo: wheelchair user in a blurred photo effect drives over a people with disabilities and jobs sign at REHACARE trade fair; Copyright: Messe Düsseldorf/ctillmann

Auxiliary means for everyday working life


A job is the basic prerequisite for a regular income and thus for a self-determined life and participation. People with a disability often need specific auxiliary aids to participate in everyday work life. How those already help to make everyday working life easier today and in the future and why inclusive approaches are important in the area of software, we explain in our Topic of the Month.
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Photo: SmooVie in her wheelchair in front of a fountain; Copyright: private

SmooVie – That's how she rolls


Currently, her vocational diploma still needs a lot of attention, but when Begüm alias SmooVie finishes school, she wants to make a name for herself as a digital and print media designer. What else is important to her and how she deals with questions that are burning under her nails, she reveals at
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Photo: Sensory insole by novapace lying in front of a tablet on a table; Copyright: novapace

Parkinson's disease: Greater gait stability thanks to smart insoles


Gentle vibrations delivered to feet alert users to dangerous situations as they walk and prompt a more normalized gait pattern. That’s the concept behind the sensory orthotic insoles by novapace. In this interview, Simon Staffa, project manager at novapace, explains how this technology can help people with Parkinson's disease and describes the opportunities digitization brings to rehabilitation.
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Photo: Stefanie Hörmann; Copyright: private

Stefanie Hörmann – That's how she rolls


Stefanie Hörmann would like to be Commissioner for the Disabled. One of her first official duties would be to ensure that more educational work was done. In general, it is important to the Augsburg woman that people are not judged too hastily. What else is close to her heart and to whom she owes her dream job, she tells us at
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Photo: Melanie Misiano; Copyright: private

Melanie Misiano – That's how she rolls


Why employee motivation would be one of her first official acts as Commissioner for the Disabled in Switzerland, and why shaping her thoughts positively in order to lead a happy life is helping her, Melanie Misiano tells us at
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Photo: Sabine Klemens in her wheelchair in front of many flowers; Copyright: Christoph Klemens

Sabine Klemens – That's how she rolls


You're never too old to realize your dreams – finds Sabine Klemens.Why her travel destinations range from the Caribbean Sea via North and South America to a dog sled tour with overnight accommodation in an igloo and what the wheelchair model admires most about the answers of her "How We Roll" predecessors, she tells at
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Photo: Marion Heist smells of pink flowers; Copyright: private

Marion Heist – That's how she rolls


Live and let live – that is the motto of Marion Heist. Nobody should judge others and rather practice more acceptance. What makes her laugh, what she cares about and which strong personality has shaped her the most, she tells us on
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Photo: Trade fair visitors stand in front of a wheelchair-accessible vehicle at REHACARE 2018; Copyright: Messe Düsseldorf / ctillmann

July 2019: Self-determined mobility on all roads


For many people, being mobile in a self-determined way is simply normal. People with disabilities often do not experience this self-evident fact. Buses and trains are not accessible, and for many their own converted vehicle still verges on luxury. What ideas for more accessibility vehicle manufacturers are currently working on and what new attitude to life a converted minibus can bring with it?
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Photo: Wheelchair user Verena Barwitz with Holger Dieterich and Matthias Heil at the re:publica 2018; Copyright: Andi Weiland |

Daimler’s WheelPilot app finds accessible destinations


Navigation systems are not a new invention. But what if an app for accessible destinations could be connected straight to your vehicle, thus making mobility easier for people with disabilities? The creative, innovative minds of Daimler AG’s Lab1886 challenged themselves to make it reality. That marked the birth of WheelPilot.
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Photo: Wheelchair user drives on the rear ramp of a BerlKönig vehicle; Copyright: Andi Weiland |

Mobility: New solutions and ideas to promote participation


Creative people who develop apps that drive greater mobility or experts who customize vehicles to meet unique needs – people with disabilities often have to some extent rely on others to make self-determined mobility a reality. It’s clear that mobility is not a matter of course for stakeholders. Which solutions could offer support in the future?
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Photo: Trade fair visitors stand in front of a wheelchair-accessible vehicle at REHACARE 2018; Copyright: Messe Düsseldorf / ctillmann

Self-determined mobility on all roads


For many people, being mobile in a self-determined way is simply normal. People with disabilities often do not experience this self-evident fact. Buses and trains are not accessible, and for many their own converted vehicle still verges on luxury. What ideas for more accessibility vehicle manufacturers are currently working on and what new attitude to life a converted minibus can bring with it?
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Photo: Michel Arriens and Franziska Stoldt sitting in front of their VW Bulli bus on a camping site; Copyright: private

Modifications: Self-determined mobility thanks to accessible VW Bulli Bus


Whether it’s for their professional life or to travel – many people with disabilities need a car that provides mobility without limits. A small car is often unable to accommodate unique needs. That’s when you need a bigger vehicle – like a minivan.
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Photo: Cinderella Glücklich; Copyright: Dolores Saul

Cinderella Glücklich – That's how she rolls


Whether alone or in a team – the appropriate attitude is the be-all and end-all if you want to reach your goal. Cinderella Glücklich knows this from her own experience. Who she would first swear to the right team spirit and the necessary work ethic and which wishes and questions she deals with, she tells us on
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Photo: Ines Helke; Copyright: private

Ines Helke – That's how she rolls


With black clothes and white gloves Ines Helke stands on stage and performs – together with the sign language choir 'HandsUp'. Why one of the choir members had a special influence on her and what kind of visions she has concerning inclusion and participation, she tells us on
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Photo: Anja Hebel while climbing; Copyright: private

Anja Hebel – That's how she rolls


Leaving the comfort zone and doing things people don't expect from her, let alone trust her to be able to do – Anja Hebel loves to go beyond boundaries. The born fighter can't be knocked down by anything. Why invisible disabilities and chronic illnesses are close to her heart and what she thinks about stereotyped thinking, she tells us on
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Photo: Til Augustin; Copyright: Sandra Schink

Til Augustin – That's how he rolls


The halfpipe is his sports field, the wheelchair his sports equipment: At the second international German WCMX Championship, Til Augustin became German Champion in his starting class D3/Intermediate in mid-May. Which (sporty) wishes are still open, the wheelchair skater tells us on
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Photo: Wheelchair user stands in front of an elevator and holds a mobile phone in her hand, on which an app displays  elevator problems; Copyright: Andi Weiland |

June 2019: Practical, small and handy: Everyday aids


In order to be able to live as self-determined as possible in everyday life, an accessible environment is essential. But by far not all everyday objects meet the requirements of people with disabilities. But small helpers can often achieve a lot – whether they are apps or add-ons for existing products or special aids for food intake. Find out more in our Topic of the Month June: Everyday aids.
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Photo: Cutlery drawer with Gripoballs in it; Copyright: Gripoballs

Self-determination thanks to eating and drinking aids


There are many reasons why a person has trouble eating or drinking, including tremors associated with Parkinson’s disease or neurologic symptoms caused by multiple sclerosis. Eating independently without the need for help is a pervasive need in all of us. It is usually not an issue if we have the right tools.
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Photo: Wheelchair user stands in front of an elevator and holds a mobile phone in her hand, on which an app displays  elevator problems; Copyright: Andi Weiland |

Practical, small and handy: Everyday aids


In order to be able to live as self-determined as possible in everyday life, an accessible environment is essential. But by far not all everyday objects meet the requirements of people with disabilities. But small helpers can often achieve a lot – whether they are apps or add-ons for existing products or special aids for food intake. Find out more in our Topic of the Month June: Everyday aids.
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Photo: AssistX Mobil-Set plus; Copyright: CSS Labs

"An assistive home and nurse call system provides security and protects privacy"


Whether you are at home or in a nursing home – you always have to be in a position where you can reliably summon assistance in an emergency by pressing a call button. Yet not everyone is able to easily use the conventional call buttons. That’s why it is important to offer alternatives that provide peace of mind and protection.
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Photo: Reading devices for visually impaired people at REHACARE 2018 ; Copyright: Messe Düsseldorf/ctillmann

Daily living aids improve quality of life


Whether they are smart and connected or simple and low-tech – the market offers many different types of tools and resources that make everyday tasks easier for people with disabilities. They also increase self-determination and promote participation in all areas of life.
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Photo: Ninia Binias; Copyright: Simona Bednarek

Ninia Binias – That's how she rolls


She loves fashion, hippos and the creative use of words. As a slam poet, author and presenter, Ninia Binias – stage name Ninia LaGrande – is a sought-after guest at many events. What she cares about most and which system she would like to revolutionize completely, she tells us at
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Photo: Prototype of the sensor for a cane; Copyright: Zahout-Heil

SmAccLab: Smart auxiliary means for everyone


Accessible and realistic – that’s how auxiliary aids should be in the eyes of Professor Carsten Zahout. Students at the Smart Accessibility Laboratory (SmAccLab) are working on technical solutions that fulfill these requirements and lead to increased participation for people with disabilities. found out how product engineering and inclusion join forces.
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Photo: Tanja Kollodzieyski; Copyright: Andi Weiland |

Tanja Kollodzieyski – That's how she rolls


In social media she is well known as Rollifraeulein and recently Tanja Kollodzieyski also founded her own Twitter project to increase the visibility of people with various disabilities. To what extent we are all a puzzle and what kind of connection she would like to have with a German actress, she tells us on
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Photo: Manfred Fischer with a telescope; Copyright: Roland Froschauer

Manfred Fischer – That's how he rolls


Manfred Fischer demands the same respect and appreciation as everyone else for people with disabilities.Why the Austrian has not yet fulfilled his dream of the Easter Islands and which question the hobby astronomer would have liked to have answered, he tells at
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Photo: Yaro; Copyright: YAROTube

Yaro – That's how he rolls


Normality in dealing with him - that's what Yaro would like his fellow men to do. But the YouTuber is far from hiding in his room because of his SMA. True to the motto: "Where there is a will, there is a way", he fulfils his wishes with the necessary portion of creativity. What else is important to him, he tells on
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Photo: Johannes Mairhofer; Copyright: Marcus Vetter

Johannes Mairhofer – That's how he rolls


Johannes Mairhofer loves his professional freedom. As the initiator of he is on the road a lot. But when he's not trying to bring more diversity to German-speaking stages, he's not bored. The photographer, author, speaker and consultant is almost always busy. Why it was a fictitious character who gave him his freedom, he tells us at
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Photo: Gina Doormann; Copyright: Melina Mörsdorf Photography

Gina Doormann – That's how she rolls


Self-employed and mother of two – with these characteristics Gina Doormann often cannot afford to be ill. And if an invisible disability like MS is added, she gets to hear that she would not look ill at all. Reason enough for her to blog about her life for that very reason. What she is up to and which why questions she asks herself, she tells us on
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Graphic: Screenshot of the fuelService app, which shows two figures at a gas station; Copyright: fuelService

fuelService app helps drivers with disabilities to refuel their car


Your car ran out of petrol and you need support refuelling it? The new app fuelService is about to help you find a petrol station where you get the help you need. The app is for free and globally available. App founder Niall El-Assaad told how it works.
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Photo: Niall El-Assaad; Copyright: private

Niall El-Assaad – That's how he rolls


Why are we here and what is our role in life? That is a philosophical question. Niall El-Assaad would later like to be able to claim that he has done something of value to society. What this is, what makes him laugh, what he wants to do once again with full consciousness and what he thinks about accessibility laws, he tells us on
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Photo: Kathy Schwack; Copyright: Schwack/Ahoi und Moin Moin

Kathy Schwack – That's how she rolls


More than eight years ago Kathy Schwack booked her first cruise at a travel agency. Everything was new and exciting – especially cruising with disabilities – was a real challenge. She took up this challenge and visited over 70 ports from Panama to Limassol. Who she has the travel gene from and which place is still on her wish list, she tells us at
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Photo: Fuchsia Aurelius; Copyright: Manicks Productions/Fuchsia Aurelius

Fuchsia Aurelius – That's how she rolls


Who knows how to get a date with actor Joaquin Phoenix can contact Fuchsia Aurelius. You almost would have seen the British woman on the big screen as well. Why it did not work out in the end and why actors with disabilities have a hard time in the industry, she tells us at
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Photo: Pool landscape on deck of a cruise ship; Copyright:

Going on a cruise: Accessibility included


Far-off destinations, the expansiveness of the ocean, a touch of luxury aboard the vessel – cruise vacations are hugely popular. People with disabilities are also increasingly drawn to big cruise ships, which typically promise a worry-free vacation. But how accessible are the vessels, the staterooms, and shore excursions? Three veteran cruise travelers share their experiences.
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Photo: Several houseboats next to each other at the jetty; Copyright: BunBo – Das BungalowBoot

BunBo: Accessible travel by houseboat


Peacefully floating along and clearing your mind of stress – a houseboat vacation makes it possible. But is accessible travel really an option in such a tiny space? Absolutely. Bungalow-style boats – abbreviated BunBo – make this dream come true. Depending on their size and equipment, they can accommodate four to six people and make for a unique vacation on the water.
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Photo: Sebastian Waechter; Copyright: private

Sebastian Waechter – That's how he rolls


Sebastian Waechter knows doubts, fears and other negative thoughts. But he does not let them become a barrier for his plans. Anyway, he hasn't made a parachute jump yet. However, this is less due to his mindset. Why he is still looking for the right provider for his dream and what his way to satisfaction looks like, he tells us at
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Photo: Director talks to two young women who are involved in the film

Inclusive education: "Children of Utopia" creates new perspectives


The debate about inclusive education is stalling and generally doesn’t even let those who are most affected have their say: students both with and without disabilities. The German movie "Children of Utopia" ("Die Kinder der Utopie") wants to change all that. That's why it will be screened in several movie theaters on May 15 as part of a nationwide campaign event – followed by panel discussions.
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Photo: Ilka Bruehl; Copyright: Ilka Bruehl

Ilka Bruehl – That's how she rolls


For a long time Ilka Brühl lacked a healthy self-confidence. Because of her cleft face, self-doubt gnawed at her. A long way and many photo shoots later, her journey is not yet over, but the dreamer and optimist wants to make the world a better place. Who helped her on her way and how she wants to help others, she tells us at
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Photo: Saskia Bader; Copyright: private

Saskia Bader – That's how she rolls


More women in the tech industry! That's what Saskia Bader wants, so she's no longer the only woman in development teams. Why she would still like to organize an offline event and would like to live off her nerd existence, she tells us at
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Photo: Beate Kerber; Copyright: private

Beate Kerber – That's how she rolls


A life with type 1 diabetes is a full-time job. For Beate Kerber, however, her diabetes equipment is just as much a part of her travels as enough fresh underpants. Why a good wine belongs in her luggage as well, which journey she would like to go on and why a street sweeper is her role model, she tells us at
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Photo: Two doctors standing in front of a virtual screen depicting human organs; Copyright:

Digitization and the new opportunities it brings to the healthcare sector


Is it already too late for the digitization of healthcare? How does Germany compare to other countries in this setting? What opportunities and threats does big data involve? And why could uniform digital patient care lead to unimagined success, especially when it comes to the rehabilitation sector?
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Photo: Wille Felix Zante; Copyright: Claudia Göpperl

Wille Felix Zante – That's how he rolls


Wille Felix Zante produces texts and a lot of other stuff for many publications, such as the Deutsche Gehörlosenzeitung. In the media and in general he would like to see much more accessibility. Which door he would knock on for a corresponding accessibility law and why he would like to be a flea on one of his cats, he tells us at
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Photo: Laura Mench sits at the edge of a fountain and smiles at the camera; Copyright: private

Laura Mench – That's how she rolls


For a long time, the flight of the bumblebee was considered a paradox. Although solved in the meantime, the apparent paradox is still a suitable motto of life – also to Laura Mench. What she would wish for her peers and why she thinks that the direct dialogue could lead to a better implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, she tells us at
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Photo: Erica Powell; Copyright: Troy Tribble | Troy Tribble Photo

Erica Powell – That's how she rolls


Bestseller author, model and Paralympic athlete – Erica Powell wants to achieve all this. And alongside the way, she also wants to clear up prejudices about people with disabilities. Why Erica finds stereotypes are annoying, why she always has to laugh when asked about her guide dog and which questions she frequently asks other people, she tells us at
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Photo: Katrin Neudolt sits next to a trophy and wears a medal around her neck; Copyright: private

Katrin Neudolt – That's how she rolls


It is not only her sporting success in badminton that makes Katrin Neudolt a special athlete. It is her commitment to deaf people and her constant engagement to show that they also have a voice. Why she would like to change her racket for a pair of skis and which top athletes are important in her life, she tells on
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Photo: A shop owner who allows a wheelchair user access to his shop by means of a mobile ramp; Copyright: Jörg Farys | AG Urban

Accessible retail: Status quo and industry trends


How will we be shopping in the future? How will our buying behavior change? These are questions that companies must already ponder today. takes a closer look at the retail industry, ponders the possible future and highlights projects that already focus on enabling participation in retail consumption.
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Photo: Two trainees in the educational venue (

Lernladen increases future retail employees’ accessibility awareness


What’s it like to shop when you suffer from tremors and have to get coins out of your wallet at the cash register in a hurry? And how much are you still able to see prices when you are dealing with a visual impairment? Many apprentices can only guess what that must be like. At the so-called Lernladen, they get to experience these scenarios first-hand with the help of simulation goggles and gloves.
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Photo: Christian Kiermeier; Copyright: private

Christian Kiermeier – That's how he rolls


Sexuality and disability – there are still many prejudices about it in our society. And Christian Kiermeier would like to refute these prejudices with the help of his blog. What kind of wishes he has already fulfilled and why he would like to be a time traveler, he tells us on
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Photo: Andreas Hettwer (left) and Max Prigge; Copyright: Carina Hettwer

Self-determined living: careunities creates flat sharing for people with physical disabilities


For many people, living in a shared accommodation is a matter of course. But how well does this work if you have a physical disability and require assistance? This is where careunities comes in. The online platform matches people up with future roommates and also plans to retrofit buildings for accessibility, thus creating more shared living spaces.
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Photo: Roxana Dobrica on her handbike during a team photoshoot; Copyright: MACA Foto

Roxana Dobrica – That's how she rolls


Roxana Dobrica wanted to start a new life in Italy nine years ago. But a car accident cost her seven years until she started to live her life again independently. Her new life also includes handbiking. Which dream of her former life she still remembers, why it is important to laugh and why she would never switch lives with someone else, she tells us on
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Photo: Saskia Katharina Most in front of a screen showing her blog; Copyright: Salih Usta Photography

Saskia Katharina Most – That's how she rolls


Accepting help and showing willingness to help – that is what Saskia Katharina Most would wish for from people, whether with or without disability. Why the blogger has overcome her fears in setting up her blog and why it is important to her to constantly improve herself, she explains at
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Photo: Cindy Klink; Copyright: Marc Fuchs / Fuchs Photographie

Cindy Klink – That's how she rolls


"Hearing is overrated," is the title of her book. But Cindy Klink has made a name for herself above all with her YouTube channel, on which she translates songs into sign language. Why she thinks that hearing impaired or deaf people are still marginalized and what she would change as the Federal Commissioner for the Disabled, she tells us at
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Photo: The stage of the Sziget Festival can be seen between two wheelchair users on the podium.; Copyright: Timo Hermann |

More diversity at different types of events – it doesn’t hurt to ask or to inform


A visit to a trade fair, festival or a movie theater – while some leisure activities are easy to come by for people without disabilities, they can turn into a downright adventure for wheelchair users, people who are blind, visually impaired, deaf or hearing impaired. Especially, if there is a lack of vital information pertaining to accessibility at an event.
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Photo: Adina Hermann in her wheelchair at the Sziget Festival in Budapest/Hungary; Copyright: Timo Hermann –

Attending a festival as a wheelchair user: Accessibility with trade-offs


One is a big fan of the Wacken Open Air festival (W:O:A) in Germany’s Schleswig-Holstein, the other can’t and won’t pick a favorite. Andrea Schütt and Adina Hermann are as different as the festivals they visit, but they have one thing in common: They know first-hand that attending a festival as a wheelchair user is definitely doable!
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Photo: The stage at the Wacken Open Air 2016 while the band Bullet For My Valentine plays; Copyright: Andrea Schütt

Inclusion Must Make Noise: "Participation is not about a particular music genre"


Anyone who frequently visits the Wacken Open Air probably knows him: Ron Paustian is one of the permanent fixtures of the heavy metal music festival. The metal fan has turned his passion into his mission. Since 2009, Paustian has been committed to making concerts and festivals more accessible to people with disabilities.
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Photo: Lisa Mümmler; Copyright: Lisa Mümmler

Lisa Mümmler – That's how she rolls


Lisa Mümmler can't say why she started blogging – maybe her thoughts just had to come out. But the blogger knows why Lizzi's World has been online since November 2016: as a connection between her, her thoughts and the world. Why she wants to follow the Way of St. James, what impresses her about blue whales and why Master Yoda doesn't fit the question, she tells us at
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Photo: Robin Nixdorf; Copyright: private

Robin Nixdorf – That's how he rolls


It's not the body that stands in your way, it's your own mind – at least that's what Robin Nixdorf thinks. The Mainzer likes to push his body to its limits in order to overcome them and become stronger. In which mindset he lives his life, how he would replace the word "Commissioner" in Commissioner for the Disabled and how he would supplement school lessons, he reveals at
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Photo: Nadine Wettstein; Copyright: Yvonne Most

Nadine Wettstein – That's how she rolls


When Nadine Wettstein goes on an urban exploration tour with her guide dog, she usually realizes that things aren't as bad as she thought they would be. Her advice: Just do it! What insights she would like to have, what she thinks about accessibility and why inclusion is not a gift for people with disabilities, she tells us at
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Photo: Benjamin Schmidt; Copyright: Stef Schmidt

Benjamin Schmidt – That's how he rolls


His works are ruthlessly open, full of disarming truths and with powerful images. But author, musician and graphic artist Benjamin Schmidt hasn't had enough yet. Who his muses and companions were, why he would like to swim with an octopus and where he took off his glasses, he tells us at
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Photo: Richard J. Schaefer sitting under a tree, next to him is his wheelchair; Copyright: DieFotoFrau

Richard J. Schaefer – That's how he rolls


Richard J. Schaefer holds it like the founder of the scout movement: He wants to leave the world a bit better than he found it. How this philosophy of life affects his private and disability-political work, the Austrian tells us on
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Photo: Lukas Kraemer with a microphone on the street; Copyright: private

Lukas Krämer – That's how he rolls


The world is colorful! According to this principle Lukas Krämer tries to encourage other people with disabilities and at the same time to break down prejudices of non-disabled people. Why he got into politics and what his first act as the Commissioner for the Disabled would be, he tells us at
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Photo: Heidi Ulm riding a bike in front of a colorful hedge; Copyright: private

Heidi Ulm – That's how she rolls


Either completely or not at all. There is nothing in between for Heidi Ulm. Perhaps this also explains her goal of persuading society to rethink its thinking about people with disabilities. What she learned from her prosthesis maker, what kind of socially critical questions the 19-year-old has on her mind and how a YouTube channel can help to break down prejudices, she tells us at
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Photo: Toni Furmanski; Copyright:

Toni Furmanski – That's how she rolls


Role models in the media like her – that's what Toni Furmanski would have liked in her childhood and youth. This is also why she is so enthusiastic about the fact that more and more people with different disabilities appear in fashion and advertising. To what extent this would have helped her in as a teenager and why answering our questions made her shed some tears, she tells us on
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Photo: Bert Pot, who is holding teammate Claudia Breidbach in his arms after a completed CYBATHLON race; Copyright: Giolio Coscia

Bert Pot – That's how he rolls


Anyone who took part in REHACARE 2018 and watched a CYBATHLON Experience race saw Bert Pot in action. The Dutchman formed a team with Claudia Breidbach and showed how suitable his hand prosthesis is for everyday use. He will also be at the next CYBATHLON 2020. What else drives him around, he tells on
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Photo: Daniel Wehrmann; Copyright: Daniela Schwarzer

Daniel Wehrmann – That's how he rolls


On his blog you can read his story from his first symptoms to his final diagnosis to his rehab and his present life with multiple sclerosis. Why he says that he is not considered an "exemplary" MS patient, what kind of research he is interested in and whose views he shares about life, he tells on
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Photo: Alhassane Baldé in his wheelchair; Copyright: Agentur für Arbeit Düsseldorf

Alhassane Baldé – That's how he rolls


Alhassane Baldé is a successful German para-athlete in wheelchair racing and has already won several medals. For him, the topics of sport and participation are therefore closely linked. Why he is grateful to his parents and what role Barack Obama plays, he tells us at
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Photo: Michaela Gurzinski with her dog Bella; Copyright: Agentur für Arbeit Düsseldorf

Michaela Gurzinski – That's how she rolls


The human being should be in the focus, not the disability. And in questions which concern people with disabilities, they should also be consulted themselves. That's what Michaela Gurzinski would like to see from society and politics. She also tells us on who can make her laugh quite well and what she still needs about ten certificates for.
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Photo: Frank Rennhack with his team mates on the ice during a Para Ice Hockey game; Copyright: IPC

Frank Rennhack – That's how he rolls


Frank Rennhack can't visit REHACARE himself, but his colleagues and supporters of the Para Ice Hockey are once again in the Sports Centre with their roller sled this year. What the German national player would like to be and what he cares about next to his sport, he tells us on
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Photo: The OpenEarConcept team; Copyright: Lothar Jack

"The OpenEarConcept© adapts acoustic signals to the unique features of hearing aid technology"


Whether we listen to the radio or a concert – for most of us, it’s hard to imagine life without music. Meanwhile, people who wear digital hearing aids often don’t get to fully enjoy the rich landscapes of sound because they depend on the accessibility and quality of audio induction loops. The OpenEarConcept© research project is committed to supporting greater musical enjoyment.
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Photo: Michel Arriens on his scooter in Berlin; Copyright: Anna Spindelndreier

Michel Arriens – That's how he rolls


Diversity is an enrichment. It is his parents Michel Arriens owes this attitude to. On he tells us why he would like to have a time machine to get politics 2.0 rolling and why he believes that his romantic idea could fail because of relativity. And he also tells all visitors at REHACARE how he became an activist – on Friday 28 September.
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Photo: Leonard Grobien; Copyright: private

Leonard Grobien – That's how he rolls


Leonard Grobien – also known as Typitus – was a part of #AbilityTube Berlin, the first meeting of German-speaking influencers with disabilities. And maybe the five YouTubers have set something in motion, which will become quite big in the coming years. Why he already follows his profession with his YouTube channel and what is close to his heart besides movies, he tells us on
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Photo: Katja Alekseev with cotton candy; Copyright: private

Katja Alekseev – That's how she rolls


Her blog is actually a kind of diary, but – according to Katja Alekseev – it should encourage other women to stand up for their wishes. Currently, the 29-year-old is fully occupied with her studies, her blog and her work for DIE PARTEI. What she would do if she had more time and why air travel is not for her, she tells us on
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Photo: Laura Gehlhaar; Copyright: Schall&Schnabel

Laura Gehlhaar – That's how she rolls


Laura Gehlhaar has no heart for blue carpets! And she makes noises when she moves over to the toilet – at least that's what her boyfriend claims. But the author and activist can laugh about it. What she can't laugh about and how the processing status of her dream trip is, she tells us at
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Photo: The Munevo team; Copyright: Munevo GmbH

"Smart technology opportunities can make it easier to live a self-determined life"


Controlling an electric wheelchair by using smart glasses? Smart glasses like munevo Drive make this a reality. Visitors have a chance to check them out in person at this year’s REHACARE trade fair. Konstantin Madaus from the startup company Munevo looks back on the previous trade show presence and invites everyone to join him at his company’s booth again this year.
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Photo: Raul Krauthausen; Copyright: Andi Weiland | Sozialhelden e.V.

Raul Krauthausen – That's how he rolls


If you travel a lot for work, you don't necessarily feel like travelling in your free time. In this respect it is understandable that Raul Krauthausen has not yet realized his trip around the world. What made Germany's most well-known inclusion activists laugh on Twitter lately and to which serious questions he would like to have an answer, he tells us at
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Photo: Anne Gersdorff; Copyright: Andi Weiland |

Anne Gersdorff – That's how she rolls


Inclusion and work are her topics – the activist Anne Gersdorff studied social work and works as an integration consultant. She doesn't take herself so seriously and would like to take one or two time travels. To whom she owes her humanistic image of man, what she would like to change politically and where her dream journey should go to, she tells on
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Photo: Beth Griffiths; Copyright: Beth Griffiths

Beth Griffiths – That's how she rolls


From the middle of nowhere in Wales, Beth Griffiths writes about beauty, lifestyle, disability and books she reads. Besides that the 25-year old Welsh girl is a passionate wheelchair Basketball player. Her team, the Worcester Wolves, is kind of family to her. What her attitude towards life is, what she would love to do and what her relationship to cheesecake is like, she tells us on
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Photo: Michelle Rebane; Copyright: private

Michelle Rebane – That's how she rolls


More than 150 years ago Lewis Carroll succeeded with "Alice in Wonderland" in creating a work that still inspires people today. Anyone who follows Michelle Rebane on Instagram knows how enthusiastic she is about the characters and the work of Carroll. On she tells us what she wants to achieve herself, why she gets stopped by clichés and what she has to say about prejudices.
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Photo: Manuela Richter with her dog in nature; Copyright: Nikolaus Richter

Manuela Richter – That's how she rolls


First, it was quite some overcoming for Manuela Richter to leave her comfort zone, but it was worth it. Meanwhile, the Leipzig native loves to be outdoors with her dogs and to experience adventures. To whom she owes her thirst for adventure, which adventure she would like to experience and why she is so fond of dog trekking, she tells us at
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Photo: A woman in a beach wheelchair; Copyright: Timo Hermann |

Tourism for All: "Traveling is not just about physical access"


Tourism is for everybody. The aim of the British organisation Tourism for All is to make travel accessible. Whether travelers, policy makers or companies, Tourism for All wants to operate with and for everyone. asked, how the attitude of companies and politicians towards people with disabilities has changed and what the European tourism market has to offer.
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Photo: Christian Bayerlein; Copyright: Björn Lubetzki

Christian Bayerlein – That's how he rolls


Revolutionaries and free spirits are among his role models – no wonder then that Christian Bayerlein also likes to address unpleasant topics. Who would like to experience him live, has the opportunity at this years REHACARE forum on Friday. On he tells what his first official act as Federal Commissioner for the Disabled would be and what he would like to be part of.
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Photo: Fiona Anderson; Copyright: private

Fiona Anderson – That's how she rolls


As the name of her blog "Life of an ambitious turtle" suggests, Fiona Anderson does not let her disease slow her down. On the contrary: in addition to caring for her children, the British woman is also an active campaigner. Which person has influenced her most and why passion is important to her, she tells us on
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Photo: Sima Surkamp; Copyright: private

Sima Surkamp – That's how she rolls


Our society must finally live inclusion instead of just talking about it. Sima Surkamp demands this for the labour market as well as for the economy and politics. Who or what is also near and dear to her and which accessible vehicle she would like to own, she tells at
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Photo: Lisa Brockschmidt; Copyright: Christina Schneider

Lisa Brockschmidt – That's how she rolls


Just going outside in shorts in summer. Lisa Brockschmidt didn't dare to do that for a long time because of her leg prostheses. Meanwhile she has found this courage. But why this required courage at all, she herself does not know. What she likes about other amputees, how she relates to her orthopaedic technician and who else is important to the 22-year-old, she tells us at
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Photo: Speaker at the conference during the M-Enabling Summit 2017 in Washington; Copyright: M-Enabling Summit

M-Enabling Forum: "The best assistive technologies cannot be useful if our digital environment is not accessible"


Self-determined living needs accessibility. This does not only apply to step-free entrance for wheelchair users, but also for the digital environment. For example, when blind people surf the internet with a screen reader, they need web sites that are accessible. But reality often looks different. Reason enough for the M-Enabling Forum to focus on this topic at this year's REHACARE.
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Photo: Sascha Schrön; Copyright: Sebastian Gölz

Sascha Schrön – That's how he rolls


Sascha Schrön hates being patronized by others because of his disability. After all, he himself knows best what he can and cannot do. Why his head has prevented him from doing a parachute jump and why he admires inclusion activists, he tells us at
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Photo: Sarah Alexander; Copyright: Sarah Alexander

Sarah Alexander – That's how she rolls


Sarah Alexander has been passionate about writing for as long as she can remember. So, it was only quite logical that she started blogging a few years ago – about lifestyle and beauty topics as well as about her disability. Why she has such a positive attitude to life today and what role her grandmother plays in it, she tells us at
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Photo: Susanne Boehme sitting on the floor and smiling after a parachute jump; Copyright: private

Susanne Boehme – That's how she rolls


Walking despite a paralysis and being able to fly, although humans are not made to do so - for Susanne Boehme it is all just a question of imagination. Why the parachutist does not allow herself to be deprived of her sport and why there is hardly any increase to her previous life, she tells us at
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Photo: Shona Cobb smiling at the camera; Copyright: private

Shona Cobb – That's how she rolls


Today, the Internet enables many people to be heard. Also Shona Cobb got a voice through it. At the age of 14, the Brit started her blog. That was six years ago and her blog has grown with her ever since. Why disability rights campaigners inspire her and why the 20-year-old would like to be able to speak more in public, she tells us at
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Photo: Eva Papst at the A-Day 2010 with a microphone in her hand; Copyright: Andreas Hafenscher,

Eva Papst – That's how she rolls


Digital accessibility is very important to Eva Papst. This is the only way for the blind Viennese to find her way around the Internet without any problems. That is why she has been working against digital barriers for almost 20 years now. Why she would also wish for a robot guide dog and what role she thinks blind people should play in thrillers, she tells us at
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Photo: Jahn Graf; Copyright: private

Jahn Graf – That's how he rolls


Getting into a dialogue with people - meanwhile Jahn Graf has made this his professional task: On his YouTube channel "Jahn's Rolling World" he meets people with and without disabilities. His aim is to break down barriers in people's minds. Why the dialogue as communication form is so important to him and what he would like to be, he tells us at
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Photo: Martina Gollner; Copyright: Martina Gollner

Martina Gollner – That's how she rolls


Founding a company is a hard step for many people. Martina Gollner simply dared it. The woman living in Vienna, Austria, does not feel comfortable with being dependent on others and enjoys the freedom of not having to. Why she moved from her home village in Styria to the Austrian capital and why the opportunity to help shape also means responsibility, she tells us at
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Photo: Paola Klokler in a wheelchair basketball game while Rio 2016; Copyright: private

Paola Klokler – That's how she rolls


When asked about her qualities, Paola Klokler answers with stubbornness, she doesn't give up easily and being hyperactive. The number 14 of the Brazilian national team in wheelchair basketball always tries to improve herself and approach perfection. Why she wants to go on a sightseeing tour, even though she has already traveled a lot, she tells us at
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Photo: Timur Oruz; Copyright: Patrick Styrnol

Timur Oruz – That's how he rolls


Family man, national hockey player and medical student - all this is Timur Oruz. Determined and ambitious are also appropriate descriptions. The 23-year-old was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of six. But he would not let it slow him down. Why diabetes also has potential for him and what his first official action as Commissioner for the Disabled would be, he tells us at
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Photo: Conny Runge while her Zumba® class; Copyright: private

Conny Runge – That's how she rolls


Sport is her great passion, especially dancing. As the first certified Zumba® trainer, Conny Runge is now trying to establish wheelchair Zumba® as a fitness program. Which sports she would like to try and what else she is interested in besides sports, she tells us on
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Photo: Christian Tiffert during his trip in Russia; Copyright: Christian Tiffert

Christian Tiffert – That's how he rolls


"The boundaries are in your head! The rest is endurance and organization," says Christian Tiffert. Together with his seven assistants, the quadriplegics travelled 8,000 kilometres through Russia last year. Why he is afraid of a trip around Cape Horn though and what role his former professor plays in his life, he tells us at
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Photo: Tim Stratmann; Copyright: Jannes Tilicke

Tim Stratmann – That's how he rolls


For Tim Stratmann many things about human behavior are strange and yet it is him who often seems strange to other people. The 30-year-old is autistic, but only got the diagnosis at the age of 29. What he would like to do and why he asks people not to bend, he tells us at
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Photo: Paul Ittenbach; Copyright: Paul Ittenbach

Paul Ittenbach – That's how he rolls


Long live the carnival: For Paul Ittenbach, the German fifth season is something very special, as he makes costumes for his electric wheelchair every year. Why his carnival club is close to his heart, what he owes to his wife and why he feels that people with disabilities are not welcome everywhere, he tells us at
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Photo: Stefanie Trzecinski; Copyright: Johannes Franke

"At the TUECHTIG coworking space, people with and without disabilities are working together – and not just next to each other"


Maximum flexibility to encourage ideas, effectively sharing office space: coworking spaces have become a part of many major cities. In 2017, Berlin featured about one hundred of them, but none of them were comprehensively accessible. That’s something Stefanie Trzecinski from KOPF, HAND + FUSS gGmbH wanted to change. That was the moment, the idea for "TUECHTIG – Raum für Inklusion" was born.
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Photo: Dominique Kogut with her Retriever Miss Rosalie; Copyright: Simon Stobbe Fotografie

Dominique Kogut – That's how she rolls


Dominique Kogut and Retriever Miss Rosalie are a well-rehearsed human-dog team. However, the media designer does see room for improvement in the training of assistance dogs. Where a journey would go if her savings would be sufficiant and why her own claim to herself prevents her from writing a book, she tells us at
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Photo: Eva Vos; Copyright: Eva Vos

Eva Vos – That's how she rolls


The pictorial comparison that the meteorologist Edward N. Lorenz used for his research, which later became known as the butterfly effect, inspired Eva Vos for her book title. You can find out why she sees herself as a butterfly tamer in her literary work. Why the author has never left Europe before or what kind of question she would like to be answered, she tells us at
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Photo: Daniela Maier; Copyright: private

Daniela Maier – That's how she rolls


Daniela Maier was in good health until she was 30 years old. Then, after a HIT type II, she had both her lower legs amputated. After one and a half years in hospital and rehabilitation, she has learned to see her life from a different perspective. How she wants to help other people in such an extreme situation and what her blog has to do with it, she tells us at
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Photo: Julia Bierenfeld; Copyright:

Julia Bierenfeld – That's how she rolls


Julia Bierenfeld started her blog to help others deal with the diagnosis of MS better. She is above all grateful to her family and her boyfriend, who gave her strength in the difficult time after her diagnosis. Why she would like to travel for a whole year and how important a positive attitude is, she tells us on
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Photo: Julia Andres; Copyright:

Julia Andres – That's how she rolls


As it is typical for her zodiac sign Libra, Julia Andres is a sociable person. However, due to her MS and especially the fatigue associated with it, it was meanwhile difficult for her to leave the bed. Why she had to learn how to come to terms with herself alone and what advice she would give to others, she tells us at
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Photo: Viola Winkels at her workspace; Copyright: BFW Bad Pyrmont

Viola Winkels – That's how she rolls


Many non-disabled people tend to feel sorry for people in a wheelchair. But Viola Winkels, for example, knows better than that: Not only did she rely on the rolling support when she was still able to walk, but she is now also actively on the road with her two wheelchairs and her handbike. What she is afraid of and what annoys her among people with disabilities, she tells us at
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Photo: Emma Purcell; Copyright: private

Emma Purcell – That's how she rolls


"Music can change the world because it can change people", said Bono of U2. For Emma Purcell music is everything and always around her. Well, the 24-year old British has a weakness for words, either written or sung or performed on a stage. What her dreams are and why J.K. Rowling influenced her, she tells us at
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Photo: Claudia Grimm; Copyright: Claudia Grimm

Claudia Grimm – That's how she rolls


Claudia Grimm was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis almost seven years ago. With her blog she gives an insight into what it's like living with MS and shares her worries and fears with her readers. Why the self-employed web designer pleads for more love and acceptance in the world and why her dream of participating in a musical has failed, she tells us at
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Photo: Laura Chrobok; Copyright: Laura Chrobok

Laura Chrobok – That's how she rolls


Laura Chrobok can tell you a thing or two about the gruelling bureaucracy and job search for people with disabilities. And she wrote a book about it. But her book is not just about her search for employment but also about the good things in life, such as travelling. Why she wants more honest employers and what city she has dreamed of but already visited, she tells us at
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Photo: Blind Man touches the plug-in model of the Porta Nigra; Copyright: Ledwig

Self-guided museum visits for visually impaired people


Visually impaired and blind people can now enjoy stunning visits to the City Museum Trier thanks to audio tracks, tactile reproductions, and replicas. Together with students who participated in the "Cross Media" seminar as part of their studies at the University of Trier, Design Professor Christopher Ledwig developed a one-of-a-kind multimedia service in Germany: the so-called "blind kit" trolley.
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Photo: Mel Reis at the Art of Life event at the European Parliament; Copyright: Art of Life/MedTech Europe

Mel Reis – That's how she rolls


It was her sheer will that drove Mel Reis not to see her limb amputation as a negative fact but as a chance. And it was her passionate determination to get back to dance, as she used to before the car crash that crushed her leg when she was a teenager. What question she has to answer the most and how she would like to help others, she tells us on
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Photo: Michael Mohr (middle) at the

Michael Mohr – That's how he rolls


Michael Mohr was one of the eight "vilmA" award 2017 winners that the VdK North Rhine-Westphalia annually chooses. The 40-year-old from Düren donated his prize money to his heart's desire. What this is, what he is grateful to his parents for and why he would like to see more independence from people with disabilities, he tells us on
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Photo: Kim Lumelius; Copyright: Nicolas Meess Fotografie

Kim Lumelius – That's how she rolls


Laughter is the best medicine. In this sense Kim Lumelius is a pretty jolly person. Instead of getting angry about barriers, she prefers to overcome them. That's why her travels are always an adventure. What kind of journey she has not made yet and why she considers gratitude to be an important asset, she tells us on
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Photo: Philipp Schrenk; Copyright: Philipp Schrenk

Philipp Schrenk – That's how he rolls


Philipp Schrenk was always the only student or employee with a disability. But it worked out. Today, Schrenk really loves to travel and to offer other people orientation to accessible holiday destinations with his travel blog. Why his weaker self has kept him away from the Caribbean so far and what question he has for the health insurance companies, he tells on
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Photo: Markus Boettner; Copyright: private

Markus Boettner – That's how he rolls


Markus Boettner grew up with the Wartburg in sight and the Thuringian Forrest as playground. After he graduated University the passionate musician moved to Galway, Ireland. He moved back to Germany since half a year now. What moves the linguist and why a quotation of his good friend enriches his life, he tells us at
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Photo: Christian Jaster; Copyright: Malte Wittmershaus

Christian Jaster – That's how he rolls


Para ice hockey is the ultimate sport for Christian Jaster. Since he was a child he is infected with the ice hockey virus. Meanwhile, Jaster has become an integral part of the German Para Ice Hockey National Team and webmaster of the official homepage. What other sports he wants to try out and what he would like to be, he tells us at
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Photo: Andrea Heidrich with her dogs; Copyright: private

Andrea Heidrich – That's how she rolls


Since Andrea Heidrich uses a wheelchair because of a rheumatic autoimmune disease, she is dependent on the help of her assistance dog Jay. But since the Bochumer is already dog crazy anyway, also the Maltese Sandy belongs to the pack. In addition to her dogs, topics such as social justice are important to the 49-year-old as well. What else is on her mind, she tells us on
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Photo: Isabel Keane; Copyright:

Isabel Keane – That's how she rolls


For the 20-year old Isabel Keane one way to express herself are her stylish wheel covers, created by her sister. But the covers to beautify her wheelchair are not the only reason how Ailbhe influenced her younger sister. Why Isabel looks up to her creative sister, what she wants to accomplish but has not done until now and what she wants to be known for, she tells at
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Photo: Dunja Fuhrmann; Copyright: Peter Müller/RiNK Rehaservice

Dunja Fuhrmann – That's how she rolls


Dunja Fuhrmann wants to go high up - climbing is her passion. The idea of inclusion is particularly close to her heart. What else she is committed to and what kind of group she would like to recruit, she tells on
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Photo: Frank F. König; Copyright: Frank F. König alias LimFoto

Frank F. König – That's how he rolls


Accessible views in word and picture - Frank F. König would like to offer this with his extensive online presence. However, he has not yet been able to implement the view and step across the "big pond" into the USA himself. On he tells us what is the reason for this and which signs he wants to remove and why.
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Photo: Lisa Scheer; Copyright: Chaos.Cat

Lisa Scheer – That's how she rolls


Run, just start running: Lisa Scheer couldn't do that for fourteen years because her knee was stiff. About a year ago she decided to have an amputation of the leg. How this decision and the time before it shaped and changed her and her life, she tells at
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Photo: Fidi Baum; Copyright: Andi Weiland

Fidi Baum – That's how he rolls


Fidi Baum discovered the love to German rap thanks to the Fantastischen Vier. He did not make his musical passion to his profession. In return, he is a social pedagogue with heart and soul and is committed to the topic of inclusion. What his first act as a federal disability commissioner would be and why Ryan Gosling would be suitable to impersonate Graf Fidi in a film, he tells at
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Photo: Kristof Magnusson; Copyright: Gunnar Klack

Kristof Magnusson – That's how he rolls


Literature in Easy Language is still an exception. That's why writer Kristof Magnusson floats against the tide and writes books in at least Simple Language. What he has never written before, but would like to and how he is connected to Iceland, he tells at
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Photo: Anja Moerstedt; Copyright: private

Anja Moerstedt – That's how she rolls


Anja Moerstedt had to learn to give her body more time: She fell ill with a rare genetic defect from one day to another. But the 45-year-old from Emden remained positive. Through her limitation, she found her mission: to draw attention to discrimination. What moves her and why the way she was educated is important for her life today, she tells us at
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Photo: Lea Voitel; Copyright: privat

Lea Voitel – That's how she rolls


Writing is very important to the blogger Lea Voitel. That's why she is very grateful to her German teacher, who encouraged her to do so at the time. The 20-year-old has found her destiny in self-determined travel. Why a festival visit for her was nevertheless something very special and what she would like to see from the society, she tells us on
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Photo: Tan Caglar; Copyright: Angela Wulf

Tan Caglar – That's how he rolls


Tan Caglar has Turkish roots and uses a wheelchair. In today's society, these are sometimes two reasons why one can be excluded. But the 37-year-old takes it with humor and soon will be touring in Germany with his comedy program. How to get Donald Trump, Bud Spencer and James Bond into one questionnaire, he tells us at
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Photo: Julia Latscha; Copyright: Michael Abril

Julia Latscha – That's how she rolls


Julia Latscha would love to know how her daughter, who has multiple disabilities, sees the world. But even without this knowledge, there are many things in Germany that the author would like to change. What she wants for her daughter and why she can fight like a lioness for her children, but doesn't dare to spend a night in the forest, she tells us at
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Photo: Claudia Böhme; Copyright: fotoresque

Claudia Böhme – That's how she rolls


Sometimes lecturers have a greater influence on students than they may be aware of. Claudia Böhme came up with the idea of bringing together blind and visually impaired people and museums, thanks to a suggestion of the student vocational guidance service. Today, the 46-year-old is a cultural mediator. What else she is interested in besides accessibility in museums, she tells us at
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Photo: Karina Sturm; Copyright: Karina Sturm

Karina Sturm – That's how she rolls


Not all people with disabilities depend on a wheelchair. Many diseases are invisible to other people. Karina Sturm can tell you a thing or two about it. What challenge, besides her disease, the 30-year-old had to overcome while eating with her neighbours and why she secretly dreams of the Nobel Peace Prize, she tells us at
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Photo: Denise Bartels; Copyright: Michael Kröning

Denise Bartels – That's how she rolls


Denise Bartels was raised along the claim: "There is nothing impossible as long as you try hard enough". Since she has the diagnosis Ehlers-Danlos-Syndrome it is sometimes hard for her to satisfy her acquired self. Who helps her in this state of mind and what she thinks about the so called Federal Participation Law, she tells us at
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Photo: Felix Brunner; Copyright: Simon Toplak

Felix Brunner – That's how he rolls


Felix Brunner loves the mountains and even a momentous accident cannot hold him off from his adventurous hobbies. Why he does not believe in limits but in the German pupils, he tells us at
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Photo: Cheering soccer fans at the stadium; Copyright:

Blind soccer fans are on the ball for 90 minutes thanks to match reporting


For nearly 20 years, the "Fanclub Sehhunde; Fußball-Fanclub für Blinde und Sehbehinderte e.V." promotes match reporting for the blind to ensure that its members fully experience a stadium visit. spoke with deputy chairperson Nina Schweppe about the match reporting for the blind and the obstacles that still need to be overcome before full inclusion in stadiums becomes a reality.
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Photo: Click-sonar coach Juan Ruiz while training with a kid; Copyright: Anderes Sehen e.V.,

"Long cane for children is a 'facilitator'– the chance to independently accomplish something"


The long cane offers the possibility to be independent and effectively mobile as a person with visual impairment. Children in particular could get used to him in a playful way. The association "Anderes sehen e.V." has co-developed the children's long cane. spoke to Ellen Schweizer, the founder of the association, about the fact that inclusion is not a burden, but can bring joy.
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Photo: Coco de Bruycker; Copyright: Heike Rost

Coco de Bruycker – That's how she rolls


Coco de Bruycker wants to change the film industry - for people with disabilities. At the age of 21 the girl from Germany dreams big. Which goals she has and why she is not afraid of dancing in the London Underground but does not dare to be part of a flashmob, she tells us at
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Photo: Sven Reusch; Copyright: private

Sven Reusch – That's how he rolls


Depending on Sven Reusch, society would benefit if they would stop thinking in stereotypes. He would rather embrace more space for the uncharted and acceptance for everyone. And because they are known for being out of the box the Ramp'n'Roller Reusch likes Jürgen Klopp and Jürgen Vogel. What it is that Harry Potter is ahead of, Sven Reusch tells us at
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Photo: Sibylle Brandt; Copyright: Christian Endt

Sibylle Brandt – That's how she rolls


To Sibylle Brandt equality, equal opportunity and the right to equal treatment of all people from all walks of life is an important concern. How an accidental meeting with former Chancellor Willy Brandt influenced her and which questions she wishes to be answered by society, she tells us at
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Photo: Bernd Mann; Copyright: Sandra Y. Jacques

Bernd Mann – That's how he rolls


After Christian Kenk told us "How he rolls" in the last week, today it is Bernd Mann's turn. He is the personal assistant of his friend Christian Kenk. What kind of questions the second author of "Schwer behindert, leicht bekloppt" (Heavily disabled, slightly loco) has in mind and which thought from the German philosopher Immanuel Kant he prefers, he tells us at
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Photo: Christian Kenk; Copyright: Sandra Y. Jacques

Christian Kenk – That's how he rolls


Christian Kenk and Bernd Mann are best friends for 25 years now. Their deep friendship has often been smiled at or caused disapproval. But it never changed a thing between their relationship and so they came up with a book called: "Schwer behindert, leicht bekloppt" (Heavily disabled, slightly loco). What else is important to Christian Kenk besides friendship, he tells us at
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Photo: the team of Capjob: Asal-Rothenburger-Huening; Copyright: Felix Huening/Capjob

Capjob: "People with severe disabilities assist job seekers with severe disabilities"


Modern and user-friendly: job seekers are able to indicate their type of disability on the employment portal and search for jobs that are right for them. spoke with founder Felix Hüning about the unique features of Capjob and why virtually all parties could benefit from an inclusive employment landscape.
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Photo: Katrin Gensecke; Copyright: LandesfrauenratLSA

Katrin Gensecke – That's how she rolls


Katrin Gensecke is an expert in her own cause, an inclusion ambassador and wants to change something politically. It is important for her to see that every person is unique. She wonders when the people themselves will be focussed again in our society. Who influences and supports her the most and what it’s all about with Latin-American rhythms, she tells us at
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Photo: Lisa Schütte; Copyright: private

Lisa Schütte – That's how she rolls


Lisa Schütte is a family person, dog lover and has diabetes type 1. How life feels like with this disease, she writes on her blog What else is important to her except her family and friends and her dog Nero and how Batman, Emma Watson and Norway fit together, she tells us at
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Photo: Björn Schulz; Copyright: Hobbyquerschnitt

Björn Schulz – That's how he rolls


Björn Schulz is a cheerful person. Being an interested person as well he would like to know how the city of Florence manages to make almost all historical buildings accessible - and why in Germany it is still impossible due to monument protection. Why he has never been to Wacken OpenAir yet and who influenced his sense of humor, he tells us at
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Photo: Anja Bohr; Copyright: sags-leicht

Anja Bohr – That's how she rolls


If you're asking Anja Bohr, every human being has the right to understand and to be understood. That's the reason she learned sign language. While she would be afraid of being Commissioner for the Disabled, there's not much more she wouldn't dare. Which question the sign language assistant would like to get an answear to, she tells us at
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Photo: Florian Adler; Copyright: Tim de Gruisbourne

"Inclusive communication design is both accessible and attractive"


For many, recognizing and understanding characters is an important prerequisite to social participation. Inclusive communication design helps people with visual impairments to accomplish this. spoke with designer and expert of the German Association for Blind and Visually Impaired People, Florian Adler. He has developed a digital guide to inclusive communication design.
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Photo: Jan-Oliver Wülfing; Copyright: private

Jan-Oliver Wülfing – That's how he rolls


Jan-Oliver Wülfing wants to influence his personal assistants in the long run: with being more open-minded or more aware of accessibility. As a federal disability commissioner, he would make everything more inclusive. In the movie about his life things would be heating up – instead of tearjerker a bank would be robbed. What kind of role dancing also plays in his life, he tells us at
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Photo: Sabine Ochaba; Copyright: Brigitte Geiselhart

Sabine Ochaba – That's how she rolls


Sabine Ochaba loves to travel. After she visited Burma, the USA, Cuba, New Zealand and Iceland, she found a new destination for 2019. Which one it is and what Nina Hoss, Veronica Ferres and Nicole Kidman have in common with her, she tells at
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Photo: Sebastian Schild; Copyright: private

Sebastian Schild – That's how he rolls


Sebastian Schild always finds the silver lining. The public speaker and hypnosis coach uses his strength to motivate others in order to define his profession. Where his positivism comes from and which kind of philosophical questions are running through his head, when he's not helping people to find their inner joy, he tells us at
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Photo: Ute Göres; Copyright: Ute Göres

Ute Göres – That's how she rolls


Accessibility – this is especially near and dear to Ute Göres. That is also why her first official act as a Commissioner for the Disabled would concern this topic. Why her parents are particularly important to her and why it would be nice, if Ingrid Bergmann would still be alive, she tells as at
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Photo: Marlies Hübner; Copyright: Misha Verollet

Marlies Hübner – That's how she rolls


A society full of diversity is something Marlies Hübner really cares about. So she steps up for the voiceless, because inclusion of people with any kind of disability is something that matters to her a lot. What she additionally thinks about diving and who inspires her the most, she tells us at
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Photo: Samira Mousa; Copyright: GoodBY / Erik Schütz

Samira Mousa – That's how she rolls


For Samira Mousa a positive approach to chronic diseases is very important. Such diagnoses can be the reason for a new start: living healthier, taking better care of oneself. That is something that she herself lives and constantly makes a subject of discussion in her blog. What she thinks about hiking thousands of kilometers and why a tired cat makes her laugh, she tells us at
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Photo: Benjamin Piwko; Copyright: Brigitte S. Werner

Benjamin Piwko – That's how he rolls


Whether in the meadow under the starry sky or alone in the desert – the actor and martial arts teacher Benjamin Piwko wants to feel and experience nature as close as possible. He wants to lead as a good example and give courage to other people. Why he likes Iron Man and what the beautiful soul is all about, he tells us at
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Photo: Katrin Sickert; Copyright: Katrin Sickert

Katrin Sickert – That's how she rolls


That people see the positive skills of others first, and not their shortcomings – that is Katrin Sickerts heartfelt wish. But also traveling is very high on her wish list. She can laugh about many things – and she does it happily and loud. Why compliments and appreciation are important to her and what kind of role for pupils she has in mind, she tells us at
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Photo: Hauke Hückstädt; Copyright: Bookster Frankfurt Stephan Jockel

"Hardly any texts by famous authors are specifically written in Simple Language"


Literature should be accessible to all – including people who depend on texts written in Simple English. A project in Frankfurt, Germany, now wants to make this possible. spoke with Hauke Hückstädt, the director of the Literaturhaus Frankfurt about the "Frankfurt, deine Geschichte. Literatur in Einfacher Sprache" project.
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Photo: Sandra Glöckler; Copyright: Rolli auf Trab

"Horse riding is a sport people with and without impairments are able to experience together on equal footing"


More self-confidence and independence – things you can learn from horse riding for example. People with disabilities can take this important step with "Rolli auf Trab" (English: Trotting with Wheelchairs). spoke with Sandra Glöckler of "Rolli auf Trab" about the lust for life that horse riding inspires and the interaction and experiences with the animals.
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Photo: Jordan Luce; Copyright: private

Jordan Luce - That's how he rolls


23-year-old Jordan Luce is a professional wheelchair basketball player. Therefore, you can find him quite often in the gym. But his interests are not only in sporty, but also in animals. That’s why he would love to rescue injured animals. Still, he can laugh about an incident with a duck. What this is all about and which question he would like to have an answer to, he tells us at
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Photo: Jan Nic Arnold; Copyright: M. Arnold

Jan Nic Arnold - That's how he rolls


Jan Nic Arnold is all about one topic: sports. Whether it is handball, athletics or swimming, the fifteen-year-old from Stuttgart can hardly be stopped. But also his friends and especially his father play an important role in his life. He has his eyes firmly on his big dream and so his next stop is already clear. You can find at what this is.
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Photo: Simone Plaschke; Copyright: private

Simone Plaschke - That's how she rolls


Courage plays an important role in the life of Simone Plaschke. And this does not only regard the planned skydiving experience, but much more the process of learning to be true to oneself and to show what kind of person one is. What this is exactly about, what she connects with cranes and ravens and what she thinks about topics like dying, death and grief, she tells us at
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Photo: Danny-Ralph Cäsar; Copyright: Kevin Roeper

Danny-Ralph Cäsar - That's how he rolls


A fair and emancipated world for everyone – that is what Danny-Ralph Cäsar wishes for. In order to make this dream become reality, he is activiley involved in politics. His motto: Together many things are possible! Who has impressed and influenced him the most so far and what he has not dared to do yet, he tells us at
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Photo: Mischa Gohlke plays the e-guitar on stage; Copyright: Stephan Olbrich

Music and hearing impairment: "Music is an universal language that doesn’t need words"


Music breaks down boundaries – that’s something the Association "Grenzen sind relativ e.V. - Kultur, Gesellschaft und Inklusion" clearly shows. Initiator and project manager Mischa Gohlke is a professional musician, who has been hearing impaired and nearly deaf since birth. He wants our society to get excited about a holistic approach to inclusion with the help of music.
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Photo: Elke Ederer; Copyright: Anna Chalupar (a.flower)

Elke Ederer - That's how she rolls


"Be bold and wild and wonderful" – Elke Ederer gladly gives the advice of Pipi Longstocking to other people. Lucky Luke also plays an important role in her life – next to her boyfriend, her dog and her diabetes. To this, she devotes a whole homepage. And what it is all about with an animal sanctuary and Jim Morrison, she tells us at
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Photo: Kim Elena do Calvário Moquenco; Copyright: private

Kim Elena do Calvário Moquenco - That's how she rolls


Whether it is ice skating, modeling or writing a blog – trying out new things and fulfilling herself is especially important for Kim Elena do Calvário Moquenco. Also, she has many ideas for her assignment as German Federal Commissioner for the Disabled. Who are her heroes and what makes her angry about movies portraying people with disabilities, she tells us at
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Photo: Melinda Litzendorf; Copyright: private

Melinda Litzendorf - That's how she rolls


Never give up and always stand your ground – despite a stroke of fate. This is an advice the tattooist Melinda Litzendorf not only hands out to others, but also follows herself. Besides her dogs, especially her family is near and dear to the eightfold mother Melinda Litzendorf. Which role her husband plays in her life and why Snapchat makes her laugh heartily, she tells us at
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Photo: Lydia Zoubek; Copyright: private

Lydia Zoubek - That's how she rolls


Lydia Zoubek wishes for a better acceptance of people with disabilities in our society. In order to give an insight into her life as a blind woman, the mother and housewife blogs about her everyday life. In what kind of way we caught her and where she wants to take a look behind the scenes, she tells us on
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Photo: Erdin Ciplak; Copyright: Elvan Karakütük

Erdin Ciplak - That's how he rolls


With his project "BlindLife" Erdin Ciplak tries to address the topic of blindness and visual impairment in a relaxed way. Among other things, he reports on auxiliary means and everyday problems. How his Taekwon-Do coach helps him to master his everyday life and what a dream he connects with a Mercedes CLS AMG, he tells us at
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Photo: Hands on a book printed in Braille; Copyright:

Books for the blind: "IT corporations lead the way. They consider accessibility a selling point"


A wizarding student who triumphs over evil. A girl who meets the love of her life. Literature has many facets and captivates us with wonderful stories day in and day out. Yet not everyone has access to these texts because accessible books for blind or visually impaired people are few and far between.
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Photo: Maria Langstroff; Copyright: private

Maria Langstroff - That's how she rolls


In the life of Maria Langstroff several people play an important role. They give her not only support but also courage and strength. The student and authoress has an unknown muscle disorder and enjoys her life to the fullest. Why not an actress, but her mother should represent her in the movie about her life and which comedian makes her laugh, she tells us at
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Photo: Boris Guentel; Copyright: Johannes Daitche/Boris Guentel

Boris Guentel - That's how he rolls


Do not think so much, just do it – this has always been Boris Guentel's motto for already a long time. He wants a better cooperation in society and that people with disabilities are not prejudiced. Because everyone should get the chance to convince with his or her abilities. What kind of role his "Sensei" plays in his life and which challenge awaits him soon, he tells us at
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Photo: Silke Pan; Copyright: Anny Thirion -

Silke Pan - That's how she rolls


Inclusive encounters between people with and without disabilities are near and dear to Silke Pan. That is why from her point of view inclusion should be taught and lived as early as possible. How she would like to bring peace to the world and why life in general is an unique opportunity, she tells us at
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Photo: Jochen Wier; Copyright: Jochen Wier

Jochen Wier - That's how he rolls


Equal opportunities and acceptance of everybody by everybody – this is what is near and dear to Jochen Wier. For him this can be lowered curb stones as well as an unconditional basic income. What has been hindering him from paragliding until now and why would like to be blind for a certain amount of time, he tells us at
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Photo: Sema Gedik at work; Copyright: Valerie Diedenhoff

Fashion: At eye level with little people


Every little person should be able to buy beautiful clothes yet there are still no fashionable items available in standard sizes. That’s something Sema Gedik wants to change – with her project titled "Auf Augenhöhe" (English: At Eye Level). talked with the designer about her inspiration, her goals and the obstacles she had to overcome.
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Photo: Viola Steinbeck; Copyright: private

Viola Steinbeck - That's how she rolls


If she had enough time and a companion, Viola Steinbeck would really love to travel across the USA. And although it is not possible at the moment, she holds on to this dream. Which question she would like to have an answer to and why her grandparents are her one and only, she tells us on
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Photo: Ina Schallenberg; Copyright: private

Ina Schallenberg - That's how she rolls


Her family is really near and dear to Ina Schallenberg, especially her son Jayden. To what extend her loved-ones are also the reason to not letting a dream come true, what she thinks about the Federal Participation Law and why Mila Kunis should represent her in a movie about her life, she tells us at
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Photo: Patrick Dohmen in the LernLaden; Copyright: WDR/EUKOBA

Accessibility: "We need a shift in awareness in the retail sector"


Shopping with a disability is no easy feat: almost every store is not accessible. But what does accessibility in retail actually mean? spoke with Patrick Dohmen of the EUKOBA Association about the idea behind the LernLaden (English: Learning Store) and the awareness and sensitization project for retailers, employees and apprentices.
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Photo: Tina Paulick; Copyright: Silke Paulick

Tina Paulick - That's how she rolls


Studying abroad being visually impaired needs more preparation, but it is also worth it: Since October Tina Paulick is living in Ireland and blogging about her experience. She wants more accessibility in the internet and explains that life is not defined by a disability. Why she would like to be her dog and what is important for her, she tells us at
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Photo: Tabea Hosche; Copyright: Britt Schilling

Tabea Hosche - That's how she rolls


Tabea Hosche is a journalist and filmmaker. But not Hollywood is in her focus, but rather people with disabilities. She wants to report about people just the way they are - not pitying, not heroizing, not only with regard to disability and its consequences. Why she would like to slip into the body of her daughter for a week, she tells us at
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Photo: Dr. Carsten Rensinghoff; Copyright: Andrea Rensinghoff

Dr. Carsten Rensinghoff - That's how he rolls


Nothing about us without us! This motto of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is what Dr. Carsten Rensinghoff demands for decisions in politics concerning people with disabilities. This would be the foundation for comprehensive inclusion. Where else he sees some problems in this regard and who influenced him the most, he tells us at
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Image: Christine Tschuschner; Copyright: Peter Magner, Neuss

Christine Tschuschner - That's how she rolls


She studies hearing impairment pedagogy, is an author at and translates songs into sign language: Christine Tschuschner wants to live in a self-determined way – also with capital resources. That’s why it is important for her that the Federal Participation Law will be optimized. Why she fancies for Cosma Shiva Hagen and which animal she would like to be, she tells us at
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Photo: Martin Habacher; Copyright: Andreas Pöschek

Inclusive storyteller: "You can definitely make a difference and change things"


There are some unique and interesting stories about accessibility and disability. Martin Habacher is someone who tells these stories. His goal is to find and then share them with the world on his YouTube channel. spoke with Martin Habacher about his most beautiful story and his motivation to look beyond what he sees.
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Image: Anne Leichtfuß; Copyright: Martin Langhorst

Anne Leichtfuß - That's how she rolls


For almost a month, the exhibition "Touchdown 21" has been opened by people with and without Down Syndrome in the Federal Art Gallery in Bonn, Germany (Bundeskunsthalle). Anne Leichtfuß has also put a lot of passion into the preliminary work. On she tells us what else moves her besides her work as a translator for Easy (German) Language.
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Photo: Christian Troger; Copyright: Baurecht

Christian Troger - That's how he rolls


People need clear goals for life, says Christian Troger. Therefore his goal is to motivate and inspire others. Everything that is important for him he tries to realize – in professional or private life. He informs us about the legal situation for disabled people in Austria and what he would like to change, he tells us on
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Photo: Ottmar Miles-Paul; Copyright: Eva Buchholz/ISL

Ottmar Miles-Paul - That's how he rolls


Preserving and implementing human rights of people with disabilities is near and dear to Ottmar Miles-Paul. He really wants that there is justice in our world. Therefore, the committed activist fights against the worsening of the German Federal Participation Law – online as well as offline. What kind of idea he definitely wants to realize some day, he tells us on
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Photo: Anouk Schmitt; Copyright: Lukas Kapfer

Anouk Schmitt - That's how she rolls


Togetherness on eye level – that is what Anouk Schmitt likes to advocate for. People should act with each other exactly this way, no matter what sex, religion or disability they have. She tells us on, why she wants to be a child again and what makes her partner so special.
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Photo: Matthias Klei in front of a graffiti; Copyright: Matthias Klei

Matthias Klei - That's how he rolls


Matthias Klei loves to overcome boundaries, likes to face personal challenges and tries to realize his dreams - for example a trip around the world. An inclusive society which is geared to disadvantaged people would make things much easier. Why Christoph Waltz would be the perfect cast for him in a movie, and what is getting on his nerves, he tells us at
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Photo: Jann Kessler in a discussion; Copyright: Fünf Seen Film Festival/Pavel Broz

Listening and understanding: Documentary filmmaker portrays seven people with MS


It is called the disease with a thousand faces: multiple sclerosis (MS) manifests itself very differently in different people. Many don’t like to talk about their illness and the subsequent restrictions it entails. spoke with Jann Kessler, the director of the documentary film "Multiple Fates - About the Struggle with One’s Own Body" about his personal connection to MS.
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Photo: Lars Hemme with flatcap; Copyright: Lars Hemme

Lars Hemme - That's how he rolls


Lars Hemme is actually pleased with his life, but he keeps on asking himself when disabled people are no longer treated as second-class citizens. Therefore he would like to speak to Ms. Merkel. Why he has not been on the Way of St. James yet and what he can laugh about, he tells us on
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Photo: Theresa Steinkellner with sunglasses; Copyright: Theresa Steinkellner

Theresa Steinkellner - That's how she rolls


Being braver and free from doubts – if this was Theresa Steinkellner, she would simply grab her backpack and go hiking. For her, being free is just as important as appreciating people and showing them respect and empathy – for example in her job as a personal assistant. Why tomato juice is a mystery for her, she tells us at
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Photo: Stefanie Batzer; Copyright: private

Stefanie Batzer - That's how she rolls


Stefanie Batzer can sometimes attract attention so that streetlights have to suffer from it. Looking at all the injustices in the world, she would like our society to become open-minded towards all people finally. How she would like to change the world of work and what she lacks the courage for, she tells us at
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Photo: Dennis Winkens with a hawk on his arm; Copyright: private

Dennis Winkens - That's how he rolls


Dennis Winkens would like to win the lottery and to go skydiving – but unfortunately, neither the numbers nor the weather played along yet. But much more important to him are advancements concerning accessibility and inclusion, best by removing all tax limits. Which question he is asking himself and what he would like to be, he tells us on
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Photo: Kassandra Ruhm dancing with dancing partner; Copyright: Kay Michalak

Kassandra Ruhm - That's how she rolls


Her singularity makes her her own role model – Kassandra Ruhm is committed to a better Federal Participation Law, equal rights for everyone and she wants to create accessibility both in live and in thinking. Why female actors can have some more kilos and why people generally should show more empathy, she tells us on
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Photo: Meike Mittmeyer-Riehl; Copyright: Dennis Riehl

Meike Mittmeyer-Riehl - That's how she rolls


Discovering new cultures and people and coming closer to herself as a consequence – Meike Mittmeyer-Riehl loves travelling and her cat which makes her laugh every day. She wants to put the topic of young stroke patients more into public’s eye and advocates for a more tolerant world with more humanity. What she has always been wanting to do, she tells us on
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Photo: Anja Hebel; Copyright: private

Anja Hebel - That's how she rolls


Anja Hebel is a fighter. She does what she wants to do and never bounces back. Being an aerialist at Cirque du Soleil would be the perfect job for her. But what she wishes for the most, is giving not directly visible disabilities more attention. Which questions she is asking herself and why Elizabeth Taylor would be the perfect cast for the movie about her life, she tells us on
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Photo: Arne Schöning; Copyright: Gestochen Scha(r)f – Fotografie

Arne Schöning - That's how he rolls


His passion is photography: Arne Schöning is always looking for new inspiration, does not take life too serious and has a refreshing self-mockery. What he dislikes about the title German Federal Commissioner for the Disabled and what he always wanted to do, he tells us at
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Photo: Helle-Viv Helle Magnerud at the harbour between a bulky iron chain; Copyright: private

Helle-Viv Helle Magnerud - That's how she rolls


Helle-Viv Helle Magnerud likes metal music, is in love with Captain Jack Sparrow and would like to understand her cat at least once. She advocates more public commitment, disability rights and their realisation. What kind of dreams she has and why dolphins and pirates play a role in it, she tells us on
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Photo: Marit Müller; Copyright: studioline Photostudios GmbH

Marit Müller - That's how she rolls


Marit Müller’s life is like a blockbuster: From romance over drama to western, it includes just everything. And the protagonist herself convinces with unconventional thinking and a healthy self-confidence. Which questions bother her and why does she want to kick some people’s shin, she tells us on
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Photo: Tobias Polsfuß laughing with some of his housemates; Copyright: Daniela Buchholz

Looking for and finding inclusive shared housing options at WOHN:SINN


A look at the living situation of many people with learning disabilities reveals they often only get to choose between living in care homes or their families’ homes. Many of them are not aware of the numerous inclusive shared housing options that gradually emerge in Germany and where people with or without disabilities live together.
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Photo: Lara Möhlenbeck; Copyright: private

Lara Möhlenbeck - That's how she rolls


Lara Möhlenbeck wants more accessibility and more intensive research. She has a big heart, values honesty, her health and having time for herself. On she tells us why she likes the German actress Alexandra Maria Lara so much and what else is important to her, she tells us on
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Image: Petra Wontorra dances with a man; Copyright: private

Petra Wontorra - That's how she rolls


For Petra Wontorra one thing is very important: Germany needs a good Federal Participation Law and has to destroy barriers, which are in many heads. Every human being should be able to equally take part in all areas of life. Which questions she would like to get an answer to and what kind of role a yoghurt plays in this context, she tells us on
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Image: Young man with glasses, in a wheelchair, smiles into the camera; Copyright: Jan Philipp Fromm

Chris Robertson - That's how he rolls


Diving with sharks and whales? Maybe not! But Chris Robertson also likes the smaller pleasures like ice cream with almonds. At, he tells us more about the things that matter to him and what role Tyrion Lannister, a full beard and unicorns play here!
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Image: Kim Denise Hansmann in front of her show's icon

Kim Denise Hansmann - That's how she rolls


Young, fully inclusive and on air in German TV: this is Kim Denise Hansmann. At, she tells us what is important to her, what she fights for and what else she wants to achieve.
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Image: Luisa Eichler; Copyright: Andi Weiland |

Luisa Eichler - That's how she rolls


Luisa Eichler loves enjoying the sun, singing and traveling. Just recently, she traveled from Würzburg to Berlin especially for a demonstration against the Federal Participation Law. For what else she campaigns alongside to such actions, what kind of language she would like to learn and what is going on with her hair texture, she reveals on
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Photo: Marcella Becker and her son play with sand

Marcella Becker - That's how she rolls


Marcella Becker is a proud mother of a child with autism. She wishes that people look over the rim of their tea cup. She would like to live in a world where it is normal to be different. A world where other people give her son obviously a ladder to pick an apple like all the others. What she also wishes for, she tells us at
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Photo: Norbert Sandmann

Norbert Sandmann - That's how he rolls


Fighting for accessibility in the head of local politicians and other decision makers and counseling other affected people, this is what is very important for Norbert Sandmann. That persistence can be worth the effort, he has already experienced on his own. How he sees life in general, he tells us at
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Photo: Heiko Mersch

Heiko Mersch - That's how he rolls


Multicultural and diverse Berlin – this is where Heiko Mersch lives. However, he dreams of going somewhere else – far away: he wants to ride with his bicycle through the Outback of Australia. Where and with whom he wants to make a few fine adjustments and why of all things a woman should play the leading role in the movie of his life, he tells us at
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Photo: Michael Hausmann

Michael Hausmann - That's how he rolls


Michael Hausman has diabetes mellitus type 3 and had a stroke three years ago. Since then, he campaigns for more information about this disease and also runs a blog on this topic. Who always supports him and which question he wants to be answered, he tells us at
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Photo: Marcel Gerber

Marcel Gerber - That's how he rolls


Family, friends and wheelchair basketball – these are the elementary things in the life of Marcel Gerber. His next goal: he wants to try driving a kart. Why Will Smith should represent him in the movie about his life and what he knows about God, he tells us at
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Photo: Silke Naun-Bates

Silke Naun-Bates - That's how she rolls


Just daring to live happy and free against all reservations – that’s exactely the way Silke Naun-Bates chose. Her life nowadays as a successful author, partner and mother proves her right. Why she wishes for accessibility, although she does not really depend on it, and how she handles fear, she tells us on
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Older We asked interviews


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Older How we roll interviews


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Photo: Agnes Gebler

Agnes Gebler- That's how she rolls


Those who are open-minded and interested in other people – also in those who are different – have less prejudices. That’s at least what Agnes Gebler thinks. But she also understands first fears of contact. What matters to her is the willingness to approach to others. What else is important to her and which questions she would like to be answered, she tells us on
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Photo: Sigrid Arnade

"Ability4Refugees platform wants to provide auxiliary means for refugees with disabilities"


Many people who had to leave their home country traveled in a wheelchair or used crutches. The stress of this escape was at times even more exhausting and taxing for some than for others. spoke with Sigrid Arnade (ISL e.V.) and Eva-Maria and Andreas Mohn (Andreas Mohn Foundation) about the Ability4Refugees platform that aims to improve the availability of auxiliary means for refugees.
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Photo: Melanie Eilert

Melanie Eilert - That's how she rolls


Enjoy every moment and make your own experiences – that is what is important in life for Melanie Eilert. Alongside her political interest, she is very passionate about musicals. How this fact would influence making a movie about her life, which musical actress could represent her the best way and what her answer to all questions is, she tells us at
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Photo: Anna Siuda

Anna Siuda - That's how she rolls


Because of the fact that Anna Siuda is deaf, many people think she is not capable of doing several things. But she tries not to let herself be pulled down and campaigns for accessibility for everybody. What kind of dreams she has and what kind of advice she gives other people, she tells us on
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Photo: Ju Wheelymum

Ju Wheelymum - That's how she rolls


Ju Wheelymum would like to shout it out to the world: "We exist – please see us!" The 30-year-old mother continuously writes for her blog to focus at parents with a chronical diseases and an impairment. On she tell us who is her tower of strength and whose strange way of singing makes her happy.
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Photo: map of Germany

Accessibility should be considered from the start for medical practices


Disabled parking spaces, lower counters, stair lifts, and elevators – those are just a few of the provisions of an accessible medical practice. Yet many physician offices don’t meet these requirements. To make it easier for people with disabilities to find available accessible medical practices close-by, the "Accessible Practice" project has created a directory.
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Photo: Annika Möller

Annika Möller - That's how she rolls


Berlin is beautiful! Still, now and then one can think about going elsewhere - like Annika Möller. Read at if she will put this plan into action or if she will rather stay and enjoy the sun and Berlin’s air in Lichtenberg!
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Photo: Timo Ameruoso with his horse Paolo

Timo Ameruoso - That's how he rolls


Timo Ameruoso wants to leave his mark. He would like to change something in our society – if necessary also with the help of some special tickets. To what extent his role models Muhammad Ali und Bruce Lee have to do something with it and why his coma many years ago made him want to travel to the USA, he tells us on
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Photo: Nicole Franke

Nicole Franke - That's how she rolls


Her family and friends have a save place in the heart of Nicole Franke. But her biggest love is music. That’s why she is a passionate concert visitor who loves to support her artist on site. Who or what makes her laugh and what she thinks about pitifulness, she tells us on
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Photo: Christoph Gockeln

Christoph Gockeln - That's how he rolls


Living one’s life open-minded and true is a matter of course for Christoph Gockeln. In his eyes everybody should also be able to laugh about themselves. He actually really likes to do it. What else is near and dear to the politically commited programer and which two public persons he has a special relation to, he tells us on
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Photo: Iris Westermann

Iris Westermann - That's how she rolls


Whether young or old, disabled or not – people should live in peace and happiness with each other. Also their origin and skin color do not play a role, when it comes to Iris Westermann. For her it is the person itself that counts. On she does not only tell us how tolerance can work out, but she also declares her love to her husband.
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Photo: Petra Ulbrich

Petra Ulbrich - That's how she rolls


Petra Ulbrich wants all people to be kind to each other. But if this does not work on a large scale, then she wishes that it’s at least possible in her small family surrounding – for example in dealing with her children. What she has learned because of them and what kind of shared situations make her laugh, she tells us on
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Photo: Alexandra Hornig

Alexandra Hornig - That's how she rolls


Alexandra Hornig wants to build bridges between the worlds in which people with and without disabilities live – separated from each other according to her. That is why she gives insights into living with a disabled daughter. She wants more tolerance and more togetherness without fears of contact, in order to live inclusion. How this could work, she tells us in
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Photo: Kübra Sekin

Kübra Sekin - That's how she rolls


Kübra Sekin is interested in fashion, studies in Bochum, Germany, and is one of the hosts of the German JAM! web show. At she tells us about her special way of laughing and what exactly makes her friends so special and important to her.
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Photo: Nicole Hotopp

Nicole Hotopp - That's how she rolls


If it was up to Nicole Hotopp people with disabilities should have the opportunity to participate without help of others in public life much better than now. She wishes that accessible entrances or elevators for every building become a matter of course. Whether she would also like to go into politics because of this, she tells us on
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Photo: Peter Klocke

Peter Klocke - That's how he rolls


Every person should be accepted by other people. This is the motto Peter Klocke lives by. That’s also why it goes without saying for him that every person should have the same possibilities and equal rights in our society. What else he really wishes for, he tells us on
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Photo: Anna Hartmann

"Suse" helps abused and battered women and girls with disabilities


Representative studies show: women and girls with disabilities face significantly more violence than women without disabilities. Yet they rarely seek help since their disability often makes access to therespective support systems difficult. The "Suse" Project offers affected persons accessible support services, for instance in the form of Easy English.
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Photo: Corinna Baumhoer

Corinna Baumhoer - That's how she rolls


Not every impairment is obvious at first sight. And if they are not able to see somethhing, the other ones often think you are healthy. This is an experience Corinna Baumhoer has often made so far. What many people don’t see and don’t understand: Her chronic disease brings her to her borders. Where they are and how she handles with them and her fellows, she tells us on
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Photo: Daniel Schließmann

Daniel Schließmann - That's how he rolls


Whether expeditions in foreign countries or action sports – Daniel Schließmann can get enthusiastic about many things. What matters the most to him in this context is to share such experiences and to make them possible for everybody. If he is oriented towards idols for this and what a nature reserve has to do with it, he tells us on
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Photo: Anna Mühlhause

Anna Mühlhause - That's how she rolls


People with disabilities should have equal rights and possibilities in all aspects of life. This is near and dear to pupil Anna Mühlhause – although it should be a matter of course. So also her opinion about feeling pity for disabled people is quite obvious. And she also tells us on, what a wheelchair and a drive-through have to do with her biggest wish.
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Photo: Barbara Fickert; linked to

Barbara Fickert - That's how she rolls


A comfortable film night in the movies? Barbara Fickert would be glad to! But accessible, please! Because she has a severe vision impairment. And whether in the movies or on the streets – until now she has gained a lot of positive experiences with her fellows and their readiness to help her. But what actually would be a nightmare for her, she tells us on
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Photo: meeting in the PIKSL Lab

"PIKSL focuses on the removal of digital barriers"


Digital transformation does not only cause problems for persons with disabilities. Companies are also facing digital barriers they need to overcome. The PIKSL Lab makes digital inclusion its priority: together, individuals with and without disabilities work on removing digital barriers. In this interview with, Project Manager Tobias Marczinzik explains the PIKSL concept.
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Photo: Udo Sist; linked to

Udo Sist - That's how he rolls


Udo Sist would like to live in a tolerant society which faces and obstructs every intolerance and discrimination. But he knows that there are still many intolerant people he has to explain to "that we all are just human beings". Which further experiences he made with people as well as the media and who is one of his best friends, he tells us on
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Photo: Frenze Huth; linked to

Frenze Huth - That's how she rolls


Frenze Huth may be young but already knows that one often has to fight in life in order to achieve ones goals. And she has a lot of goals. But she does not let her physical impairment impede her. What kind of concrete ideas she already has and what is near and dear to her, she tells us on
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Photo: Darleen Jobber; linked to

Darleen Jobber - That's how she rolls


Darleen Jobber wants to show people that she is living a happy life with her disability. For her this is no contradiction. The young woman wishes that people talk to each other more often in order to get rid of their fears of contacts. What she thinks about jokes about her disability and what kind of effect Facebook likes have on her, she tells us on
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Photo: Thomas Olejniczak; linked to

Thomas Olejniczak - That's how he rolls


For Thomas Olejniczak a little dream came true concerning his professional life: He now sales clothes in a fashion store chain in Germany. Not many autistic people with learning disabilities get this kind of possibility. As a successful example of professional inclusion he has lately been awarded with the vilmA award. What kinds of wishes have not been fulfilled yet, he tells us on
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Photo: Caroline Régnard-Mayer; linked to

Caroline Régnard-Mayer - That's how she rolls


Being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) has actually been a chance to take another path for Caroline Régnard-Mayer. This way she started writing, informs people with MS and their relatives. She is also head of a MS self-help group. So she really likes what she does. To what extent she takes her life and also the MS symptoms with a sense of humor, she tells us on
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Photo: Sabine Marina; linked to

Sabine Marina - That's how she rolls


In order to educate people about Multiple Sclerosis and to sensitize them, Sabine Marina prefers films as the best way to do it. With the documentary "Kleine graue Wolke" (English: "Little grey cloud") she has already made her life into a movie. Who she would have also liked to see in her role and what she would like to do at Hamburg Central Station, she tells us on
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Photo: Ludger Steffens

"Judo is ideal for persons with or without disabilities"


A change of gait pattern and paralysis on the right side of the body and particularly of the arm – at first glance, these consequences of a stroke don’t appear to be the best prerequisites to partake in the sport of Judo. Yet Ludger Steffens likes to prove the opposite is true. spoke with the 63-year-old about successes and inclusion in martial arts.
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Photo: Michel Fornasier; linked to

Michel Fornasier - That's how he rolls


Michel Fornasier does not only want to build bridges between people with and without disabilities but he also wants to show what kind of possibilities medical robotics have to offer nowadays. To what extent he himself is a good example for this and which questions make him laugh and dream, he tells us on
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Photo: Jan Karres; linked to

Jan Karres - That's how he rolls


Jan Karres wants to give teenagers and young adults an understanding of the topic disabilities in a casual and humoristic way, in order to reduce insecurities in dealing with disabled people. And that’s exactly what he does on his YouTube channel. What kind of relation he has with Steve Jobs and why he would not want to be th Federal Commissioner for the Disabled, he tells us on
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Photo: Heike Führ; linked to

Heike Führ - That's how she rolls


Having a closer look and not judging too fast – that’s what Heike Führ wants from her environment. For, not every disability is obvious and perceptible for everybody. That’s why she campaigns for enlightenment concerning Multiple Sclerosis and its invisible symptoms. To what extent they also influence her life, she tells us on
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Photo: Ludger Steffens; linked to

Ludger Steffens - That's how he rolls


Judo means the world to him. Already in younger years Ludger Steffens started hunting for the colored belts. After some detours with sports like boxing or rugby and also two strokes later he rediscovered his love for the combat sport judo. What kind of role this sport plays in his everyday life, he tells us on
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Photo: Victoria Michel; linked to

Victoria Michel - That's how she rolls


Victoria Michel says about herself that she is extremely scatterbrained and she can also laugh about it. The student is open-minded and curious about life and the world. That’s why she knows exactly what else she wants to experience. What she can get mad about and who she mentions in the same breath as Goethe and Schiller, she tells us on
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Photo: Martin Frank

"We need to remove obstacles as a society to make participation for persons living with rare diseases possible"


It is estimated that there are over 6,000 types of rare diseases worldwide. Diseases are considered rare when less than 5 in 10,000 persons are affected by a specific disease pattern. Hardly any qualitative information about diagnosis, treatment or networking opportunities is available. Project Manager Martin Frank explains how a new Information Portal for Rare Diseases would like to change that.
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Photo: Peter König; linked to

Peter König - That's how he rolls


All people should be able to live the way they want to. But Peter König knows that therefor the concept of inclusion has to be lived by everybody – especially by decision makers. He himself does his bit to it every day. How he tries to make the town he lives in more accessible and what he thinks about the German inclusion activist Raul Krauthausen, he tells us on
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Photo: Patricia Carl; linked to

Patricia Carl - That's how she rolls


She lives and loves the moment. Patricia Carl commits herself with much blood, sweat and tears for an inclusive dialogue between people. For her commitment for the Federal German Association for People of Short Stature and their Families she has also been awarded last year. What would make her think about a sit-in and why she sometimes prefers a book to a movie, she tells us on
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Photo: JuSu Hubinger; linked to

JuSu Hubinger - That's how she rolls


JuSu Hubinger is a mother of two children. That she gave birth to them after the diagnosis Multiple Sclerosis is as natural to her as the fact that she is living a fulfilled family life with MS. Which funny situations everyday life in a group of four has to offer and to what extend MS has an influence on it, she tells us on
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Photo: Katrin Langensiepen; linked to

Katrin Langensiepen - That's how she rolls


As a politician Katrin Langensiepen wants to show that also people with disabilities can do politics. That's why she is aiming for a good mixture of political commitment and the "classic inclusion topics". Why she should get herself a kick in the pants and what else she has on her mind regarding inclusion, she tells us on
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Photo: Speaker in the Forum

Kinaesthetics: "People learn to pay attention to their own body motions"


Caregiving activities are physically exhausting. This is why it is important both for nursing staff and caregiving family members to optimize their physical movements. Sabine Sieben is a kinesthetic trainer and spoke with about the kinesthetic concept and its advantages for in-home care.
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Photo: Carolin Fischer; linked to

Carolin Fischer - That's how she rolls


Carolin Fischer is able to laugh about herself and lives for modeling. It is really important for her to show that people with disabilities are beautiful – quite natural. No ifs, no buts. What kind of contribution her family made to her today’s self-confidence and why she would like to be a child again, she tells us on
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Photo: Vanessa Franke; linked to

Vanessa Franke - That's how she rolls


Nothing ventured, nothing gained. And what would Vanessa Franke have to lose when she made a long-cherished dream come true? Why this was literally a real altitude flight and how the neighbor’s cat can make the young woman laugh, she tells us on
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Photo: Mischa Gohlke; linked to

Mischa Gohlke - That's how he rolls


Borders are relative to him! With the inclusion song "Being different unites us" (German: "AndersSein vereint") Mischa Gohlke and other artists showed us with the help of music, how holistically lived participation in a society can look like. To what extend all of us are disabled and how strong his love for music and his commitment for inclusion are, he tells us on
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Photo: Karl Matthias Schäfer; linked to

Karl Matthias Schäfer - That's how he rolls


Equal employment opportunities for everybody – if only. Karl Matthias Schäfer would be really happy about it if employers would no longer care whether somebody has a disability or not. What the blind chief executive officer thinks about politics concerning people with disabilities and how he feels about diving and sledge dogs, he tells us on
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Photo: Volker Westermann holding a spoon

"Kitchen and cooking are a bridge to inclusion"


Oftentimes, political questions lack a certain zest, a somewhat different kind of approach. Ever more frequently, this is also rumored to be the case for inclusion. Only a few people can disengage from such stubborn trains of thought. TV chef and host Volker Westermann is one of them. He spoke with about inclusion found in cooking pots.
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Photo: Christof Luckas; linked to

Christof Luckas - That's how he rolls


In first place, Christof Luckas sees the person and not the disability he or she has. With his camera he therefore prefers teasing out the special personality of the portrayed person during the shootings. If he also makes them happy by doing that – perfect. Which country and its people photographically attract him the most, he tells us on
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Photo: Jennifer Sonntag; linked to

Jennifer Sonntag - That's how she rolls


She especially likes "lives with dents". And Sid Vicious does not hang at her walls as a poster anymore, but maybe he was a step on her ladder of knowledge. As an author and an artist, Jennifer Sonntag has pictures like these and a lot more in her head. They sometimes also help her when she is nervous. Read more as she shares some of them with us at!
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Photo: Miriam Langhoff; linked to

Miriam Langhoff - That's how she rolls


People should move towards each other so they can learn from this – regardless if they have a disability or not. Miriam Langhoff wishes for this and she could very well help to accomplish it: Her heart beats for acting. How could she better convey messages, if not this way? At she talks about the things that matter to her also off-stage.
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Photo: André Byszio; linked to

André Byszio - That's how he rolls


Accessible tourism means the world to him. For, André Byszio does not only advise professionally about this topic, but he also loves to travel the world privately. To which destination he did not dare to travel to so far and what he basically requires from the tourism sector, he tells us on
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Photo: Christiane Schweiker; linked to

Christiane Schweiker - That's how she rolls


An illness is not automatically a punishment, but a chance to discover oneself anew. This insight means a lot to Christiane Schweiker, because her own quality of life is near and dear to her. As long as possible she wants to be able to take care of herself independently and to be responsible. If and to what extend mean tripping hazards impair her doing this, she tells us on
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Photo: Nicole Seifert

"Safe mobility starts with the right choice and adaptation of the wheelchair"


Whether it’s a wheelchair or a walker – for people with disabilities, it is crucial to control their own mobility in a competent and safe manner. Yet not everyone truly feels confident in every situation with these assistive devices. That’s why spoke with Nicole Seifert about ways to foster more trust in yourself and others.
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Photo: Annton Beate Schmidt; linked to

Annton Beate Schmidt - That's how she rolls


She does not like all those terms for certain disabilities. That’s why Annton Beate Schmidt invented a different term for herself: Cripster. What exactly that means, what kind of questions relating to policy for the disabled she cares about and what she wants to tell people concerning disabled parking spaces, she tells us on
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Photo: Jenny Bießmann; linked to

Jenny Bießmann - That's how she rolls


Jenny Bießmann is a very model of a globetrotter. If there are at least 25 degree Celsius, the final destination is almost perfect. According to her opinion all people with disabilities should explore the world and involve themselves actively in social life. How and thanks to whom she did this so far, she tells us on
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Photo: Alexander Abasov; linked to

Alexander Abasov - That's how he rolls


Trust and support from your boss is important. Alexander Abasov really appreciates the fact that his boss offered him a fair chance on the first labor market. What kind of role his boss plays in his life and which knowledge he wants to pass on, he tells us on
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Photo: Melanie Wimmer; linked to

Melanie Wimmer - That's how she rolls


Having a penfriend is out of fashion? Not for Melanie Wimmer who keeps in touch this way intensively. Friends, family and also animals are near and dear to her anyway. She is also very interested in fashion and styling so that she acts this out in front of a camera as a hobby model. Why especially Kate Middleton should be playing her role in the movie about her life, she tells us on
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Photo: Sven Neeb; linked to

Sven Neeb - That's how he rolls


With a ready tongue and "being bananas in a positive way" Sven Neeb watches his environment and our society. He is able to live without pity and overprotective help offered by strangers. But the implementation of inclusion and accessibility is very important to him. Why supply of auxiliary means would be his first action as German Federal Commissioner for the Disabled, he tells us on
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Photo: Lina Maria Kotschedoff; linked to

Lina Maria Kotschedoff - That's how she rolls


"I am a blind fish," says Lina Maria Kotschedoff about herself. And every day she shows the world that her visual impairment does not restrict her. Especially with her professional experiences she wants to motivate people to believe in themselves and to fight for their own dreams. How else she would break down walls in the people’s minds, she tells us on
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Photo: Katarina B.; linked to

Katarina B. - That's how she rolls


The diagnosis Multiple Sclerosis (MS) does not mean that life is now less worth living. Katarina B. does not only have this opinion, she herself is also the best example for it. With her blog she wants to encourage people and give them hope. What everyday life looks like for her and which people influence her, she tells us on
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Photo: Laura Gentile; linked to

Laura Gentile - That's how she rolls


Like for many other young women fashion is an important everyday topic for Laura Gentile. That is why she shows on a regular basis in her blog that fashionable clothing and a wheelchair are not contradiction. But the Austrian woman also dreams of changing the world and more respect. Who made her the person she is today, she tells us on
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Photo: Oliver Straub; linked to

Oliver Straub - That's how he rolls


From Lake Constance to Berlin – this is his aim. In order to pay attention to the so called Bundesteilhabegesetz (Federal Participation Law), Oliver Straub is going to travel this distance with his electric wheelchair this summer. Why this tour and his independence are so important to him and which role his personal assistants play, he tells us on
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Photo: Dorothea Pitschnau-Michel

"World MS Day calls attention to the need for inclusion"


Since 2009, the World MS Day calls attention to multiple sclerosis and the people who live with this disease of the central nervous system around the world. spoke with Dorothea Pitschnau-Michel, Secretary of the German Multiple Sclerosis Society (DMSG), about this special day, which always takes place on the last Wednesday of May.
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Photo: Dagmar Marth

"The patient’s needs determine the conversation in peer counseling"


Article 26 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities asks for the support of persons with disabilities in the form of so-called peers, who are in the same situation. The concept of peer counseling is therefore increasingly being implemented. Educational researcher Dagmar Marth has counseled persons with amputations both in a voluntary and professional capacity for nine years.
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Photo: Birgit Nofftz using a mask for speech recognition

"Speech-to-text interpreters assist in equal access communication"


There is an alternative for hearing impaired or deaf persons, who are not able to or don’t want to communicate with the help of sign language: so-called speech-to-text interpreters reproduce spoken words into a text format onto paper, computer monitors or screens. inquired with the German Association of Speech-to-Text Interpreters and gained some insight into this profession.
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Photo: Hedwig Reiffs with a visitor and a wheelchair driver

"Comprehensive accessibility would benefit all of us"


What is it like when you have to manage everyday life in a wheelchair? And what effects do age-related limitations have on mobility? Interested parties can experience this with the help of a wheelchair course and an age simulation suit. spoke with Hedwig Reiffs from the Self-Help Organization of Physically Disabled Persons Bonn, who recently attended this kind of adventure day.
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Photo: Lisa Polk und Christian Schinnerl

"hemdless is not just meant to represent disability fashion, but to also involve our society as a whole"


Without a shirt. That’s the translation for the project name hemdless. It alludes to the fact that people affected by trisomy 21 (Down syndrome) usually have a hard time finding clothes that fit. Young designers Lisa Polk and Christian Schinnerl didn’t want to leave it at that. spoke with both of them about the benefit of angled buttonholes and the "6th Shirt".
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Photo: Hand holding a microphone; Copyright:

We asked ...

Celebrity, expert or those affected - in this section they all get to weigh in. And they have many interesting things to say. talks to each of them about current events in politics, recreation and lifestyle.
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Graphic: How we roll; Copyright: beta-web/Schmitz

How we roll

What makes other people actually happy in life? If you ever wondered, you have come to the right place. talks with a variety of people about happiness, desires and life itself.
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